Published at 18th of November 2020 07:08:51 PM

Chapter 215: 215

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Dear Sun Goddess,

The head of the Seven Goddesses without saying.

A pillar that dominates this world.

The eldest daughter of the Divine King Yupitel.

Goddess of Victory and Justice.

And it is the faith god of the largest sect on the continent.

The divine body glows and cannot be clearly seen directly.

It doesn't come down to the ground, and Artena's leg floats about where we're looking. Tr ans l a ted by jp mt l .com

The great goddess looked down at us quietly.

Everyone on the spot is kneeling and breathtaking, not because of the intimidation.

... Yabe, I'm late.

Lady Ira said, "You don't have to keep your head down?" I look at it with my face.

Um, am I Noah's messenger?

Well, yeah, do it.

Tran s la ted b y Jp m m A sigh of frustration sighed in the wind.


The goddess of the sun put her right hand forward. What...?

I knew why right away.

In an instant, the goddess of the sun, a summoning ceremony was assembled, and a man appeared before the sight of God. A man scratches and falls to the ground.

The man seems to be losing his mind, and his face...

The brave man of the sun - was.


Tension runs on the spot.

In particular, Mr. Sa's expression on Mr. Friae changed.

... Is he still alive?

- "Clear Mirror Stop" 100%.


"The Spirit's Right Hand"

I immediately attempted to spiritualize my right hand and launch an attack.

T ran sla te d b y jpmt l.c om I could spiritualize it more smoothly than ever before.

At that time.


They grabbed my right hand.

She was a witch of the Goddess of Destiny.

Customer "Are you insane? Altena, how dare you attack your sister??" "But when he's here, he's a princess!?"

"Ma, wait! My knight, I'll be fine!

Even Mr. Friae rushed over here and stuck to my arm.

When they stopped me, I couldn't move any more.

That's when the brave man of the losing mind woke up.

"Hmmm... what the hell am I... Hmmm!?"

I had eyes with me.

"Hii, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!

Alexandre rumbled.


I'm so scared. T ra nslat ed by Jp mt l .c om

Where was your grand demeanor before this?

Mental trauma "Looks like your 'Spirit King of Water' is turning out to be" Ila told me in a whisper.

"The Spirit King of Water?

That's the first word I've ever heard.

Do you mean spiritualization?

"Uh, I'll explain later."

"It's a promise, isn't it?

The Spirit King of the Water, that sounds like a strong name.

I care!

"Ha, help me! Kill me! Kill me."

Master Altena turned a disturbing glance at the brave man of the raging sun.

"Alec, shut up"

"Huh!... Huh!

At that moment, Alexandre stopped uttering any words, as he physically could no longer hear his mouth.

I didn't see the magic ceremony. T r a nsl a ted by jpmtl.c o m

Did the orders I gave my mouth reflect in the results as it were......

Maybe it's not magic, it's a goddess miracle.

Silence and tension dominated the cathedral.

For once, the goddess of the sun beckons everyone.

The brave man of the sun "... this guy,"


Everyone was shocked.

Even Princess Noel is surprised.

The only thing that kept me calm was Irra-like.

... If you knew, let me know.


Read the voice of my heart, or the frustrator turned to me.

Isn't she cute?

but there's something I need to ask you on this occasion.

"Are you asking me to forgive you for what you did to Sa or the princess because you are Master Altena's brother?

I told him to stare.

"Dear Makoto!?"

"Brave Makoto!?"

Princess Noel and Princess Sophia scream with a blue face.

but we need to be clear here.

The goddess of the sun didn't seem to care as much about my gaze and other breezes, she said just one word without changing her expression at all.

That's ". Forgive me."


What the fuck, you son of a bitch!


My mouth was suppressed by Ira, who nearly yelled at me.

(You, grow up!

Shit! Lady Ira (Estelle) She's super powerful!

Princess Noel opened her mouth instead.

Goddess of the Sun ".......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Why did your great brother descend to earth and become the brave man of the sun? And that sort of thing..." If you didn't know, you naturally doubt it.

Tell me, you're a witch of the sun.

Altena's response to that was cold.

"You don't need to know"

"Huh!? ……… yes. I understand."

Pissy, rejected, Princess Noel retreats quietly.

Oh, come on, don't you explain it to me?

I was wondering if Mr. Friae would complain.

When I look sideways, I shut up about being drunk by the atmosphere of the place.

Same goes for Lucy Yasa.

All right, then I'm the only one complaining here...

but was immediately stopped by Lady Ira.

"Stupid! Stop it, Artena, how scary it would be to piss off your sister..."

"Ira, shut up"

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

An Ira who heard my heart's voice has been 'forbidden to speak' by Artena in an attempt to crack it.

Forgive my sister, this goddess.

Bad...... no choice. Shall we spare Lady Ira?

"So, what the hell is it for?

It wasn't worse than I thought. But Master Altena's brother made a problem, and I feel strongly about why we have to shy away from it.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! (Silly! Be polite with your tone! Don't piss off your sister!)"

Wow, I can't talk, but it conveys meaning.

Is this a goddess miracle......

"Mmm! (No, I'm not!

Apparently not.

"Takatsuki Makoto"

The goddess of the sun turned her gaze here.


That was all I had, the kind of compression I felt with my sword tip stuck in my throat.

This is scary.


Still, this is the victim.

Really, I'm gonna answer you blurry.

One of your people, Alec, lost his life.

"Yeah, I am. The responsibility is…"

Back to "Give me your life. Confirm it." I was told before.

I put my life back...?

"Mr. Sa?

Soul Book When I called Sa-san, he checked in haste.

"Ha, Takayuki! The remnants are back in 5!



You're getting more!

Can you increase your life so easily?

"Thank you! Dear Artena!"


Sa thanked the goddess of the sun with all her energy.

... If your brother hadn't done something weird, Sa-san wouldn't have died, but... Am I narrow minded?

Well, let's keep it adult.


Master Altena is next to me, I turned my gaze to Mr. Friae.

I'm scared, Mr. Friae hides behind me.

"Witch of the Moon. This happened because the demons are excluded on this continent."


What, is that!?

It's like being a demon is bad!

"Dear Artena, how to say that..."

"Wait, my knight"

I tried to complain, but Mr. Friae stopped me.

"Mmm! Hmm! (Yes! Shut the fuck up!

Dear Ira, shut up.

"Ira... talk now"

Did Master Altena do the same thing? 'Permission to speak' came out.

"Phew... I can finally talk"

"You're a scary sister"

"That's right..."

Guillaume and Master Altena stared at me.

Sun Goddess "Dear...... I have a favor to ask you" Mr. Friae took a step forward.

The hand was shaking.

"I... want a place where the Demons can live in peace..."

Out of Mr. Friae's mouth was a genuine wish.

Right...... the opponent is the ruler of the world.

Is there anything good against it...?


Artena's response is short.


Mr. Friae held my hand tight.

I shake my hand back, too.

The silence of the goddess of the sun came, and all who were there waited for the next word of God.

Holy "The Witch of the Moon Friae. Then I'll leave you to the role of ''. We hope to bind the demonic tribes scattered across the continent and interest the country anew"

The goddess of the sun strictly announced the appointment of the 'Virgin' following Princess Noel.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!