Daily American Drama - Chapter 1217

Published at 21st of October 2022 06:17:14 AM

Chapter 1217: end

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TBBT4A apartment.

"I lost."

Seeing Mary crushing herself in all directions, Amy was completely convinced this time, and immediately rushed to Sheldon's side, hugging Sheldon and burst into tears.

Sheldon refused at first.

It's not New Year's Day now, and such an intimate behavior is not what he expected in his heart.

But what Amy said was too empathetic for him, thinking that Little Mary could see his mistake at a glance, and pointed it out in public without mercy, all his past pride was defeated.

He is not a tough guy.

He could cry for it even before he caught up with the comics festival, let alone now.

Therefore, before the hand he refused to push Amy, he shrank into a ball and cried, and then he was hugged by Amy.

Amy hugged her boyfriend, crying and said: "We may not be able to compare to her, but we still have a chance to beat her. As long as we have a baby, we will definitely be able to beat her..."


Seeing Amy chattering and talking about the benefits of their combination without any intention of crying, everyone still didn't understand the real reason for Amy's excitement.

Actually I want to pick peaches and eat them.

I have to say, this wave, Amy is standing in the atmosphere.

All her unusual behaviors now have reasonable explanations.

Old Master Yu Beast, you deserve it!

"...In fact, we can try to conceive a child who defeats Mary tonight."

See you Amy Tu.

"Do not!"

Even if Sheldon was still crying, he could still give his own answer in the face of Amy's proposal.


The corners of Amy's proud mouth were stagnant, and the head that was originally resting on Sheldon lifted up and stared at Sheldon fiercely.

"Because I don't want to..."

Sheldon felt something different, and his body shook.

"You still don't want to?!!!"

Amy was angry: "My old lady has covered you for five years, and I haven't even seen the root hair. Now we are all hit by little Mary like this, don't you want to?!!! You tell me the truth now, what are you Do you want to do it?"


Sheldon looked at Amy like this in amazement, forgetting to cry.

He had never seen Amy like this before, and he was a little scared.

"Damn it! Forget it, I won't do it! We are over!"

Seeing that Sheldon didn't have the answer she wanted, Amy realized that all the previous tactics were all false.

Like the monkey trained by her in the apartment, the clown turned out to be herself. She pushed Sheldon away and got up, pulled her bag, and walked outside.

Penny and others naturally began to persuade them.

But Amy made up her mind that she wouldn't listen to anyone and slammed the door and left.

Sheldon also ran back to the bedroom, and burst into tears.

"Adam, why didn't you speak just now?"

Petunia looked at the chicken feathers in dissatisfaction.

"Say what?"

Adam smiled and said, "Don't you see it? All this is Amy's calculations. I have fished for five years and slipped for five years. Now is the time to close the line."

"Not so exaggerated?"

Petunia doubted.

"You go ask Howard about this."

Adam covered Mary's ears and smiled at Petunia: "He knows best how much a hungry scientist can calculate and how much he can do."


Howard, who is now a good man, twitched his mouth and wanted to deny it, but finally nodded helplessly: "Don't underestimate the imagination of a hungry scientist."

"Then Amy and Sheldon won't really break, will they?"

Petunia worried: "After all, Amy makes mistakes not once or twice."

"Not this time."

Adam let go of the hand covering Mary’s ears and smiled: “You forget that Sheldon is a person who likes homeostasis very much and doesn’t like change. If Amy tightens the line at the beginning, he might really run away. .

But after five years of fishing, Amy has established a firm steady state with Shelton. Ordinary people can't afford this sunk cost, let alone people like Shelton.

So the result this time, Sheldon must be soft.

I have to say, Amy is really smart!

The skill of studying opportunity is perfect! "

"Is Amy so good?"

Petunia doubted.

"You should know best if she is good."

Adam joked: "In the past, you didn't like her uprightness, but now you are not only her best friend, you also have the ridiculous two-person group photo'Amy and Petunia' hanging in the living room at home. These changes are silent and moisturizing. Do you think she is great?"

"Amy and Petunia..."

When Petunia heard this, she covered her face.

At the time, Amy wanted to show her friendship with Petunia's good best friend, so she directly spent several thousand dollars to order a large oil painting group photo of the two of them.

In the group photo, Petunia smiled reluctantly, while Amy smiled happily.

The key is not this, but that the group photo oil painting is really very big, and in disguise it also highlights that Petunia's face is very big.

