Published at 27th of November 2022 04:37:37 PM

Chapter 517: Anna... don’t cry

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The calm of the forest of the wind was broken, and the smoke and the orcs crossed the border and left a ridiculousness, as if to ominize the ending of the elves.

There are elves trying to escape the forest of the wind, but the world outside the forest is even more chaotic. The entire Nolan continent has already fallen into an endless war. A race war has swept across the continent, and no single race can stay out of it.

Just as the elves were desperate, the Elf Queen and the Helena High Priest were born like a savior. The Elf Queen had great strength and military abilities. Every battle was a leader, leading the elf guards who were temporarily patchwork together. The orc and demon coalitions were kept out of the sacred land of the elves, and they were recognized by the tree of life.

At that time, the Elf Queen, the goddess of all the elves, was chased by the elves.

In addition to the powerful starry magic, the Helena High Priest’s greatest contribution is to raise the hearts of the people when all the elves are in the heart, inspiring more elves to become a warrior in order to protect the forest of the wind. Bows and magic wands will expel the invaders.

Joshua also became a warrior, fighting to protect the forest of the wind.

He killed the orcs and demons, and was also injured in the battle, but in the desperate situation, relying on each other to warm, listening to the Queen's command and fighting, it seems that always can see hope and victory is ahead.

This prolonged race war ended in a hundred years ago. After the extremely embarrassing price, the elves have left most of the invading demons and orcs in the forest of the wind forever.

On that day, Helena was signed a peace agreement with other races in the city of chaos. The elves legally owned all the sovereignty of the forest of the wind. The news was returned to the forest of the wind. The elves raised their bodies and celebrated for half a month. .

Carefree and free life seems to be able to return to the forest of the wind, at least Joshua thought at the time, and many elves who fought **** battles in the war thought so.

Then the Helena High Priest returned to the Forest of Winds, began to make meritorious deeds, rewarded elves who contributed to the race war, and gave them money and rewarded the land.

All this seems to be understandable. Everything they do in the war deserves this and even deserves better.

However, Joshua felt that all of this changed. There were no gold coins and no official positions in the elves. Everyone was equal. Without territory, all places were free to pass.

So after thinking about it for three days, he refused the refuge of Helena’s high priest’s territory. Like many elves, he chose to leave the forest of the wind and began to travel to the mainland. He left every place and experienced war. All of his comrades died and buried. .

At the time of the Nolan continent, the ethnic war had just ended, and all the ethnic groups were nourished and nourished. Apart from the devil and orc territory, other places were basically unimpeded and not dangerous. Therefore, the elves who were freed gradually forgot the war and started a new one. life.

Joshua’s knot was gradually unraveled during the journey. He met many people and made some elves who were also traveling outside. Sometimes they traveled with them, and they lived leisurely and comfortable.

However, such a day was broken more than 20 years ago. On the mainland of Nolan, there were some demon and orc gangs that targeted the elves who were wandering outside. The elves who were singled were caught and thrown into it. The low iron cage was held in the dark cellar, and the dark age seemed to be coming back again, causing a panic in the elves.

Some of the elves returned to the forest of the wind for help, but were left in the forest and were no longer allowed to leave.

The elves no longer have the freedom to leave the forest, and the major families have divided the entire elves.

More and more elves disappeared, and then the families in the Wind Forest have more and more elf slaves. They are branded with magic marks and are not allowed to leave the territory.

Joshua discovered this thing twenty years ago. At that time, he went to see a friend, but his friend’s home was left with a mess. He found a line under the stone. The couple were demons and orcs. Caught away.

Later, he met an elf who had escaped from the forest. He said that he had seen the couple in the big family of the elves, but one leg of the male elf had been broken and became the lowest level of slavery.

This incident has had a huge impact on Joshua's soul. After the end of the ethnic war, it is not the other races that pose the greatest threat to the elves, but the new aristocrats in the forest.

The aristocrats in the elves are ridiculously and sadly present.

He didn't understand how the guys had the heart to do things like the elves who had fought side by side and gave almost everything to protect the forest of the wind.

But what can he do? Voluntarily returning to the forest of the wind will also lose freedom, and these elves who have been labeled as wanderers and abandoners have any right to speak.

Therefore, the elves who traveled outside, such as the stunned birds, continue to wander, enjoying the freedom of not knowing when they will come to an end, without compromise, is the last insistence on freedom.

More and more elves disappear, demons and orcs are full of the mainland to chase the elves, the number of mercenary groups is increasing, and the arrogance is extremely arrogant.

This situation lasted until six years ago, when Princess Irina left home from the Wind Forest and began to travel to the mainland, and then a mercenary group stared at her.

As a result, it was destroyed.

And this is just the beginning.

One mercenary group was destroyed under the wizard's magic wand. The roles of the cat and the mouse were exchanged at this moment. The once arrogant mercenary group began to flee across the mainland, just to find the princess who was not honored.

For the elves who traveled outside, Princess Irina was like a queen who was born in the dark ages, appeared as a savior, destroyed the evil mercenary group, rescued the imprisoned elves, and got The elves who traveled outside were passionately loved.

Under the attack and deterrence of Princess Irina, the mercenary group was destroyed by half, and the rest were also disbanded and crouched. They dared not to start the elves again and return to freedom.

When Joshua first saw Princess Irina five years ago, he was seriously injured in the battle of the devil in order to help a pair of elf couples.

In desperation, Princess Irina and the man who raised the sword came down and waved away all the demons.

Only the couple had lost their lives under the devil's hand in order to protect their daughter, leaving only an elf less than one year old.

Irina treated his injury and gave the child to him. He asked him to help raise the child. This child was named Anna.

Princess Irina returned to the Forest of Winds three years ago. Since then, no news has come out. The crouching mercenary groups have reappeared and continue to arrest the wandering elves. The days have once again become difficult.

Joshua took Anna through many places and lived together. He tried to teach her to be a free and kind elf. She was his only sustenance and hope. For her, he could give everything to protect, including life.

"Grandpa... Grandpa..." Joshua, whose soul was about to dissipate, suddenly heard a cry of sorrow in his ear.

"An... Na..." Joshua tried to open her eyes and slowly raised her right hand on Anna's face and shook her head. "Don't cry."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!