Daily American Drama - Chapter 1122

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:42:20 AM

Chapter 1122: 1122

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Los Angeles.

Time soon came to the first performance of the new edition of Swan Lake.

That night.

Adam drove to the TBBT apartment, saw Shelton and they were all ready, so he took them to knock on the door of the opposite room 4B.


Petunia's voice came out.

After a while the door opened.

Petunia was dressed up.

"You are so beautiful tonight."

Seeing all kinds of Penny who squeezed all kinds of white, her appearance had directly improved by a few holy grails, Leonard's eyes were straight.

"If you want me to say, Petunia, you should play the white swan~"

Howard couldn't help but utter compliments.

It's just that the words are good, but with Howard's extremely wretched look, this compliment makes people extremely uncomfortable.

"Thank you, you guys are also very..."

Penny is also used to the style of the otaku troupe these days and ignores Howard at all.

Just smiled at Adam and Leonard, and just thought about making a wave of business.

But the eyes fell on Leonard and the others, and they couldn't say what they said.

I saw Leonard and them all in strange costumes.

Facing Petunia's gaze, they straightened their chests proudly.

Put on a variety of classic poses that fit their Star Wars personality!

"Cool, isn't it?"

Adam, in a casual outfit, joked.

"Ha ha……"

Petunia gave a dry laugh, and then said puzzledly: "You dress like this to see Swan Lake? Adam, you have no objection?"

"What can I say?"

Adam smiled: "They like it."

"But, but..."

Petunia entangled: "Will this be a little inappropriate?"


What she actually wants to say is that if you dress like this, whether you can get in is a problem.

And to be honest, she really didn't want to go out with them like this.

In this kind of relatively tasteful and high-grade occasion, if someone knew that she knew them, she would feel a little embarrassed to think about it.

"What's wrong?"

Adam glanced at her: "They wear it out of pure liking.

In fact, it's the same as your costume...but they are not mainstream enough.

Whenever they have enough voice to redefine what the mainstream is, believe it or not to attend such occasions, they have to dress like this to be formal. "

"I have no other meaning……"

Petunia was embarrassed by Adam's eyes.

"Are you ready? Let's go."

Adam did not continue preaching, but entered the subject with a smile.

Actually speaking, Petunia's dress is really not as pure as Shelton and the others.

One is the love from the heart.

The other is biased towards vanity.

Women are tolerant for themselves and women are tolerant for themselves.

Really, whoever is more advanced, who should dislike whom, Petunia is defeated.


The six Adam entered smoothly.

"Doctor Duncan, here you are."

As soon as I entered, I saw the Jack family stand up and greet enthusiastically.


Adam smiled and said, "Jack, how do you feel?"

"very good."

Jack nodded first, then smiled bitterly: "I just missed today's premiere. It's a pity."

"You are still young, as long as your body recovers, there are more opportunities."

Adam comforted.

"Dr. Duncan is right."

Jack's mother echoed: "Your talent is so good, and your external conditions are so good. No matter when, you have a chance!"


Jack smiled reservedly.

He actually felt so too.

Since Adam removed the tumor and saved the leg.

He was in a good mood all the time, and he was not so persistent about this kind of debut.

Adam gave a brief introduction to everyone, and then took a seat.

Leonard was very nervous at first.

no way.

Jack's face makes him very stressed, and he is afraid that Petunia will be ‘robbed’ accidentally.

It wasn't until I heard that Jack was 15 years old that he secretly relieved.

Jack is indeed handsome, but he is not so handsome yet that Petunia risks going to jail.

"They are fans of Star Wars, come to see Queen Amidala?"

Jack sat next to Adam, glanced at Sheldon and others on Adam's left, and said clearly.

"Nina is indeed very similar to the actress of Queen Amidala."

"You also like Star Wars?"

Petunia looked at this handsome boy in surprise.

"Does anyone in the U.S. do not like Star Wars?"

Jack smiled, then shook his head and said: "If you are really here for Nina, who is very similar to Queen Amidala, then you may be disappointed."

"What's wrong?"

Adam frowned.

He came here to satisfy Shelton and the others to have fun in the cottage.

