Published at 11th of March 2022 08:30:20 AM

Chapter 1685: I want to cut it

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There are countless complicated passages in the huge cave. The black fog in the cave is scattered, but there are still countless thick black fog in the passage, so Irina can only release a holy light cover to cover the crowd. Relying on her perception of the origin of the black mist.

The speed of the crowd was very fast. About a quarter of an hour later, Irina stopped, the sacred mask shattered, shattered the black mist in the passage, and exposed the huge stone gate at the end of the passage.

The black stone gate is a hundred meters high, and it seems to have a huge mural on it.

Crassus let three fireballs fly near Shimen, and everyone always saw the picture carved on Shimen.


Everyone was shocked.

Giant murals depict horror scenes, dragons biting and killing each other; forest trolls twisted their companions' heads, and half of the elves were biting in their mouths; scarlet-eyed goblins rode orcs chasing a group of monkeys; The endless sea was stained red with blood, and the densely packed devil's body was floating on the sea, and was madly bitten and eaten by a group of terrible fish ...

And in the center of the whole mural, there is a huge insignificant object as small as a hill. The dragon is as small as a mosquito in front of it. Numerous tentacles are protruded from the hexagonal seal suppressed on top of it. It was covered with scarlet eyes, shining with a strange light, as if about to break through the seal.

"What kind of monster is this ?!" Krasu was startled and startled.

"There is such a disgusting existence in this world. Evil must be used to describe it." Irina also looked away in disgust.

"This scene seems to have known each other. When we entered Cannibal Island, the scene we saw was similar to this." Julian narrowed his eyes, and his hoarse voice increased a bit.

"This should be the old ruler, or the devil, similar to the stone statue found in the Uba tribe without publishers." McGonagall looked at the huge mural with the same look, the scene in the picture and Rex was very similar at first.

If the stone statue may be the imaginary work of those believers, this huge mural handed down from ancient times must be a warning left to the posterity by those who sealed it.

"It doesn't have to be death forever."

McGonagall saw the classic phrase in the corner of the mural, which he had seen in many books during this time, maybe some coincidence, or some necessity?

"So he's being held here right now, isn't he?" Krassu clenched his mage's staff tightly, and his expression became somewhat solemn.

"Come on, let's meet this big guy!" Irina eagerly tried.

"Aren't you afraid? I remember you most afraid of this kind of long tentacles?" Julian asked looking back at Irina.

"I'm afraid it's no use. If even the four of us can't deal with a guy who is bound by a seal, the world is finished, right?" Irina asked with a smile.

"No, we still have precious things to guard." McGonagall walked toward the gate with a long sword. The knight was naturally in the front row when fighting, and there was no reason behind the mage.

The towering gate seems to be designed for giants.

Julian closed his eyes towards the gate, and the icy frost quickly covered the gate.

About a minute later, Julian opened his eyes, raised several ice hockey balls, and hit the extra spots on the stone gate.

With a dull creak, the giant giant gate started to move backwards slowly.

"Be careful!" Irina reminded, by the way raising her hand to give everyone a blessing of light.

As the giant door opened, the thick black mist began to rush outward from the crack of the door, accompanied by some dull whispers, like a demon from the abyss.

With the blessings of light hitting the black mist on the people, McGonagall slowly walked into the world behind the door with his sword in both hands.

The dazzling divine light extinguished the black mist and pierced the darkness.

Behind the giant gate is an empty cave with a height of hundreds of meters. On an altar engraved with countless ancient runes, countless black chains are intertwined to bind a behemoth like a hill!

The four looked up at the scene with a little shock in their eyes.

It was a huge octopus. Numerous tentacles protruded from under him. On top of that tentacle, there were eyes full of eyes, and each eye was glowing with strange red light.

A six-pointed star seal was suppressed above its head, flashing a faint pale golden light, which seemed to be annihilated at any time.


The octopus seemed to hear the sound of opening the door and made a weird growl.

McGonagall felt suddenly stared at by countless pairs of eyes. Those dense eyes seemed to look at them all, and all the tentacles suddenly stretched out toward the doorway.

This must be a nightmare for people with intense fear.

The Maggot sword is ready to fight.

Krasu and Julian also held the mage's staff and the magic wand, respectively.

But just as those tentacles were about to come to McGonagall, a light golden curtain wall suddenly rose around the altar.

The tentacles hit the golden curtain wall, as if hitting a wall of fire, making a rustling noise, and the tentacles began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The behemoth squeaked, and numerous tentacles suddenly retracted.

"This seal is quite reasonable." Irina retracted the mage staff with a smile and walked around the altar, wondering: "Is this the guy's head?"

"It should be, just a head is so huge, and the size of his body is conceivable." McGonagall put away his sword and frowned at the octopus monster.

The tentacles are covered with brown-green slime, and the creeping tentacles are disgusting.

"Is it a fire? Or is it frozen?" Krasu asked, touching his chin.

Julian walked around the entire altar, with a dignified expression: "Regular magic has no effect on the black mist, and he does not expect much effect of directly casting on his body. His state is not very active, indicating this seal The formation method is still effective, and a more secure method is to seal it again on the basis of this formation method. This guy's body contains extremely horrible magic. Once released, we are definitely not our opponents. "

Krasu frowned and stared at the octopus for a while, and nodded, "OK, I'll listen to you this time."

"What do you think?" Irina turned to look at McGonagall.

McGonagall agreed with Julian's statement that this was just a head that the old ruler had been cut and sealed for many years, but standing in front of it still had a small sense of facing the eternal ages.

He must admit that even if the four of them join forces, there is still no certainty to fight this guy after breaking the seal.

However, he has a mission!

Sealing again is only a measure of slowing down soldiers. If they cannot find a solution to these old dominators, they will one day come out of trouble and harm the world.

"I want to cut it for a try," McGonagall said earnestly.

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