Published at 11th of March 2022 08:44:02 AM

Chapter 1153: System learning...

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Forcibly resisted the urge to hang the 生 大师 master's plaque to the door, Meg lost the plaque to the corner of the third floor, adjusted his mood to go downstairs, had breakfast, and sent Amy to school.

When going out, Meg specially observed the proportion of baldness among the people who lined up at the door. At first glance, the hair loss people who were seen everywhere were not common in the team. They went out of Adams and were also two middle-aged guests.

" Hair loss is really embarrassing." McGonagall sighed and squatted on the bicycle carrying the buds.

When passing through the Guangluo work agency, the owner Chris is watering the flowers at the door.

"Uncle Bird's Nest, early." Amy smiled and said hello.

"Little boss early." Chris looked up, some helpless response.

During this time, Mai Mi Restaurant has become the hottest restaurant in the whole chaotic city. He also took time to eat once. Although the job introduction has brought him a lot of income, he has to give him a few hundred and a few. A thousand copper coins to eat a meal, still let him have a pain, so only went for a trip.

McGonagall also smiled and nodded with Chris, his eyes staying on his head for a while, how good the bald head, if you can eat a Buddha jump wall is perfect.

"Hey! Warning system, don't take the initiative to attract guests, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of the rules, directly determine the mission failed!" Did not wait for Meg to open, the system's voice has already sounded in McGonagall's mind.

"System, this is too much for you? The wine is still afraid of the alley, the basic propaganda is in line with the trade rules, why do you not let me publicize?!" McGonagall raised his eyebrows.

"Host, as a candidate for a kitchen god, how can you act as a street-goker? This will seriously reduce your forcing, which is not conducive to the development of kitchen temperament."

"You are discriminating against girls who use their bodies to make money." McGonagall said: "What did they do wrong? Are they different working people?"

"I remember that we had an alley there. There were a lot of young ladies in the alley. They often stood in the door to enjoy the cold. The sisters were very hospitable. I always asked me to go to their homes with enthusiasm. How good the girls are, later It’s because there are too many people who want to improve the city, the alley is gone, and the hospitable ladies and sisters are gone. You said, is this right?” McGonagall said.

“Enthusiastic hospitality is not a derogatory term in the human language system? Then why are they being driven away?

Information inquiry...

There is no information required in the database...

The problem is no solution, enter the learning state! ”

"System learning..."

McGonagall waited for the answer from the system, and a line of words drifted silently from his mind.

"It's really a very eager system." McGonagall raised his eyebrows and didn't know how long the system would come out.

"Uncle Bird's Nest, why don't you go to our restaurant to eat a Buddha jump wall? In this case, your hair will grow out?" Amy asked curiously without waiting for Meg.

"The hair grows out!" Chris's eyes suddenly brightened, and I was surprised to see Amy. "Little boss, what you said is true? After eating the Buddha... After the Buddha jumped the wall, the hair will grow." ?"

"Yeah, there are already a few uncles and big brothers who have no hair to come to the restaurant to eat the Buddha jump wall, and then grow their hair again." Amy nodded and added: "However, Uncle Nest, you have to come at night. Only when the Buddha jumps the wall is available at night."

"Good, good, good! I must come!" Chris nodded in a hurry. If there is something in the world that makes him care more than money, it is probably getting thinner hair.

Seeing that the Mediterranean is getting bigger, every day, like the baby, the only remaining golden hair that protects the top of the head, suddenly heard the way to make the hair reborn, this is really too much surprise for him.

Meg looked at Amy, who had succeeded in making a deal. I didn't expect him to open his mouth. Amy had already finished. In this case, the little guy really has a business mind with precise marketing.

Look at Chris that I can't wait to go to the Mai Mi restaurant now. This guest has basically been included in the hair care package series, and McGonagall continues to drive in the direction of the school.

Holding Amy’s hand into the school, it was the place where the intellectuals stayed. McGonagall immediately saw several bare heads and several heads tempted on the bare edge, especially in the direction of the physics school. The young people who are obviously moving backwards are fiercely arguing about something, shaking their heads and shaking their heads, and the scenes are quite amazing.

"This is really a rich resource library." Meg's eyes lit up, but unfortunately there was no computer school, or as long as he ran to the entrance of the college, it was estimated that the students and teachers of the School of Computer Science could fill the restaurant.

An alternative solution has emerged in the mind of McGonagall.

As soon as he entered the magic room, Krassu looked at Amy and said with a smile: "After I negotiated with Julian, Amy wants to have a holiday, we also give you a long vacation. Five days before and after the Peace Day, a total of ten day."

"Really?!" Amy's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course it is true, when Master cheated you." Krassu nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Master Krassu!" Amy slammed into Krassu's arms and turned to look at Meg's happy saying: "My father, I can also have a holiday!"

"Well, Amy can also have a holiday." McGonagall said with a smile. It seems that Krassu and Julian are still very concerned about Amy's wishes, although they can't take 30 days of long vacation like ordinary students, but a ten-day holiday. It is also very rare.

Back at the restaurant, I quickly started my morning business hours.

Adams’s morning delivery has already spread. The rumors about the birth of the Buddha’s wall have been verified again and it has become a big topic.

There are no one or two people who are troubled by hair loss. Since there is such a special medicine, even if it is expensive, it is still worth recommending.

At the end of the morning business, the sun was good. McGonagall took the chair out of the door, laid it out, and laid it flat and ready to sunbathe for a while.

"Mr. McGonagall, didn't bother you to bask in the sun?" At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice sounded.

McGonagall opened his eyes and sat up. He watched Rodrivia smiling and shook his head. "It doesn't matter, I just lie down. What happened to Miss Corolla? Looking for me?"

"Yes, there is something I want to hear from Mr. McGonagall, so the Tang Dynasty will bother you." Gloria nodded.

"That's sitting there and talking, I'm going to get a pot of tea." McGon got up and motioned to speak with Rodriguez, and he turned into the restaurant.

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