Otherwise, who looks at Swan Lake!

"I'm not so sure either."

Jack glanced around and leaned in and whispered: "I heard that Nina hasn't come here yet. Director Thomas is ready to let the candidate Lily jump."

"not coming?"

Sheldon's voice suddenly rose: "Why?"

"I don't know..."

Jack hesitated: "But we are not surprised at this result.

Nina's white swan is indeed the best.

But for the black swan, she still couldn't grasp it.

Director Thomas has been training this for a long time, and has not let Nina let go..."

"Teaching? How did you train it?"

Howard got excited when he heard this, and immediately took the call. When everyone looked at them with contempt, he sneered: "I have a friend who is also a ballet dancer, and he is very interested in it~"

"In fact, Director Thomas didn't plan to let Nina dance."

Jack explained in a low voice, "He invited Lily from New York, just to let Lily, who has a black swan temperament, come to dance.

After all, the black swan's deceit and success require a strong acting talent.

The elegance and innocence of the white swan is actually not that difficult to express..."

When everyone heard this, except for Sheldon, they all smiled knowingly.

Petunia looked a little unhappy.

She feels that she has been connoted...

"Then Nina took the initiative to find Director Thomas."

Jack continued: "Get dressed up.

I heard that Nina gave Director Thomas a bite when she first trained and ran away.

Originally, Nina felt that she had completely failed.

But when the results were announced, she was accidentally picked. "

"Damn a **** plot!"

Howard complained: "Woman, you succeeded in attracting my attention!"

"No... well, it seems that it is indeed the case."

Jack was speechless: "Director Thomas always thought that Nina had only the talent of a white swan.

Now that Nina refused so much and was bitten severely, she felt that Nina actually had the potential of a black swan.

As long as she releases the other side of her heart, she will be the perfect heroine! "

"Release yourself?"

Howard winked his eyes and said: "Learned again~"

Jack glanced at Adam, wondering how someone like Adam could have friends like Howard.

"You keep talking."

Adam knew what he meant.

"Although Nina was selected in the end, Director Thomas still kept a hand, so that Lily has been training."

Jack sighed: "Nina can't let go of herself.

Even Director Thomas personally went into battle to train.

Nina still couldn't escape the deceit and win-win of the black swan that Director Thomas wanted. "

"For me to be Director Thomas, I also said that the heroine has not been able to satisfy me~"

Howard smiled evilly.

"Not what you think."

Jack frowned: "Director Thomas is really pursuing art.

He had countless opportunities to get closer to Nina...

In fact, some of our colleagues saw Nina begging Director Thomas to go further...

But Director Thomas left directly after completing his task.

As he said, what he wanted was the deceitful and successful black swan who took the initiative to insulate him.

It’s not that he’s dark enough to be a black swan..."

"I really envy you."

Howard's saliva almost came down, envious and jealous: "Drought due to drought, and due to waterlogging.

Director Thomas, these people are really Vagan Fatty!

The mere indescribability can no longer stimulate them.

It’s all spent playing..."

Talking to get up.

"where you go?"

Leonard was surprised.

"I will comfort the future Mrs. Vorowitz."

Howard eagerly flexed his hands, imagining: "This is the easiest time to succeed.

Once successful, I will not be much different from marrying Queen Amidala.

She is also a Queen Amidala who can jump in Swan Lake! "

Rajesh had already stood up immediately after him.

He couldn't talk because Petunia was there, and he was smiling very much.

In fact, he didn't need to talk. Looking at his expression, it was full of: "No matter what Howard does, I have a copy~"

"Sheldon, why are you standing up too?"

Petunia glanced at Howard and Rajesh disgustingly, and then was shocked to find that Sheldon had also stood up.

"Are you also interested in this Nina?"

It was just like seeing my son’s three-year-old puppies fall in love, so shocked that Petunia stammered a bit.

"There is no more Sheldon here!"

Sheldon held his head high: "I am Luke Skywalker, and I use the force to travel through time and space, just to save my mother, Queen Amidala.

As long as Queen Amidala does not die, my father, Anakin, will not be a world savior and a world destroyer.

