Confinement King - Chapter 363

Published at 14th of January 2022 06:33:30 AM

Chapter 363

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Chapter 363 Attack of the Parasitic Little Sister - Part 1

 On Monday morning, I picked up Saori-chan from her house as usual.  「Don’t be shy」 「B-But, onii-chan...」  Saori-chan showed an apologetic expression as I snatched her bag from her shoulder.  「I have to do something like an onii-chan once in a while」 「Uh... t-thanks」  She says she’s fine, but it’s only been a few days since she was hit by a motorcycle.   The gauze on her cheek is painful, and her sprained leg looks a little limp.   If Torture is here, I would have asked her to treat her secretly in the middle of the night, but that’s not possible now.  

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  Currently, we are on a familiar morning road in the countryside.   Maybe she’s too short-handed without her bag, Saori-chan picks up the hem of my blazer and steps behind me, looking somewhat embarrassed.  「S-Somehow... it’s like when we go to school in a group...」 「Haha, do you want to hold my hand?」 「T-That’s a little embarrassing... O-Onii-chan」  As we walked along, we eventually met up with Hanabusa-san.   She must have arrived a while ago. And when we reached the arranged meeting place, she rushed towards us.  「O-Onii-san, thank you so much for your help!」 「No problem, don’t worry about it. You’re Saori-chan’s precious friend, after all」  Apparently, Hanabusa-san is a polite girl.   She bowed her head and whispered to Saori-chan apologetically, and Saori-chan shook her head with a wry smile.   Although I felt that Saori-chan didn’t need to be so considerate since it wasn’t like we were taking a detour, I also felt that it was this kind of personality that made Saori-chan, who was more reserved, get along so well with her.   For me, going to school with two such cute junior high school students is not a bad thing, but rather a win-win situation.   Then, as we walked side by side, I realized that Hanabusa-san is quite short for a basketball player.   I guess she is about the same height as Saori-chan.  Like the other day, she had her bangs pinned up with two hairpins, and her hair is tied up in an elastic band at the back.   She looks more charming than beautiful.   She doesn’t have any of the intimidation that Tashiro-san or Teruya-san have, and the way her large eyes move around reminds me of a small animal.   According to what Ryoko learned from the culprit, the target was not Saori-chan, but Hanabusa-san.   I’d like to ask her about this idea, but I’m afraid to ask her face to face right now.  (For now, I’ll have to meet this Kitou guy first...) 「Well, shall we go?」 「」Yes」」  I call out to them, and they smile and nod to each other.   At this point, it’s just a peaceful morning.   I had no idea that a little trouble would be waiting for us later.   ◇ ◇ ◇  I, Kizuna Tachioka, am hiding in a bush in a children’s park in a residential area, waiting for "Fumio Kijima".   As instructed by Shiratori-senpai.   If the information she gave me is correct, Fumio Kijima should be passing through here soon.  (...I can’t believe I’m relying on the enemy)  But to be honest, I’m not sure if I’m disappointed.   Because it doesn’t feel real.   My brother told me that "Fumio Kijima" was a bad guy, and he was determined to grab his tail. That’s why he’s looking for allies and is currently traveling to Fukuoka.   But for me, Kobayashi is the more unforgivable person who seduced Minami-oneechan, and I have little contact with "Fumio Kijima".   Shiratori-senpai said that Fumio Kijima was indeed the kidnapper, but what happened to my brother was his own fault, he just got revenge. That’s what she said.   However, I still don’t know how to digest it at all.   It’s early in the morning in a residential area, so there are not many pedestrians, but there are a few people going to work and students going to school.   And now the sight of a female student squatting in a planting at this early hour seemed to be conspicuous, and people who noticed me walked past with curious looks on their faces.  

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 (There he is!)  Across the street, I saw the figure of "Fumio Kijima".   I’ve seen him once before at a fast food restaurant, and I wouldn’t mistake him for anyone else.   But... (Eh? Why... is there an ugly girl with me?)  Shiratori-senpai had told me in advance that Moribe-san, a quiet girl in my class, was with him.   But for some reason, there is another girl from the other class walking with them today, an ugly girl from the third class.   I only know her face and her nickname, but does that mean she’s also a victim of "Fumio Kijima"? (Kuh... he’s a monster with sexual desires, just like Shiratori-senpai said)  But there’s no turning back now.   So, just as "Fumio Kijima" passed by the park, I suddenly jumped out of the bushes and clung to his arm.  「Good morning! Nii nii~」  I attacked first with a stupid tone and a big smile on my face.   Kijima’s face at that moment is a masterpiece.   It’s like a pigeon got hit by a peashooter... or should I say an ICBM? 「Eh? Huh? Huh?」  His eyes widened in surprise, and he went completely rigid.  「Ehehe! Surprised? I’m Kizuna, Nii nii’s new little sister! Ehehe」  "What’s a new little sister?" I asked myself-commenting in my mind while looking up and appealing to him like a cute girl. I have no choice but to flatter him with all my might.   This is the only way left for me to survive.  

