Published at 27th of November 2022 04:40:20 PM

Chapter 427: Oh, really sweet! (Second!)

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"Salty tofu brain?"

Dracula looked at his face in a porcelain white bowl and raised his eyes. The bowl contained something that looked white and tender. The top was covered with a layer of orange-red sauce, and the top was sprinkled with some chopped mustard and small. Shrimp.

A seductive scent rose, thinking about his nose, he couldn't tell what it was, it was very different from the blood, and it was not the same as the grass, but it looked so fragrant and tempting, as if To get to the bottom of his heart, let him swallow a mouthful.

"Is this the brain of something? What is tofu? A kind of Warcraft? How have I never heard of it? But it smells very sweet. Would you like to try it?"

Dracula’s heart flashed through many problems for a time, and the salty tofu brain in front of him fell into meditation.

"Your sweet tofu brain... your salty tofu brain..."

Yabei Mia continued to serve, a portion of the tofu brain came up, placed in front of someone in the place, sweet and salty, placed in front of different people, this time did not ask the taste beforehand.

"If they don't ask for the taste, will they not like it? And, this conversation has been very intense. If there is a dispute over the taste of the tofu brain, I am afraid it will fall into a more serious stalemate?" Sally has some Unexplained looking at the smiling McGee standing at the door of the kitchen, I don't quite understand why he sent the sweet and salty bean curd together, and did not distinguish the taste according to the two camps, but staggered.

Michael glanced at the salty tofu brain in front of him, and looked at the different tofu brains in front of everyone. There was also a hint in the eyes. For the sweet and salty bean curd in the rice restaurant, he heard about it in Robert. What does it mean now, is it to want to make another sweet and salty battle within the devil and the dragon? Isn't that more complicated?

"My favorite thing to eat is the brain, taking the opening bones and licking the blood-mixed brain. It is an unparalleled enjoyment." Gustav looked at the sweet tofu brain in front of him, his face full of excitement. The expression, squatting: "This boss will enjoy it, but I have never eaten a sweet brain, and this tofu is what Warcraft? How have I never heard of it?"

"In fact, human beings are the most cruel race on Nolan. I have never heard of anything that they can't eat. They are small reptiles on the ground, big to our dragons. They can eat as long as they move. Even Even the soil is not let go. The brain looks like this is not serious, I will never eat." Jinx hands chest, some disdainful said.

"I heard that human beings are the most popular races on Nolan's mainland. I am somewhat curious about what the so-called salty tofu brain tastes." Heavier Rao is interested in looking at the tofu brain.

"Hey? Tululus, how are you not the same as mine?" Dracula glanced at the bowl of sweet tofu in front of Talulus, and looked at the sweetness in front of Gustav. Tofu brain is different from his.

"Sucking!" Gustav had already sipped a sweet tofu brain into his mouth with a spoon.

The eyes of everyone in the room all fell on his body.

"The things that human cooking is definitely not good? My Dracula is starving to death here, and I will never eat a bite here today." Dracula also hugged his chest and closed his eyes. Gustav said.

"How could it be so delicious!" Gustav swallowed the tofu brain in his mouth, then opened his eyes and looked at the tofu brain in front of him with an incredulous look. "The taste of this brain is so It's delicate and soft, sweet and not greasy. Although it doesn't have a bit of **** taste, it is hard to resist. It is definitely the best in the brain! I have never eaten such a delicious brain! No Warcraft brain has this. It’s so delicious and delicious, it’s so delicious!” As soon as the voice fell, I continued to bow down and ate it. I took a bite and looked at it. I didn’t have time to pay attention to the other.

"Looking at people? Just a small bowl of brain, and still cooked by humans, is it so delicious?" Dracula looked at Gustav with some suspicion, then looked at the tofu brain in front of him. I don't admit, this food still looks very delicate, and the taste is very special, without the slightest **** smell, but it gives him a desire to try.

"Resist! Never be tempted like this!" Dracula licked his thigh, and just released it, he couldn't play his face like this.

“Is it so delicious?”

The eyes of the people also showed a bit of doubt, and Jinx also secretly looked at his eyes.

Tullus and Hewed did not hesitate, took the spoon and took a spoonful of tofu brain to his mouth.


The eyes of the two men lit up almost at the same time.

"Inconceivable taste! This is definitely not an ordinary brain, delicious is simply indescribable!" He Weide exclaimed, directly picked up the bowl on the table and ate fast.

"Delicious! It's so delicious! I have never eaten such delicious food!" Tullus also whispered, a fat fluttering, unable to restrain his excitement, eating in a bowl and sucking.

"It's so delicious!" The two civil servants of the city's main government did not know when they had already eaten, and their faces were full of pleasant expressions of enjoying the food.

"I didn't expect this tofu brain to be so delicious. It is completely different from the spicy grilled fish, and it is not a brain. It should be a kind of soy product. Just don't know what magic cooking method Mai used. It can make rough soybeans white and delicate. The salty sauce is served with fine mustard, and the small shrimp brings the taste of the ocean. All of them are in one mouth, and the delicious is amazing." Michael also took a spoonful of tofu brain and fed it into his mouth. He suddenly fell into a delicious trap, a spoonful of one spoonful, and the delicious food could not stop.

"No one can resist the food made by his father, even the devil and the dragon." Amy looked at the guests who were addicted to the tofu brain, and smiled on his face, as if he had already seen everything.

In addition to the slight sound of the tofu brain in the restaurant, only the sighs from time to time are completely unsatisfactory. The fragrance of the bean blossoms reverberates in the restaurant, and becomes more intense with the stirring.

"This negotiation is very important. It is absolutely impossible to lose to the other side in an imposing manner! Even if this is a food for human cooking, for the victory of this negotiation, I can only sacrifice myself and try it out." Dracula righteous words One face looked like a smashed tofu with a spoonful of tofu brain, and the eyes suddenly lit up. He smiled and said: "It's so sweet!"

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