This time, I will save the world! "

"Yeah, yeah."

Howard laughed and said: "You wait to help me save your mother, my lover Queen Amidala.

I will not fall into the darkness and become Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith! "

Sheldon didn't speak, but put his hands on both temples and glared at Howard, who took advantage of him.


He wants to use the force from Star Wars to blast Howard's head!


Petunia and Jack were already dumbfounded.

Adam was not surprised, and looked at Jack: "Is the news confirmed?"


As soon as Jack wanted to talk, the phone vibrated, and when he took it out to look at it, his words changed: "Nina is here."

"Did you hear that?"

Adam looked at the four of Shelton: "Sit down!"

"I knew it!"

Howard was the first to sit down with joy: "She is Queen Amidala! How could she be defeated so easily!"

These words caused Leonard and Rajesh to nod their heads in recognition.

Even Sheldon, who didn't deal with Howard, was no exception.

"Sit up, you haven't jumped up on the stage yet, you jumped up first."

Adam teased Howard.

Howard didn't think it was a pestle, he just looked at the surrounding scenery with a smile.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you, even if Nina is here, but Director Thomas has announced that Lily will dance..."

As soon as Jack finished his judgment, the phone vibrated again, and then looked at everyone speechlessly and awkwardly.

"Director Thomas, still decided to use Nina as the protagonist..."

"I believe in the professional judgment of professionals."

Adam smiled slightly: "Is it going to start?"


Jack heaved a sigh of relief when Adam said this.

The opening dance began.

"Hi, look at that swan!"

Howard's eyes were sharp, and he caught the point for the first time.

Among the swans, the Sarota version is particularly eye-catching.

"She is looking at me, she is smiling at me, her eyes are about to electrocute me..."

Howard was absent and didn't forget the wretched murmur.


Petunia followed their gazes and saw Sarota in the swan state, and immediately felt a good and evil aura.

However, she was more sensitive, and found this evil swan the first time, her eyes and smile were indeed betting on this side.

It's just not the narcissistic Howard, but the unsurprising Adam.

She turned her head to look at Adam, and saw him smiling freely, but her eyes lingered on the enchanting dance on the stage, and she couldn't help but feel sore.



I really thought you didn't love women!


Thinking of this, Petunia turned dark and didn't want to think about it anymore.

It turns out that she is not worthy.

The heroine has not yet appeared, except for Shelton and Petunia, everyone feels that they have gained a lot from coming this time.


The heroine Nina makes her debut.

This time it is the state of the white swan.

This scene jumped to the end, when the prince lifted the white swan to spin, an accident happened.

The white swan fell to the ground, attracting everyone's attention.

But looking at the white swan that fell to the ground with an innocent and pitiful face, I wondered if this was also a new plot.

"This is a mistake, isn't it?"

Adam saw the problem and asked Jack next to him quietly.


Jack nodded and said, "I should have jumped this prince.

If it were me... there would be no such mistake! "


Adam was noncommittal: "But as far as I can see, it's not the prince's fault, but the heroine's absence today."

Lift that big man, keep that posture all the time.

If the person being lifted is still moving, the dancer who plays the prince is neither a professional weightlifter nor Adam, so how can he hold it?

In everyone's surprised eyes, the scene ended, and the heroine was hugged and left the stage by the prince.

Adam, who has very strong ears and can read lips, even heard the prince repressed and angered and said to the heroine's ear: "What are you doing?!!!"

"Sure enough, it was a mistake."

Adam sighed.

"Nina is not like this usually..."

Jack was also a little After all, the first performance was like this, so that he was a member of the ballet troupe and his face was blank.

Adam didn't say it.

But to him, it seems to be saying: "That's it? For this, you have to risk your life and retain the ability to dance?"

After a scene jumped, the rest time ended soon.

The next scene begins again.

The black swan version of Nina makes a stunning debut.

Others were shocked by this strong expressive power.


In other words, the echoing environment has been hit by the tide.

Adam also politely switched out the shocked expression, but soon he discovered the problem, his eyes condensed: "Huh, that's not right."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!