Back To 2005 - Chapter 953

Published at 19th of January 2023 05:26:43 AM

Chapter 953: Countermeasures

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  Chapter 953 Countermeasures

  According to the current situation, Quanpin will launch a total of 21 brands, most of which are mid-to-high-end brands from Pengcheng.

   In terms of discounts, it is similar to Famous Products Exchange, and the sales volume in two hours is quite impressive, with visual estimates exceeding 5 million.

  The other party did not promote at all before going online, and only started to vigorously promote it on several mainstream portal websites after going online. It was obvious that they rushed to take advantage of the popularity of Famous Products from the very beginning.

  However, Mingpinhui has no way to effectively target the opponent.

   It can be said that the new special sale market that has just been opened has been severely bitten off by a piece of meat.

  Another question is just as Zhou Anan expected, the major shareholder behind Quanpinhui is an investment institution, and that investment institution is under the name of Jing Yuxiu.

   "How does Mr. Jiang plan to deal with it?"

  After listening to the detailed analysis report, Zhou Anan asked President Jiang who was in charge of the affairs.

   In this regard, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of professionals.

"At present, we can only rely on accelerating promotion and contacting brand merchants. In terms of promotion, we can sign an endorsement contract with Liu Feifei as soon as possible, shoot advertisements, put them in the mainstream media market, and establish the image of our website. In terms of contacting brand merchants, we can improve the quality of our products. Prices, take as much inventory as possible from mid-to-high-end brands. Our website can maintain low discounts through subsidies.”

  Although the whole product will be released in a very short time, Jiang Minchi, who has worked hard in Ahri for many years, is not too flustered, and has already thought of an effective countermeasure.

   However, whether it is promotion or contact with brand merchants, huge financial support is required.

   That is to say, for the cake-grabbing Quanpinhui, Mingpinhui can only use the simplest and most wealthy way of spending money to suppress the other party and occupy the share of this emerging special sale market.

  If you spend money, the original 55 million funds, the current remaining 40 million or so, is definitely not enough, and everyone needs to invest more.

   Speaking of this, Jiang Minchi, the president and the third largest shareholder, felt a little heartbroken.

  He originally wanted Famous Products to become a hit, and with the qualifications to negotiate with major brand merchants, he felt that in the future, he didn't need too much investment and could even turn losses into profits in a short period of time, and develop the website into a unicorn in the industry.

  Which would have thought that there would be such a shameless competitor without making a sound, menacing and threatening.

   "I agree to additional investment."

   After President Jiang finished speaking, Liu Xijian agreed to the plan.

   To build this kind of shopping website, there is no one who does not spend money. Their JD Mall has achieved its current status by spending money from various investment institutions.

  Now that Famous Place is a hit, the situation is very good. Although there are shameless plagiarists competing, Famous Place, which has the upper hand, will sooner or later become the No. 1 in the industry as long as it is willing to spend money.

  In the current situation, whoever can spend more money will have the last laugh.

   Liu Xijian, who is experienced in fighting, is not at all afraid of this point.

"I agree."

  Both shareholders agreed, and Zhou Anan naturally agreed too, just as he still has ample funds now.

  Currently, Mingpinhui still occupies a great advantage, whether it is sales or popularity.

  The next step is to compete for after-sales service and spend money to win more brand partners. Whoever can persist until the end will have the last laugh.

  After-sales service, thanks to the logistics system built by JD Mall for many years, Mingpinhui is not afraid at all, and can even increase its advantages in this regard.

  Brand partners, it depends on who offers a good price, that is, the level of the website's own subsidies. This is the main direction of spending money.

  “.Then add another 55 million funds.”

  After confirming the additional investment, the three discussed the additional investment amount and agreed to double the additional investment amount.

  The wealthy Zhou Anan also lent 3 million to Jiang Minchi in his personal capacity, with an annual interest of 5 points, so as not to affect President Jiang's own shares.

  He forgot that the shareholder of Mingpinhui is Huaxia Fengwu, and the additional investment will not use his own funds at all.

  Having money but no place to spend it, really.

   "In addition, in terms of after-sales, we must do a good job."

  When several founders of Mingpinhui were discussing countermeasures, the company headquarters was in the office of the president of Quanpinhui in Pengcheng, and Jing Yuxiu, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, drank red wine leisurely with the others.

   "Brother Yu Xiu's move to borrow the wind is really wonderful."

   Glancing at the nearly eight-figure sales displayed on the computer page on the desk, Ning Jie smiled and complimented his leading brother.

  Before, he still didn't understand why the other party didn't have any advertisements before going online, but now the truth is revealed, and he, the shareholder, has to admire it very much.

  Who would have thought that the other party would want to take advantage of the popularity of Mingpinhui, and spend money to promote the homepages of several mainstream portal websites at the same time as the website is online. It has to be said to be a brilliant idea.

  In just over two hours, it broke through 7 million sales. Seeing that breaking through 10 million sales is not a problem at all, such a record is considered excellent among domestic shopping websites.

   It is conceivable that this website, which he invested 2 million, is definitely a profitable business.

  If this website can become a big company with a market value of several billion, Ning Jie would be a little excited just thinking about it, wishing he could fight with his little lover for hundreds of rounds.

   "Not only is it wonderful, but Jing Shao's trick is wonderful, and it may be written into textbooks in the future."

   After taking a sip of red wine, Sheng Liunian, one of the shareholders, also admired each other without hesitation.

   It was the result of years of hard work that he was able to catch up with the Jing family.

   It's just that he didn't expect that an unexpected investment to get closer to the relationship could reap extremely rich returns.

   Can’t say, it’s a surprise that their investment company can blow up a wave of market in a fleeting time, driving the enthusiasm of investors.

   "Mr. Sheng was joking, it's just a trick, not worth mentioning."

  Listening to the compliments of the two, Jing Yuxiu, who maintained a refined demeanor, calmly accepted the compliments of the two, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth represented his inner joy.

  After being rejected by that almost humiliating person, Jing Yuxiu directly thought of a way to draw fire from the bottom of the pot, and asked someone to secretly build a shopping website.

  Relying on his family's relationship in Pengcheng, Jing Yuxiu got the inventory of 21 brands at a very low price, and waited for the Famous Products to go online to borrow the other party's advantage.

  As far as he knows, before the launch of Famous Products, there was a lot of momentum, not only investing a lot in promotion, but even investing a lot of subsidies in brand inventory.

  And his Quanpinhui has made a lot of profit in this sales link, and it has already surpassed the other party.

  Drinking wine, seeing why Wuqiu remained silent, Jing Yuxiu smiled and asked the other party: "Old He, what are you thinking?"

   "I was wondering, does your elder brother have any influence?"

  Different from the optimism of the other two latecomers, He Wuqiu, who knew the whole process of the establishment of Quanpin, was a little worried.

   You know, when Jing Yuxiu tried to test the other party, that person who was far away in the capital had sternly warned the big brother of the Jing family.

   What they are doing now is tantamount to challenging each other.

   "You think too much, we are a legitimate business competition, what can the people of the Wang family say. Besides, our website has a bright future, how can it be possible for my elder brother?"

  Hearing He Wuqiu's worries, Jing Yuxiu, who looked indifferent, comforted him, and the phone rang just in time.

   Seeing his elder brother's number displayed on the screen, Jing Yuxiu quickly put down his wine glass, signaled the people next to him to silence, and then picked it up cautiously: "Brother."

  (end of this chapter)

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