Published at 11th of March 2022 08:52:15 AM

Chapter 827: System, you secretly go to tutoring?

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After sending off Hill, McGonagall went to the biggest bookstore in the city of Chaos and bought a bunch of books about the various ethnic groups in Nolan, many of them about the church, and some books suitable for Amy. .

McGonagall likes to read books, especially after coming to the world, to quickly enrich his knowledge and expand his worldview.

This is a world that has money and does not necessarily live well, so he must live in a more positive state.

Of course, he enjoys such a fulfilling life every day, and it is more interesting than hanging around and living around in the past.

A shipping fee was paid, and the address of the restaurant was given by the way. The bookstore clerk will send the book to the restaurant at the prescribed time. Meg may not want to use the bicycle to carry a large box of books back.

Then McGongo went to an ice cream shop. The exquisite ice cream shop in the floor-to-ceiling glass window was filled with guests, and two or three guests were waiting in line at the store.

The face of Ami Mia is full of energetic smiles between the guests, offering them delicious ice cream.

The guests had a sweet smile on their faces, and while enjoying the food, they also enjoyed the lovely smile of this exquisite ice cream shop and store manager.

"This affinity is probably born." McGonagall stood outside the ice cream shop for a while, his face full of admiring smiles, so that the North Asian Mia responsible for the ice cream shop is probably one of the most correct decisions he made.

McGonagall did not enter the restaurant, but entered directly from the door of the Ricky Barbeque Shop and then on the second floor.

The second floor has been cleaned up by the system. The two hundred square meters of open space is a bit empty, but it looks a little dim because of the lack of windows.

McGonagall looked around and asked in his heart: "System, half out this, separated into a set of three houses, hardcover, how much?"

"Host, this system is a serious kitchen system, not an architect system, please do not let this system do this pediatric thing." The system is serious.

“Isn't the restaurant renovation all done by you?” McGonagall said.

"Providing the perfect restaurant for the host is a matter of the system. What you are doing with this system is super-class!"

“System, is the waiter an important part of a restaurant?”

“That is natural, excellent waiters will greatly enhance the dining experience of the guests, which is an extremely important component for the restaurant.” The system is sure.

"Since this is the case, in order to ensure the quality of the service of the excellent waiters in the restaurant, let them get home safely every day, rest every night, and arrive at the restaurant on time every day to provide a high-quality service to the guests and provide them with a geography. Is it a very important thing to have a good location and a comfortable place to live?” Meg smiled.

"If you consider it from this perspective... it seems to be quite necessary..." The system said something tangled.

“Restaurant staff dormitory is an important extension of the restaurant. You may also welcome the chef during the use. You should design according to this standard. Please show me before finalizing the draft, and then start the renovation.” McGonagall Nodded and turned and walked downstairs.

"Wait... Hosting this..." The system seems to suddenly come back.

McGonagall did not stop and calmly said: "You can quote. Of course, if you don't want to do it, I will consider asking other construction teams. I heard that the construction team of the city's main government is quite idle. I am with Michael. Say, friendship price should be no problem."

"Host, let's talk about this relationship, others are friendship prices, we are affectionate!" The system is a little anxious.

"Do you also admit that you are my son?"


"I don't have your stupid son." McGonagall had some disgusting grin.

“Host, this system can provide the most advanced design scheme. The bedroom floor-to-ceiling windows are directly opposite Aden Square. Every morning, the curtains can be opened to see the beautiful square. A full set of haute couture furniture brings the most comfortable living experience, the latest air. The circulatory system brings the freshest air and comfortable temperature to the room.

and! The system will also design a double bathtub for the host to prepare for the host to attend the staff quarters. "The sound of the system seems to carry a trace of evil.

McGee, who was going down the stairs, almost stepped on the air and stood on the wall. He raised his eyebrows: "System, you secretly went to tutoring? What a ghost is the double bathtub for me?"

“Research shows that a larger bathtub can make a lot of happiness in the bathing process, and it can evolve more functions outside the bath and unlock more postures.” The system replied earnestly. .

"Okay, just do what you said." McGonagall, this system is becoming more and more famous. He continued to walk downstairs and said: "But the decoration design fee and construction fee are exempted. And then the other fees will be almost 50% off. You can calculate the amount of money, and tell me about it."

“Host, decoration design and construction condense the wisdom and hard work of a design master and a special craftsman. How can you avoid it in this way?! Your approach is immoral! It is the performance of not respecting knowledge! The discount is too much?! The products provided by this system are all boutique products, the price is the conscience of conscience, if you hit 50% off... I have to lose money!" The system is somewhat indignant.

McGonagall frowned: "Do you mean that we are affectionate? Are you so embarrassed to you? Which son do you want to give yourself a house to pay for the design? You are a big deal!"

"When people are guilty, they still buy a housewife..." The system sighed.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows. This system must have been carrying him to secretly make up the class. The road was good, but his face did not show any sorrow. His face didn’t matter. "If you don't do it, I will find someone else to do it." ”

"This system is dry!" Some sorrowful voices sounded: "The decoration design fee and construction fee are exempted. After the rest of the cost is 50% off, the hardcover room needs a total of 500,251 copper coins!"

"Then there are 500,200 copper coins, even a fraction of a copper coin." McGonagall nodded, and sat out on his bicycle and headed for the restaurant.

"Is it already 50% off!!!"

The system is silently roaring...

"Since I have learned it and don't make it to the world's foodies, it's a shame." Back at the restaurant, McGonagall went straight into the kitchen and took various tools from the cabinet below. Speaking to himself.

"Of course, the most important thing is how can this sour taste only let me enjoy it alone!"


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