Comeback 1992 - Chapter 163

Published at 17th of February 2023 07:12:58 AM

Chapter 163: don't regret

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  Chapter 163 Don't leave regrets

  In the end, Han Songlin still didn't say he took the money, but said: "Brother, this is the cigarette money I gave you, please don't refuse!"

   "Then, thank you!"

  Standing in place and watching him leave on a tricycle, Han Songlin suddenly thought in his heart that the reason why Huaguo is Huaguo is because there are thousands of them!

   Compared with some people, they are the most important people who are busy with life every day.

   After sighing, when he got home, Han Songlin saw Liu Yang moving things down from upstairs.

  The most important thing is that there is a girl behind Liu Yang.

   is the beautiful girl I saw earlier.

  At this moment, Han Songlin felt that his gossip soul was burning. What's going on?

   Is it considered to be brought to meet the parents?

   It’s too rigid!

  I always thought that people in the future would be more open-minded in their thinking. Now it seems that no matter what era, there are people who are at the forefront of thinking.

  Han Songlin pulled Liu Yuyan gently, and said in a low voice, "What's going on?"

   When I came back before, I didn’t see it! Thought it was gone.

  How did it pop up again in the blink of an eye.

  Actually, earlier, Liu Yang took the little girl upstairs at home.

  Liu Yuyan spread her hands, she didn't know the specific situation: "I don't know either!"

   "At noon, let the little girl have a meal at home?"

   "Save food?" Liu Yuyan looked at the little girl, Liu Yang came to play at home, it would be too rude if he didn't keep food!

  The little girl went home, and the family asked where she went to play; the little girl said, she went to a classmate's house to play.

  At this moment, what do people think?

  It's already noon, why don't you even save a meal?

   You are too stingy!

   "You still don't want to stay?" Han Songlin said with a faint smile.

   Liu Yuyan rolled her eyes at Han Songlin: "I was thinking, what to do at noon!"

   "It's the first time for the little girl to come, why don't you do something nice?"

  Liu Yuyan: "Why do I feel that you want to eat?"

   "Then will you give it to me?"

   "Last night, I thawed some ribs in the refrigerator. At noon, I made a ribs and radish soup, and then cooked a few sausages and fried a piece of garlic bacon. Hmm, is there anything else you want to eat?"

   "Three dishes, a bit small!" Han Songlin thought for a while, now that there are guests, what's the matter, there must be five or six dishes.

   "Fry two vegetarian dishes!" Liu Yuyan said indifferently.

  At home, meat and vegetables are often cooked together. Liu Yuyan usually eats less meat and more vegetables in order to maintain her figure.

   "Why don't you buy a fish and cook it!"

  The price of fish is not expensive, but fish is not something that people usually eat every meal.

  Eating two or three times a month is already considered a relatively frequent meal.

  Liu Yuyan also thought it was good: "Then go to the vegetable market and buy one!"

   "Okay! Then you should cook at home first, it's getting late." Han Songlin checked the time, and it was past eleven o'clock.

  Liu Yuyan agreed, and after Han Songlin left, she took Liu Yang and told him to have his classmates eat at home.

   Liu Yang hesitated, but nodded in agreement.

  Han Songlin bought something fast, so he went directly to the fish stall in the vegetable market, and then asked for a silver carp weighing four to five catties.

  Of course the fish has to be sliced.

  Now the fish is cooked, it seems that there are relatively few slices, and most of them are made into pieces.

   Then I bought some leafy vegetables. There is no leafy vegetables in this boiled fish, and it feels like something is missing.

  Back home, Liu Yuyan had put the ribs and radishes into the pot and stewed them on the briquette stove.

  Alternatively, boil sausages and bacon over a gas canister stove.

   "Earlier, I asked Liu Yang, that little girl is called Wu Yaxin!"

  Wu Yaxin!

  This name is not like the name that ordinary families can take.

  Children's names, to a certain extent, can reflect the educational level of their parents.

  The child’s name is Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Ma, the parents’ educational level will definitely not be high.

  Because it is not normally taken this way.

   "City dwellers live in Chinan Street at home."

  Han Songlin asked suspiciously, "Where is Chinan Street?"

  Han Songlin walked around every street in the orchestra, but he really didn't know the name of each street.

   "It's the street south of Orchestra Pool Park."

   Well, the specifics don't matter there.

  The important thing is what is the relationship between Wu Yaxin and Liu Yang.

  At this time, Han Songlin didn't really want to say that Liu Yang was in love or something.

  It seems that if you don’t fall in love, you will regret your whole life, but falling in love in high school will definitely miss your life.

  Don't ask Han Songlin how he knew, anyway, he has never seen someone who said that they were in love in high school and had good grades.

  Maybe there are such gods and men who can encourage each other in love, rely on each other, learn together, and make progress together.

   But most of them are hormonal impulses.

  When Han Songlin was in university, there was a pair of gods in his class. They fell in love in high school, and then they were admitted to university together, studying in the same department and class.

  Normally speaking, it should not end up going on.

   But in fact, their life is an enviable life.

  After graduation, I got married immediately and had a child in the second year.

  I live a very happy life, and I often post photos in the QQ space and the like.

   "Are they in love?"

  While cleaning the fish, Liu Yuyan said: "No, Liu Yang said that they are classmates, and they have a good relationship. Liu Yang said that he didn't fall in love before he was admitted to university."

  Han Songlin nodded in satisfaction, Liu Yang is good.

   Know exactly what you want.

  Boys mature in thought much later than girls.

  Han Songlin was a little worried about that Wu Yaxin.

   If Liu Yang rejects him, will it affect his studies?

  Children sometimes look very strong psychologically, but they are like glass, which will shatter when touched hard.

  Shaking his head, Han Songlin felt that he had to talk to Liu Yang.

   Hurting a person may be unconscious, but when you realize that you have caused harm to others, this sense of guilt will accompany you throughout your life.

  Han Songlin didn't want to say that Liu Yang would have such a burden in the future.

  Han Songlin doesn't want people he knows to go through the things he has experienced.

   "This is good!"

  Liu Yuyan glanced at Han Songlin strangely. If she hadn't known that Han Songlin valued Liu Yang's study, she probably would have other thoughts in her heart.

   "Go and see if Qiu'er is awake!"

   "You don't need my help?" Han Songlin asked, looking at the kitchen.

  Liu Yuyan shook her head, she was busy with the affairs in the kitchen by herself.

   After washing the fish, put it in an enamel basin, and then put some gorgon powder, don't put too much.

   It’s the same if you don’t buy cooking wine, just pour some white wine.

  Ordinary families are absolutely reluctant to dump white wine that sells for hundreds of dollars in the market to make cooking wine.

   Han Songlin opened the wine and put it in the kitchen.

   Liu Yuyan will not open it, how expensive it is!

  (end of this chapter)

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