Daily American Drama - Chapter 1093

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:43:18 AM

Chapter 1093: 1093

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Cheesecake shop.

Petunia scared away the troubled spirit Sheldon.

But after a while, she felt a little uneasy.

"Still thinking of your crazy little handsome guy?"

The same blond, with the same dream of a Hollywood star, the waitress colleagues who are equally burly and manly in the eyes of Shelton and the others couldn't help but tease.

Don't doubt it.

In the Los Angeles metropolitan area, Petunia and the others have no one hundred thousand, but ten thousand.

While working as a waiter, while waiting for the opportunity to soar to the sky, becoming the most dazzling female star, fame and fortune, everything.

Their expectations are about half a year.

But ninety-nine-nine percent of them have been working for several years and still can't see their heads.


Petunia still wanted to deny it, but then she told the truth: "Well, one thing, he is a neighbor and also my friend... Well, at least I am friends with his roommate Leonard.

It’s like your friend’s kid comes over to find you, and then runs out crazy, you will always feel a little guilty and uneasy, right? "

"It depends on your friends."

The blonde female colleague laughed: "And this child is a little too big~

How can your friend Leonard rest assured?

Maybe he was the first to oppose you to take care of him~"

"You said Sheldon..."

Petunia sneered: "Trust me, don't look at him as 27, but he is actually no different from a 7-year-old.

Especially in that regard.

Even if one day, I sleep with him, Leonard won't have any other thoughts! "

"I do not believe."

The blonde female colleague showed a classic Lu-style smile.

"Forget it, let me call him."

Petunia didn't bother to tell the difference anymore, and directly picked up the phone and called Leonard.

When we first met, she thought Shelton and Leonard were a ‘loving’ couple.

Then she thought they were good roommates.

Now she understands, Leonard is clearly Dad!

If Xie'er has any problems, there will always be no mistake when looking for Dad.


The first movie of the Battle of the Apes series is over.

"Only 2 hours have passed, and there are 4 series of movies left, for a total of only 10 hours."

Leonard wore a gorilla headgear and complained: "Based on past experience, we have to hide for at least 18 to 24 hours. These five series of movies are just the beginning."

"I can't figure out why we still hide now?"

Howard murmured: "Isn't Adam here? As a doctor in the circle of friends, shouldn't he stand up at this moment?"

"Yes, Leonard, you call him."

Rajesh agreed and said, reaching for the big bucket of popcorn in Howard's arms.


"Remove your dirty paws from my popcorn."

With a slap, Howard slapped Rajesh's outstretched hand, learning the weird tone of the orangutan and the ape in the movie: "You disgusting gorilla~!"

"……Is this interesting?"

Rajesh was speechless.


Howard took it for granted: "If it's not interesting to substitute into the movie atmosphere, wouldn't it be foolish for us to buy a headgear and wear it?

Furthermore, what is the significance of the various peripherals that we spend so much money on? "

"Stop talking, I'll call Adam."

Leonard took out his cell phone, reminded them, and dialed Adam's number.


Adam answered the phone at the hospital.

"...That's the situation, Adam, can you show him?"

Leonard said with a smile.

"He's okay."

Adam smiled and said, "Besides he still has your friends."


Leonard glanced at Howard and them: "We are all working..."

"Are you busy watching the decisive battle of the Apes?"

Adam teased.


Leonard was taken aback, looked left and right, and said unbelievably: "How do you know?"

"I don't know what Shelton's Vulcan hearing is about. It will work for a while, but it will be useless for a while."

Adam smiled and said, "But when you called me in the movie theater, the background sound was so obvious.

About three meters away from you, someone was talking about the plot of the decisive battle of the Apes.

I can even hear Howard sitting next to you and Rajesh sitting next to Howard.

Their breathing is too obvious.

So next time you call me and want to lie to me that you are working, at least you should find an absolutely quiet place. "


All three Leonard were dumbfounded.

Does this work?

If Sheldon's Vulcan hearing is so good, then they're done!

"Sorry, Adam."

Leonard quickly apologized: "I'm really tortured by Sheldon and go crazy. Every time he gets sick, it's too difficult to deal with, so I..."


Adam nodded: "But what you have to do is still to do. As for medical treatment, he is not suitable for treatment.

The reason, you can ask Howard, his former action movie superstar friend, because he was almost critically ill, you will know. "

"Henry suffered from extraintestinal Crohn's disease because he lived in an environment that was too clean and too protective."

Howard said immediately.

"The medical profession has always had a hypothesis."

Adam explained: "That's why there are so many autoimmune diseases in developed countries, but not in developing countries?

Some people say that it is because people in developed countries are too particular about life.

This artificially modified environment that is most suitable for human life is completely different from the natural environment, very unnatural!

Therefore, once faced with a threat from the natural world, it is easy to fall ill, and it is still a serious illness.

In developing countries, because the living environment is not so good, the disconnection from the natural environment is not so serious.

In life, people constantly have to deal with threats from nature, and have always evolved an immune system that adapts to the natural environment.

On the contrary, it will not be so easy to get sick.

Shelton was afraid that Penny would infect him with the virus, but it was not groundless.

For people like him who have serious cleanliness and severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Any foreign microscopic bacteria and viruses may cause serious harm to him. "

Leonard and the others suddenly felt right.

Then there is no more.

Reasonable is reasonable, but let them take care of this, and there will be three points if they are Reasonable bear child Sheldon, that is absolutely impossible.

"So it's hard for me to come forward."

Adam smiled and said, "Because of Sheldon's cleanliness, it hasn't reached the extreme level.

Therefore, the proper infection of common bacteria such as the flu, and the natural carrying over, can enhance his immunity.

Otherwise, if there is a minor problem, let me come forward to treat it.

At that time, his own immunity will get worse and worse.

One day, he can only live in a completely sterile room and can't go anywhere..."

"I think this is also good."

Howard interjected.

"Yes, there are no days for Shelton, that would be the most authentic Thanksgiving."

Rajesh echoed.

"Don't say that..."

Leonard didn't want them to say such cruel things, but when the voice changed, he said to Adam on the other end of the phone: "But Sheldon actually likes this.

Staying alone in a completely sterile environment, as long as there is a computer, mobile phone, and wifi, is actually the same as going to Mars?

You also know that Sheldon wanted to leave the earth a long time ago.

So I think Shelton is treated as soon as she gets sick, and it's good. "

Adam: "..."

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