Published at 11th of March 2022 08:11:58 AM

Chapter 2408: First assessment

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"Have you learned, hot and sour potato shreds?"

"I went back and did it twice and they were all fried, but my father ate them all and said they were done well."

"I did it three times and succeeded once, but it was still a bit too sour without a visit."

"Then you need to put a little less vinegar, and wait until the pan is hot before adding oil, so that it will not be easy to stick to the pan..."

At the entrance of the training center, the children waiting for class get together to discuss their cooking experience.

"Fara, you must have done a good job, right?" Baker walked to Fara who was alone in the corner.

"No, I just learned hot and sour potato shreds. Salt and pepper potatoes are not good." Farah smiled shyly.

"Have you already learned even salt and pepper potatoes? Teacher McGonagall only briefly mentioned a few words!" Baker looked at Farah in surprise.

Baker’s voice attracted the attention of the children, and one after another eyes fell on Farah.

Fara was not used to being watched by so many people, and nodded with a blushing face: "Well, I think it's interesting, so I went back and tried it myself, but I didn't do it well."

The eyes of the children are a little more admired and envy. After all, most of them can't even make hot and sour potato shreds, but Farah has already begun to make salt and pepper potatoes.

"Why do the children come so early today?" McGonagall rode Mia to a stop in front of the training center, looked at the children standing at the door, and said with a smile.

"Hello Teacher McGonagall!"

"Hello Mia!"

The children greeted enthusiastically, the affection and respect between the looks is so pure.

Perhaps before this, most of their love for cooking classes comes from the food they can taste every time, but after cooking food for their families, there have been some subtle changes in their mentality.

The affirmation and expectation from relatives, and the requirements that they want to do better, all make them have different ideas about learning cooking.

Of course, it also makes them more clearly aware of the gap between themselves and Teacher McGonagall.

Ms. McGonagall cooks delicious food that makes people cry, and the hot and sour potato shreds they make can make people cry.

"Come in." McGonagall also felt the subtle changes in the children's body, and the corners of his mouth were a little grinning.

Doing anything requires motivation. For children of this age, it is not easy for them to establish a sense of mission in their work, but it is not so difficult for them to find the meaning of doing this.

This is also one of the reasons why he assigns homework.

It seems that the effect of this homework still meets the requirements.

Soon after, the class bell rang and class time came.

"Before class today, I want each of you to make a hot and sour potato shreds. I will observe your cooking process and taste the hot and sour potato shreds you made." McGonagall said while looking at the children.

The children suddenly became a little nervous when they heard this.

"Teacher, is this an exam?" a child asked.

"For you, it's a test, or an exam." McGonagall smiled and nodded, "I will give a score based on your demonstrated level and make a ranking."

McGonagall does not agree with the so-called happy education, which does not work in the middle class, let alone the children who are struggling with food and clothing.

So he wants these children to clearly recognize their own level and work hard to climb the rankings.

The cruelty of grades in school is much more gentle than hunger.

Hearing McGonagall’s words, the children’s expressions were tense with anticipation.

"Well, the assessment time is fifteen minutes. The potatoes and spices are all ready for you. Now, start!" McGonagall's voice fell, and the clock on the wall began a fifteen-minute countdown.

Each child got four big potatoes, which means they have a chance to come back, but this is based on the premise that they are fast enough.

Wash the potatoes, then peel and shred.

Peeling potato skins is quite a test of knife skills. Unsteady hands are the key to whether you can peel thin and stretched potato skins.

Mag, holding a list of assessments in his hand, walked around the classroom, looking at the potatoes in the children's hands.

The practice of knife skills during this period has allowed these children to gradually enter the door from being unable to hold the knife securely. However, it takes a long time to practice in order to achieve proficiency.

For example, the devil fat man named Pete over there, the length of the potato skins he cuts is not more than one centimeter. Between thinness and continuousness, he chooses thinness, but the efficiency is greatly reduced.

The student next door chose the continuous, wide and thick potato skins, which directly made the potatoes lose weight.

McGonagall passed by without expression and continued to observe the performance of other students.

When passing by Baker, McGonagall paused for a moment.

This teenager who is generally shorter than his classmates found a balance between thinness and continuity. The hand speed is not fast, but it is stable. Potato chips are not thin, but they did not waste too many potatoes. Two potatoes are peeled out, just enough to fry a plate of hot and sour potato shreds.

"Not bad, it seems that I have practiced seriously when I go home." McGonagall nodded slightly. For the hardworking children, the teacher really is more likely to develop a good impression.

Turning to the other side, McGonagall stopped in front of Farah’s stove.

The potato rotates gently in Farah’s hand, and a thin, light-transmitting potato skin spirals down.

Yes, one potato, one potato skin.

The shredded potatoes are golden, smooth and delicate, without any fingerprints.

At this level, you can go directly to the Maimi restaurant.

"Is this talent? It's really enviable." McGonagall sighed inwardly.

The cut potatoes were placed on the cutting board, and Farah pulled out the Chinese kitchen knife from the knife holder and began to shred.

tuk tuk tuk tuk!

A light and rhythmic voice sounded, and the two potatoes became a plate of potato shreds in a moment, and then they were soaked in a plate of clear water.

Meg continued to pass by, and the girl's knife skills became more and more proficient. This weekend because of the Elf race, she pigeoned her, which was a waste of free labor.

The potato shreds were quickly cut. Although the level is different, they still fired one after another.

Meg returned to the podium, and as the potato shreds came out of the pot, the fragrance gradually rose.

However, things quickly emerged.

The paste and sour taste began to permeate, and the smell gradually became more complex.

McGonagall frowned and looked at the blackened potato shreds in Pete's pot. Although sweat was dripping on his forehead, he still ran wildly on the fire. It seemed that as long as he stir-fried fast enough, he would never smash the pot. general.

Fara was the first to make it. The excellent knifeman won her a lot of time, and it only took five minutes to make a special hot and sour potato shreds.

She glanced at the classmates who were still working hard, then at the salt and pepper on hand, and the two remaining potatoes on the side.

Hesitated for a moment, she picked up the remaining two potatoes and began to peel them.

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