Published at 18th of November 2020 07:09:59 PM

Chapter 162: 162

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"Now," "Wow, I want to take a bath ..." I was raged and I was able to return to the inn before noon with the rising sun.

The worst reasons are completely different. With me who was desperately escaping the sand dragon attack with the "evasion" skill. Mr. Sa, who was tossing and throwing off the attacking sand dragons.

Eventually, the swarm of sand dragons that had been mountainous had been wiped out. It is a dangerous dragon attacking adventurers and merchants traveling in the desert and wilderness, so it will not be bad to defeat it ...

(But I don't feel like changing the wilderness ecosystem ...)

Isn't human being the kindest person in nature? Saa is a Lamia.

Black Cat When entering the inn, Princess Sofia, Lucy and Juliae were finishing their breakfast and drinking tea in the dining room. Me and Sa-san were stopped to try to go to my room.

“Good morning, Makoto, Aya,” Princess Sofia's voice is cold. That is as usual.

T ran sl a te d b y jp mt m "Hey, Makoto, Aya. Where did they disappear last night?" Lucy's voice was low and cold. Oh? Is this your first voice of Lucy?

"Good morning, Sophie-chan, Ru-chan ..." Sae doesn't notice that their appearance is different from usual. Well, I'm sleepy and pretend I don't notice ...

"It looks like we were together last night," said Julie, stroking the back of a black cat while grinning.

"" ... "" Sassan turned around with me, as always. Princess Sophia and Lucy looked at her with cold eyes.

I couldn't meet "ya, ya!"

"Well, the greeting of the man returning home in the morning is quite light." "Makoto, we've been waiting all the time?" The eyes of Princess Sophia and Lucy became sharper.

"Tackey!" "Everyone! Death!" Well, Fujiya and Nina came in a hurry when I was not sure how to explain. Nice timing!

"Fujiyan, what happened?" I talked to Fujiyan to change the direction of the topic. T r a nslate d b y Jpm tl.c o m

"Listen! Apparently a terrible monster has appeared in the wilderness!" "Hou, Fujiyan. Tell me more." I urged Fujiyan to continue the explanation. Princess Sophia and Lucy reluctantly gaze at Fujiyan's words.

"Dr. Nina. Please explain." Sand Dragon "Hi! This morning, the Adventurer's Guild of Fireland has been held up by such rumors!" The wilderness was wiped out overnight! "

(Hmm?) Sand Dragon?

"What ?!" Sand dragon "The annihilation!" Princess Sophia and Lucy shout at the words of Nina.

At a glance, Friae is irritating or stroking the throat of a black cat, making him groan. Sand Dragon Apparently, the annihilation ... seems to be the content of the big news. But a sand dragon?

"I can't believe ... a herd of disaster-designated monsters that had been burned even by the military of the fire country for many years." Princess Sofia mumbled stunned, and Nina talked with excitement.

"Even among the elves, I approached the sand dragon's nest in the land of fire, and I learned from a young age." It's getting closer to the wilderness, "says Lucy and Juliae.

Ummm. Well, what happened? I looked at him for a moment.

"... zzz"

Hey, you're sleeping while standing !? Am I explaining? It's embarrassing to explain everything, because Sasan just defeated me and escaped !?

"Tackie ... how?" Fujiyan immediately recognized his "reading" skill.

"I don't think this is going to happen. There's no doubt something is going wrong. I'll be collecting information at Great Keith Castle." "Thank you, Sophia. , Hit the Shokai Guild, "I'll help you!"

Princess Sofia, Nina and Lucy are about to move. Yeah. I have to explain it soon!

"Wait ... everyone. Apparently you know everything about Tacky." Fujiyan added a follow-up.

"" "Eh?" "The eyes of everyone gather at me all at once. Saa is sleeping very nicely. this guy……. I have no choice but to explain ... T r ansl ated b y jpmt l .co m

"... Actually," I explained everything last night.

"Everyone alone wiped out the sand dragon herd ...?" "U, lie deshaw ..." Princess Sofia and Nina are completely blind.

