Daily American Drama - Chapter 1041

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:44:54 AM

Chapter 1041: 1041

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Friends bar.

"This is Matthew, Lily, and Ted."

When Adam came over, he introduced to Beka and the others: "This is Beka, our school girl."

"Beca Kenner!"

Matthew and the others brightened their eyes and greeted enthusiastically: "The leader of the Acapella World Championship winner! I'm so glad to see you!"

"Senior, senior sister, hello."

Beka also smiled and greeted everyone.

Because they are all Columbia alumni, they all feel very kind to each other.

Not to mention that Matthew, Ted, and Lily are all music lovers.

The perfect tone of the school girl Becca is particularly attractive to them.

Even Matthew, who was obviously in a bad mood, smiled.

Everyone greeted for a while.

"Beca, I...a friend, I have a question, I've been holding it in my heart, I don't know if I can ask..."

Ted pretended to be tangled.

"Just ask."

Becca smiled and said, "As long as it's not that matter."

Ted smiled awkwardly.

Matthew and Lily also looked disappointed.

"Just kidding."

Beka waved her hand and smiled mischievously: "If you have any questions, just ask, I know, I will say it."

"Then I will ask."

Ted kept a little reserved, and looked at each other with Matthew and Lily. He couldn't help but curiosity: "After you three National Acapella National Competitions, the commander came to see your singing. Your player Fat Ai Mi, did you do it on purpose?"

"I knew it."

Becca rolled her eyes: "No! She didn't mean it, it was an accident!"

"That said, unless it is a pervert, no one will be willing to take the initiative to do that..."

"Those media reporters are too much. They have been holding on to this, all kinds of ridicule, and some people even said that this was a terrorist attack on the commander..."

"I heard that when the incident happened, the general leader's complexion was so dark that he was joked afterwards. At that moment, he should probably be considered the first African-American general leader..."

Ted and the others began to talk, one by one gossiping vigorously.

Adam looked at the helpless Beka and smiled knowingly.

The Columbia Acappella Choir led by North Carolina won three consecutive national championships, and the limelight was so short-lived that even the chief couples were sucked (away) led (pointed) (earned) (earned) (money).

A cappella choir is naturally indispensable for hot dance.

The Columbia Acappella Chorus is full of various buffs. Among them, there is a backbone, nicknamed Fat Amy. The dance rehearsal fell from the sky when the leader came.

She was wearing a tight-fitting uniform, and she was fat... Well, in terms of high EQ, she was able to compete with Monica in high school.

She was so tight that she was still playing falling from the sky. When she was sitting on a cloth rope, while singing and descending, she was still not satisfied, feeling that she was as light as a swallow, and she was still playing with flowers.

Don't sit on it properly, you have to lie down and turn around again, and then there is no accident, the accident happened.

The cloth rope entangled her directly, and an upside down golden hook came.

And her tight-fitting uniform was not a physical opponent comparable to high school Monica's body.

Tearing up.

The tight-fitting uniform burst open.

The most condemned and suspected that she was deliberate is that she resembled those Hollywood female stars who walked on the red carpet. She appeared directly in a vacuum, one by one she was incomparably stealing the spotlight.

As a result, the leader who was watching the performance with a smile, when countless shots swept over, instantly became the old man in the subway watching the mobile phone.gif.


This is a national live broadcast.

After the incident, the various media all sorts of yin and yang.

What is even more exaggerated is that relevant departments have really come forward to investigate whether this is a terrorist attack against the commander...

But it's not surprising.

Spicy eyes, let the chief have a nightmare, destroy the chief from the spiritual level, that is also a kind of terrorist attack.

"That time, it was really thrilling."

Becca sighed: "Afterwards, we not only had to face investigations and apologize publicly, but we were also banned from the Akabella competition, and the school banned us from recruiting new members.

Almost, almost so, the Columbia Acappella Choir was ruined in my hands. "

"Isn't it?"

Lily envied: "And this is not the first time. The one named Aubrey from your choir was in the national finals. He sprayed out in public and almost ruined Columbia's Akabella Chorus. Well.

You are like the heroine of a movie, leading the accident-prone and dying Acapella Chorus, out of the doomsday, to new heights. "


When Adam heard this, he glanced at Becca, and his heart moved.

Becca is the heroine of the movie... Judging from the plot, it looks like this is true.

"It's also luck."

Beka smiled and said: "At that time, we were all going to collapse, because when these two punishments came out, the Columbia Acappella Chorus almost died in my hands.

Fortunately, Aubry discovered one of the loopholes.

Neither the Akabella Organizing Committee nor the school deprived us of the title of national champion.

The national champion defaults to representing the United States in the World Championship.

As long as we win the World Championships and become the team that won the United States in the Acapella World Championships, we can sweep away all the negative effects of the previous ones.

When Aubry raised the loophole, everyone laughed.

What we laugh is that there is still a chance.

The organizing committee and the school laughed that it was impossible..."


Matthew and they shouted together.

"Ha ha."

Adam was thinking about something. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Isn't that clear? This is a world championship every four years, and no one in the world likes the United States."

"Yes it is."

Becca affirmed Adam's statement and said, "So the people on the organizing committee are almost laughing crazy, thinking that we are completely whimsical."


The three of Matthew were speechless.

"But you still won."

Ted exclaimed, "This shows that it's not that the whole world hates us!"

Adam glanced at him and smiled without saying a word.

Why do you win the championship in one fell swoop when everyone, including yourself, is not optimistic about

It was also a headwind before, and won three consecutive national championships?

Except for Lily’s Beka suspected of having the halo of the heroine of the movie, the biggest reason is actually the more and more powerful ultimate trick in the American drama world: crazy stacking of buffs!

The Columbia Acappella Choir, with ten people from all ethnic groups including White, African, Asian, Western, etc., is simply a hodgepodge of the whole world.

Among them are lace edges, fat girls, family tragedies, childhood shadows, being discriminated against, fond of animals, marginalized people, singing songs and enough boxing skills...

Adam thought, if Becca really is the heroine of a certain movie, and the buff-laden choir she leads is completely flying dragons, how can he lose?

But for Adam, this is a mixed blessing.

The good news is that Becca may be the heroine of the movie.

What worries about is how much of Beka's ability to turn against the wind and turn invincible after leaving this invincible team full of buffs...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!