Published at 11th of March 2022 08:23:18 AM

Chapter 1977: Hey boy, go call your lord

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Noah almost jumped up is a great Weilong!

Oh no, it is tortoiseshell bondage!

But looking at the little elf girl with a head and half body, the tortoiseshell that had been raised in his hand was stopped.

The little guy is too small, looks like only three or four years old, and looks too cute!

The silvery soft hair is so scattered, the delicate and lovely face is a little fat, the blue eyes are as bright as sapphire, and there are a pair of translucent little pointed ears, like a little angel, crooked his head, a face Looking at them dubiously.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?" the little girl said softly.

" you see the turtle?" Noah responded, raised the turtle shell above her head and put it down, barely squeezing a smile.

"But yours is the turtle shell Hey." Amy took off at a glance.

"Although it is now just a turtle shell, it used to be a flamboyant turtle. When I was young, I did not know how to cherish. I fell in love with a fish and struggled for her until I lost my body. With such a tortoise shell..." Noah sighed his chin slightly and said affectionately.

"So, are there any stories about the turtle shells on your ground?" Amy didn't know where she took a small bench from the door and sat down at the door with her hands on her chin, looking at Noah with interest.

Behind her, two small heads came out, also looking at Noah with some curiosity.

"I drop the turtle..." Noah looked at the three little guys looking forward, a little bit out of place.

It's hard for him to compose a story, but there are thirty-six turtle shells on the ground. If you write a story for each one, is this a human thing?

"Grandpa, I don't think these three little girls have anything to do with that thing, are you wrong?" Noah asked a little, and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, kid, go and call your lord," Merante said toward the pillar.

"Hey, Grandpa Blind, I'm here." Amy yelled and looked at Merante. "Are you going to have trouble with my father? He has just finished his work and needs rest now. If you have anything to do with me Say it."

Annie stood sideways in front of Jessica, looking at Merant with some vigilance.

"Huh?" Merante's all-white eyes suddenly turned to Annie, revealing a bit of surprise, and the tortoiseshell suspended in front of him suddenly spun wildly.

"Are there any guests?" Just then, a gentle voice came from the restaurant, McGonagall came out, just in front of Annie, and looked at the two people outside the door.

This young and old is a little strange in appearance and appearance.

The old man looks white in hair, wears a blouse, and his face is bluish, and his complexion is not very good, and those eyes are more blue and white, only white eyes, standing in front of a thin bamboo pole, above the thin bamboo pole, more It is a tortoiseshell stone with a twirling rotation.

The young man next to him is wearing a little more normal. A set of turquoise short gown cotton trousers with a big package behind him, but a fluffy and red haircut is too eye-catching, so the focus will be placed first On his hair, it had a pretentious effect.

But with such a cool hairstyle, she has a pretty green and well-behaved face, which looks like she was in her early twenties. She has a fair complexion, clear facial features, and bright brown eyes. If you trim your hair, At a glance, it should be the appearance that the little girl and the rich aunt like.

"The restaurant's noon business hours are over. If you want to dine, please come back in the evening." McGonagall said with a smile.

Noah looked at McGonagall nervously, and the tortoiseshell that he put down again picked up again, squinting at Merante, ready to watch his eyes act.

"We are not here to eat." Merante began, his white eyes staring at McGonagall.

"Okay, let's go to the playground on the second floor first. I'll change a new toy for you." McGonagall said to the three little guys with a smile.


"What new toy?"

"Let's go!"

The three little guys happily ran into the restaurant.

When the children left, McGonagall still had a smile on his face, but his voice was a little cold: "If you are not eating, turn right and go forward. There are all kinds of fun, and then you go forward and the scenery is also good."

"You're not easy." Merante didn't mean to leave, still staring at McGonagall.

"Yeah, I should be the best chef in the city of chaos now. People who have eaten my food think I am not simple." Macquarie nodded.

"You've seen something you shouldn't see." Merante said.

"What's the old man's way?" McGonagall burst out of his heart and began to judge whether this was a magic stick that came to the door to cheat money or a really mysterious person.

"The little girl just now is not an ordinary person. There should be no pure person in this world." Merante continued.

"Come in for a cup of tea?" McGonagall opened the door and looked at them.

"Yes... there is something to say outside, we don't drink tea..." Noah said a little nervous, he could not see the realm of McGonagall, either he was a chicken with no power, or a comparison He is countless times stronger.

"Proper." Merante collected the tortoiseshell stone and walked toward the restaurant with a bamboo pole.

"Grandpa, isn't this right?" Noah hurriedly grabbed his clothes corner and whispered.

Merante patted his hand gently, beckoning him to be restless, and stepped into the restaurant.

"I can't help the devil's cave, no devil, I'm fighting!" Noah closed the tortoise shell and followed into the restaurant.

The restaurant door closed slowly behind them.

Noah glanced back and swallowed, holding the tortoiseshell tightly in his hand, ready to give the guy a tortoiseshell **** that would make him lose his resistance.

"Just find a place to sit," McGonagall said casually, and went into the kitchen himself.

"Grandpa, is he?" Noah asked quietly, sitting next to Merante who was sitting by the window.

"The person the tortoiseshell stone is looking for is him." Mei Lan characteristic head.

"Then we won't do it at this time, when will we wait?" Noah sprang from the chair all at once, and the tortoiseshell had spread out, and a tortoiseshell array was placed under his feet.

"It's such a big man, be steady." Merante frowned. "Don't move up and put on a defensive formation first. The momentum is weak."

"Isn't this what you taught me? The winner is the winner." Noah was not ashamed.

McGonagall came with the brewed black tea, and a man poured a cup. The cup was just put down, and he looked at Merante and said, "Who are you?"

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