"Aya! Aya, get up! What Makoto says is true !?" Lucy is shaking Sae, but she doesn't wake up if she's standing up and sleeping deeply. I'm just tired.

"But if you tell the facts to the fire country, will you believe it?" Fujiyan scratched his head with a troubled face. Apparently, defeating the sand dragon's nest is so important that it is highly likely that it will be determined to be false even if you say, "Sasan has wiped out alone."

"But we can't be silent. Today, the country of fire is in search of the factors that destroyed the sand dragon. So we started preparing to go out.

"Should I go too?"

"No, if you go, you may get weird. First, I'll go." "I'm sorry."

He glanced at the other party and found that he was whining.

"Huh, no way, Takatsuki-kun in such a place ... because it's an etch." Sa-san ... Did you do that on purpose?

"" ... "I hurt Lucy and Princess Sophia's eyes.

"Ah, get up and down-" Lucy pulled Sae's cheeks in vain. "U, um," did you wake up?

"... Hmm, what's going on?" Everyone notices that he's staring at Sae and shyly turns.

"Aya, you did something ridiculous." "Eh, ru-chan. What's ridiculous?" Sa-san, who is sleeping and not asking about the situation, hasn't kept up with the situation.

"Sasaki-dono, you've made a ridiculously large pattern." "But Sasaki-san is a stone-ranked adventurer on record. The adventurer's guild will also be in trouble." Fujiya and Nina look up And it's fuzzy.

"Makoto the brave. Maybe the generals may call me to explain the situation. Wait just in case. Aya, you too." "Okay, Sofia." Is fluttering eyes. T ra n s la t e d by jpm tl .c om

Apparently, he realized that he was at the center of the topic. Suddenly, Sae opened her mouth.

"Wow, did I do something?"

Sa-san. In another world reincarnation, the line is out.

I took a bath and fell into bed, but woke up in a few hours. I can't sleep well while the day is bright.

I was worried and looked into Sa's room. My boss, Princess Sofia, has been ordered to wait, so I decided to practice water magic in my room.

(Hmm, I slept a bit halfway, but I'm a little lazy but it's not enough to sleep again ...)

As I sat down on the bed and continued training with a lack of concentration, my back suddenly became heavy.

"Lucy?" "It's unusual, Makoto doesn't notice." Lucy leaned on my back like a chair, back to back.

"I can't concentrate." "Well," Lucy removed the cloak on her shoulder, saying she wasn't very interested. I heard a cloak dropping from the bed. Today Lucy looks like a camisole. Is it hot? Fire country is hot.

Before asking, "It's hot," Lucy said at the end of her gaze as she was trying to get off the camisole. "Lucy? What are you doing?"

"That's why it's hot so I just take it off." The line of sight switching for "RPG Player" was sealed, and I tried to use water magic, but couldn't do it as usual.

When he noticed, he was sitting on the bed with Lucy, who broke down. this is…….

"Makoto is a type that doesn't feed the caught fish." "Feed?" "Hey, huh." Well, I'm gonna grow up looking at that carnivorous girl's family ...

Tr a nslate d b y jp mtl .c o m "But I was wrong! My mom was right, because in Makoto I wouldn't get my hands forever!" Lucy's body temperature is high! Haven't you gotten better at controlling magic?

"That's why I decided to attack from here." "Isn't that abrupt?" And the button is about to be released ...


There was no knock and the door opened immediately.

"Takatsuki-kun, Ru-chan, loud voice," Sae rubbed her eyes and came in. I don't speak that loud. Sae, are you evolving and your ears getting better?

"Lucy, let's keep that much," Princess Sofia came in.

"Hello, Ru-chan. I'm up to here." . Especially Lucy was not resisting.

(Is it a joke?) I saw off the two people.

The next moment, cold passed by the neck. Princess Sofia stands nearby.

"I have a story. Please come here." I was pulled by Princess Sofia and taken to the room. Princess Sofia's hand, which grabbed my hand, was just the opposite of Lucy and was extremely cold.

-Oh, I'm angry.

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