Chapter 363 Attack of the Parasitic Little Sister - Part 2

 That day when she found out about the exchange murder.   Shiratori-senpai whispered to me in the most gentle voice I’ve ever heard.  「What... what does that mean?」 「Well, there’s only one person who can protect Kizuna from the police, and I’m going to tell you how to get into his good graces」  At first, I didn’t understand what she was saying.   I thought I was going to be turned in to the police, so I just looked up at senpai in fear.  

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 「Fumio Kijima, that’s the guy that Kizuna’s idiot brother fought with and ended up getting beaten to a pulp without even being able to grab his tail. Even the police can’t touch that guy」 「You... you want me to betray my onii-chan?」 「No, no, no. I’m doing this for your idiot brother, too」  I have no idea what she was talking about.   But, when I was confused, Shiratori-senpai told me in a tone of voice like a child telling a story.  「I’m not going to tell you who Kijima is... Just that you’re dealing with the wrong person. I realized it in the middle and kept a good distance so as not to antagonize him, but the two Detective JKs overstepped their bounds and fell prey to Fumio Kijima」 「I-Is that so?」 「Yes. It looks like Kizuna’s idiot brother is still planning to antagonize him, but there’s no way he can win. If things go on like this, he’s going to be killed and become dog food, but as long as Kizuna can win over "Fumio Kijima", you might be able to at least beg for your idiot brother life」  I wonder what kind of monster Fumio Kijima is, that the detective JK fell prey to him and made Shiratori-senpai say this much. 「And... Fumio Kijima is kind to women who fall in love with him. So if you take advantage of him, he can protect you from the police. He might even let your idiot brother off the hook. But, he’ll screw you real bad. He’s a sex fiend, after all」 「Huh!? W-Wouldn’t it be better to get caught by the police?」 「Wait, just hear me out, there is one way to make Fumio Kijima do everything in his power to protect you, and won’t even touch you. I know one girl who is in that position. You just have to follow her example」 「There’s someone like that?」  「What’s that?」 「Kizuna, if it’s okay with you, I’ll help you with Kijima. I will introduce you as my sister」  All I could think was that she was crazy.  「That’s ridiculous...」  But then, Shiratori-senpai came face to face with me, right under my puzzled nose.  「Kizuna... even if I don’t do anything about it, the police are already grabbing your tail. You’re already screwed. So, I’m trying to give you a way out of this. What choice do you have?」  I’m really screwed... really screwed.   I don’t know what’s going to happen to my brother, but at least if the police catch me, I’m done. It’s over.  「You can use Fumio Kijima to your advantage. Once you’re in his little sister’s position, you’ll be safe from the police investigation, and he’ll do his best to protect you from other crises」 「I-Isn’t... that like a parasite?」 「Haha, that’s a good way to put it. So, why not? You will become his parasitic little sister」 

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  ◇ ◇ ◇ (Yes, I’m going to be a parasite sister!)  While repeating this in my head, I rub my cheek against Fumio Kijima’s arm.  「Ehehe! Kizuna-tan love Nii Nii so much , love love 」  But there was someone who grabbed my hand and tried to pull it away. An ugly girl.  「Ta, Tachioka-san, get off from him! W-What do you think you’re doing! Kijima-san is Saori’s onii-san!」 「Hey, get your hands off me!」  I swear in my stomach, "You’re an outsider and you shouldn’t interfere". Then, looking up, I complained to Fumio Kijima.  「You’ve heard from Shiratori-senpai, haven’t you? Nii Nii!」 「Oh... the girl from the talk? W-Well, I thought I turned her down, but...」 「Don’t...」  I pretend to be heartbroken and poke a finger in my own eye. It hurts like hell. But I put up with it, put pressure on my eyes, and squeeze out tears with all my might.   Don’t worry, I’ve already given myself extra drops just in case something like this happens. If I don’t cry now, everything will be over.   When I shed tears, Kijima started to get flustered.  「No, no, um... d-don’t cry」  It’s not just Kijima. Moribe-san is also flustered, as if she doesn’t know what to do.  (Okay, one more push!)  But the ugly girl (Busako) raised her voice.  「You can’t lie and cry! Onii-san! Saori is the only little sister you have!」 (Don’t interrupt me, you outsider! What the hell are you doing?)  Anyway, the ugly girl is too much of a hindrance.  (Maybe I should start over.... I’ll consult Shiratori-senpai.)  However, it’s not fun to just retreat. I need to leave some kind of mark.  「Then, Nii nii! See you later 」 「Eh... ah...」 「Huh!?」  I decided to give Kijima a kiss on the cheek, and ran off as fast as I could.   As I ran, I turned around to see Kijima in a daze with his hand on his cheek and Moribe-san looking like she was about to cry. Behind them, the ugly girl is raising her hands in the air and screaming.   As soon as I thought that, the words of Shiratori-senpai came to my mind.   --『I’m not trying to expose you. Kizuna is my cute junior. I’d like to help you somehow』

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