Published at 11th of March 2022 08:14:33 AM

Chapter 2309: Runa will leave it to you

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The wine is full of aroma, and the aroma is full of oak.

Byron's hand froze, he couldn't help sniffing the scent of the wine, and he felt that he was three-point drunk by the smell.

Even Luna, who usually doesn’t drink, brightens her eyes when she smells the aroma of the wine. She doesn’t feel greedy, but feels so special and impressive.

"Mr. McGonagall, you...oh, it really makes the old man ashamed." Byron looked at the opened wine bottle, sighing with helplessness, but looking at McGonagall's eyes a little more. A sense of intimacy with the younger generation.

"If you are ashamed, then I'll be guilty." McGonagall took three wine glasses, and two of them were full. Gina's wine glass was half a small glass, and he picked up the glass and said: "Punish yourself one cup first." , Drink it all in one sip.

"Sit down, drink a drink and talk about the innocence. If you entertain me with this good wine, I don't know what to say." Byron looked at McGonagall with more satisfaction.

"It's all in the wine." McGonagall touched him with a glass.

"Reasonable." Byron also held up the wine glass. The amber rum was swayed slightly in the crystal glass. The clear and translucent wine could not see the slightest impurities. It was like a gem, which made people intoxicated.

He put the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip. The delicate, sweet taste was unknowingly intoxicated. The fragrant aroma, with a touch of woodiness, only the aged wine stored in oak barrels will emit such The wonderful taste, the thick taste, and the lingering aftertaste remaining in his mouth after swallowing made him unable to help but close his eyes.

This is 50-year-old rum!

The long aftertaste made him seem to see the annual ring of history.

In the deep wine cellar, the brewed rum lies in barrels made of century-old oak and fermented quietly.

An old winemaker is sitting on a wine barrel, drinking wine, and seems to be waiting for the wine to come out of the cellar.

Byron opened his eyes, with tears in his eyes, and nodded and said: "As expected of fifty years old rum, good wine!"

This is indeed the pro-brewed of Old Master Sim. There is no second person in this world who can brew such a wine.

He didn't expect that, he just came to have a simple meal, but he could drink good wine that he would never dream of.

"Then you have to drink two more glasses today." McGonagall smiled and picked up the chopsticks, "Come on, eat more food, let's drink slowly."

"Okay." Byron picked up the chopsticks and put a peanut in his mouth. The crispy peanuts have a spicy flavor, the more they chew, the more fragrant, a little bit upper, and it is a perfect match for wine.

Good wine and good food, the conversation between McGonagall and Byron has gradually opened up.

McGonagall has a good impression of this old gentleman. In Luodu's simple relationship before, this old gentleman who is in a high position but has basic education and academic research is a very special existence.

This is the kind of person who can educate a woman like Luna.

To know that there are many ladies in Luodu City, but they can’t even choose to marry anyone.

Byron looked at McGonagall and nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of smiles.

"I heard Luna say that I hope the school can be built, but you have given a great help, this cup, I toast you." Byron was already a little drunk, holding the wine glass and looking at McGonagall.

"I hope that the academy can be built, it is all the credit of Teacher Luna, I just helped a little." McGonagall picked up the glass and touched it with him, and said with a smile.

"You don't need to be humble." Byron shook his head, "Luna has mentioned these children's problems to me several times in the past two years. I can't do anything. I can only help as long as she can.

But as soon as you come, the foundation is successfully established, the money is in place, and the relationship is in place again. It is hoped that the school can be established in such a short time.

I have also been in officialdom for decades. I understand these things. Luna has met a noble person. "

Luna, who was drying the rice, had a meal with her braised pork hand, her eyes also looked at McGonagall.

"You have to say that, I'm embarrassed." McGonagall put down the glass and smiled and said: "The construction of the Hope Academy is also a good thing for the city of chaos. It is the strong support of the Lord Michael, so he can I passed all the procedures quickly, and I dare not take credit for this."

Broadcast, the novel app I’m using recently, [app ] Both Android and iPhone support!

Byron laughed and patted McGonagall on the shoulder, "You kid, great."

Then they talked about the implementation of decimal and nine-nine multiplication formula tables. Under the strong promotion of Byron, with its superiority, it has already been tried out in the Loth Empire.

After drinking three rounds, the food on the table is almost the same, and Byron is already drunk.

Rum is a strong liquor with great stamina.

This cellar has been aged for 50 years, and the strength of the wine cannot be underestimated.

"I...I think you, a young man, are very good..." Byron grabbed McGonagall's hand and nodded with relief, "Luna leave it to you, I...I'm relieved..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slowly lay down on the table.

"Wh... what do you mean by giving it to me?" McGonagall raised an eyebrow, and the first reaction was whether Irina, who was taking a bath upstairs, heard this unfamiliar sentence.

"Grandfather..." Gina looked at the drunk Byron, her cheeks flushed, these could they tell McGonagall, they obviously had nothing.

Suddenly quiet in the restaurant, McGonagall and Luna were sitting, not knowing what to say to break the embarrassment.

"That... Grandfather is drunk and said something strange, don't take it to heart." Ji Na still spoke first, blushing, and said with some embarrassment when she looked at McGonagall.

"Ah, it's okay, he must be worried that you are alone in the city of chaos." McGonagall smiled and shook his head, looked at Byron who was still drunk, and said: "I'll call a carriage to take you back."

"Well, it's time to work." Luna nodded. Now she wants to escape here quickly.

McGonagall stopped the carriage and helped Byron into the carriage. He told the coachman to help him into the house after he got there, and gave him a little more fare.

"Luna, you should go back first. I gave the old man these two bottles of wine. You can hold them for him." McGonagall handed a bag into the carriage.

"Okay, thank you." Luna nodded.

The carriage started, Luna lowered the curtain, relaxed a little, and let go of her tightly clenched left hand, only to find that her palm was full of sweat, and she couldn't help laughing.

She stretched out her hand and touched her hot face, but she couldn't help thinking about the words of her previous grandfather, and she didn't know if he was drunk and talking nonsense or serious?

If he really wants to entrust himself to McGonagall, then she...should she refuse or agree?

Then she thought of the words Vivienne often chanted in her ears, and her face became even hotter.

Mr. McGonagall is of course good. There should be no second man in this world who is as gentle and talented as him, who can cook good dishes and write good words.

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