Published at 11th of March 2022 08:45:48 AM

Chapter 1077: Did not complete the task is to be cut and live women's

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Gina looked at Meg with tears in her eyes, and her heart was full of excitement and emotion. She secretly made up her mind. "When the people have left the cursed land, I am willing to marry Mr. McGonagall and repay him. The feelings of Diest."

McGonagall then asked: "Gina, how strong is this shark? How is it compared to you..."

Then McGonagall asked in detail about some of the conditions related to the Nether Shark. After Gina's painting, I had a general understanding of the strength of the Nether Shark.

According to Gina, the Nether Shark is numerous in Randist, but only once or twice a year. The strength is determined by the size and the number varies.

The strength of the giant Nether Shark is more than comparable to the ten-level mermaid strong, but every time the Nether Shark appears, there are at most three giant sharks.

The small Nether Shark is close to the fifth-class mermaid, the medium-sized Nether Shark is close to the seventh-class mermaid, and the large Nether Shark has eight or nine strengths.

In addition to the horrible resilience of the Nether Shark, the most devastating thing is the devastating Nether Swirl outside the body. It has a strong defense against the magic of the mermaid, but the ordinary mermaid is only attracted by the Nether Swirl. Will temporarily lose the ability to control the magic, can only be allowed to kill by the shark.

"In the deep sea, it is really a very difficult opponent. For the mermaid, it is a natural enemy." Meg is thoughtful, one of the reasons the mermaid wants to leave is to avoid the shark.

Let them help to hunt the shark's fin and fish lip of the shark shark as ingredients, which seems too cruel to them.

After all, one of the main reasons for them to find McGonagall is to let him help with those ghost sharks.

"Jina, I think about how to deal with the Nether Shark." McGonagall and Gina said, and then began to hold the system in their hearts: "System, the establishment of deep-sea fishing grounds, this world is probably no more professional than you. What should I do to deal with this difficult big shark?"

"Choose the World of Warcraft this kind of thing to ask this system, then you are looking for the right person. According to the feeding experience of this system, what is not awkward, be honest with the fight. If it is not honest, it means that the fight is not enough. "The sound of the system is triumphant.

"You said this is equal to white." McGonagall turned his eyes, and if the Nether Shark was so good, the mermaid would not be so miserable.

"I need something more practical. Let's ask someone to build a reliable shark's fin and fish lip. I don't have any real benefits. Who will be born and died for you?"

"This system has captured three head sharks for research. If the host is willing to let the system participate in this supply chain, the system will use the research data as a stock to be paid to the host, accounting for 30%."

"You really don't suffer at all..." McGonagall, thinking about it, nodded. "You want to buy shares, but you can only pay dividends, and you can't participate in any business matters in the supply chain."


The system readily agreed, and a piece of information was quickly introduced into Meg's mind.

""The Feasibility Report of the Nether Shark"" McGonagall looked at the report on the style of the paper in his mind, and raised his eyebrows, but it was a bit professional.

In addition to the system, no one in the world should study the breeding possibilities of a group with ten strengths, and only to obtain shark fins and fish lips.

Clicking on the information, McGonagall quickly read it, and the expression on his face became a bit strange.

This is what is normal research, this is simply slice.

Even the non-animal protectionists of McGonagall, looking at the experimental and experimental data recorded by the system, felt a little creepy.

Heat resistance, cold resistance, epidermal resistance, muscle flexibility, speed limit of regeneration, minimum time for re-harvesting, tolerance of decibels...

This can be the result of physical experiments, and each group of each of the Nether Sharks has conducted at least ten experiments to avoid the occurrence of accidental data.

These include a ten-level Nether Shark.

Scientists are terrible.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows and finally had a deep feeling in his heart.

The slice study is nothing.

“Conclusion: Nether shark is a kind of aquatic product with high breeding value. Its fish lip and shark fin are the most perfect ingredients for Buddha jumping wall. It has high nutritional value and establish deep sea fishery for deep sea culture.”

"The unique skills of the Nether Shark are formed by the magnetic field of the head. They have strong cutting ability and can generate strong magnetic interference to the water property magic, which makes the water property magic invalid and easily destroys the fishery."

“Solution: A strong magnetic field is placed around the fishery, and the magnetic field of the Nether Shark is disabled by adjusting the frequency to remove the whirlpool.”

“The Nether Shark is highly aggressive and has a fixed migration route that does not stay in the fixed area for long periods of time.”

“Solution: After introducing the Nether Shark into the fishery, use the ultrasound to control the Nether Shark within the scope of the fishery, break the habit of travel and carry out captivity and domestication.”


"System, we must talk about growing vegetables and storing meat, except for Yuan Longping, I only serve you."

After reading the whole paper, McGonagall couldn't help but erect a thumb and refused to accept it.

"Since you have a plan, arrange magnetic field materials, drawings, ultrasonic machines, you should have these things ready? As a partner, is it time to show your sincerity?" McGonagall said with a smile.

"Sorry, the funds are not enough." The system made a white-eyed expression. "If the system has money, will you get it in turn? A few slides will solve the problem."

"As a system, the money that comes to the pit every day, the real chicken is shameful. Is the system of others not sending money to the host every day?" McGonagall said a bit.

"Those hosts are going to be cut and live women's clothing if they don't complete the task."

McGonagall raised his eyebrows and coughed aloud: "Well, then let's talk about the problems with these devices. Let's say, according to the number of Randist's group of sharks, how much does the equipment cost?"

"This is the only group of Netherland sharks on the Nolan continent. There are 3,500 sharks in the world, including 2000 small sharks, 1200 medium-sized sharks, 280 large sharks, and 15 giant sharks.

According to historical statistics, the Nether Sharks on the Randist Cruise route are about one-third of the entire ethnic group.

According to the current deep-sea test situation, the number will increase this year. After three days, it will enter the Landiste border, and after one month, it will enter the hinterland of the mermaid family. After eating the mermaid, it will officially embark on the migratory route.

If you want to get all the nettle sharks in the net, you need to circle a 3,000-square-kilometer fishery and you need to feed a lot of fish.

The price of all equipment is 120 million copper coins, and the daily feeding price is 300,000 copper coins a day..."

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