Penny didn't want it at all, and didn't want to put it in the living room, but she couldn't resist Amy's enthusiasm, so she could only put this ugly painting in her eyes, which could no longer be ugly.

The only thing she was fortunate was that Amy didn't let the artist paint them into full fruit.


This was Amy's first thought.

"Thinking about it this way, Amy is really good."

Everyone began to think.

They used to laugh at Amy and Sheldon's abnormal love pattern, but they didn't notice that their friendship with Amy had also changed unknowingly.

Penny is a dignified school bully, and she has become a good girlfriend with the object she most despised and bullied in high school.

Thinking about it, it feels very absurd.

The next period of time.

The fact is just as Adam said, whether it is launched now or in the future, when Amy mentions breaking up, Sheldon can't stand it.

Because he has become Amy's shape unknowingly.

Everyone on the sidelines found it funny, only Adam was a little bit sad inexplicably.

What a proud person Shelton used to be, now he has been humbled like this by Amy.

The only good thing is that Shelton did not live like Dr. Sturgis, dying alone, and has not won the Nobel Prize.

After reuniting with Amy, Sheldon and Amy suddenly had scientific inspiration before their wedding, and they were successfully nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

"It turns out that what Peggy said is true!"

Sheldon had only one thought at that moment: "Love, applause, marriage can really inspire inspiration~"

TBBT4A apartment.

"So sleepy, Sheldon, are you sure you will get a call tonight?"

Petunia murmured.

"Of course, Amy and I will definitely win the prize this time, and the Nobel Prize Committee will definitely call us at this time."

Shelton was even more sleepy, because he had a very healthy schedule and hadn't survived a few nights at all for so many years, but he still insisted on explaining.

"We are witnessing history."

Leonard and the others are much better.

Because they have neither Sheldon's schedule nor Petunia's disinterest, they know what this night means to scientists, so seeing their good friends win the Nobel Prize in Physics, all of them are very energetic.

"Yeah, yeah."

Sheldon closed his eyes and agreed.

After a while, he squinted.

"He fell asleep?"

When Howard saw this, he immediately came over in surprise, rubbing his hands, eager to try: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I'm going to slap Sheldon in the face!"

"No, I'll come!"

Leonard stopped Howard: "I am his roommate. I have endured him for so many years. I must slap this slap."

"I think I should come!"

When Petunia heard about this, she didn't feel sleepy anymore.

"You can't, your hands are too strong, I'm afraid you will hurt him."

Leonard persuaded.

It turned out that in order to wait for the Nobel Prize Committee's notification call, Shelton said excitedly that he must not miss it. Once he fell asleep, they were authorized to draw his ears to wake him up.

This is also considered to be that after Sheldon was changed by Amy, he subconsciously wanted to apologize for treating Leonard and his friends in the past.

"Don't make a noise, he might wake up if he doesn't smoke."

Rajesh reminded.


Leonard heard it, and slapped it.

"what happened?"

Sheldon covered his face and exclaimed.

"You are asleep, we are carrying out your orders."

Leonard half-raised his hand and grinned.

Oh, God.

It's all worth it!

All the grievances for so many years are in this slap.

Jingle Bell.

The phone also rang at this time.

Sheldon connected excitedly, and then said: "Amy and I won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"


Everyone exclaimed.

"Adam, I won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"

After Sheldon got excited, he immediately called Adam.


Adam Dao hi.

"Let Mary listen to the phone!"

Sheldon said the real purpose.

"She is asleep, tomorrow."

Adam declined.


Sheldon exclaimed: "I want to tell her this kind of news as soon as possible! You let her listen to the phone!"

Little Mary has directly become the top figure on Sheldon's blacklist since she said she fainted Sheldon a few years ago.

"Well, you wait."

Adam saw this, thought for a while, agreed and went to see Mary.

Mary inherited many of his and Peggy's advantages, from the overall attribute enhancement given by the system, and also created her vigorous energy. At this time, she really doesn't have to sleep.


When Adam passed by, he found that the light in her bedroom was still on. She pushed aside to see. Mary was sitting at the desk and reading, truly practicing the motto of ‘I’m not only better than you, but also harder than you’.

"Mary, your Uncle Sheldon is talking to you."

Adam smiled and handed the phone to Mary.

"Do you have any questions?"

Mary took the phone and asked casually.

"I received a call from the Nobel Prize Committee. I won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"

Sheldon said proudly.

"Then what?"

Mary said flatly.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

Sheldon shouted: "I won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"

"I heard."

Mary calmly said: "So I ask you, then what?"

"This is the highest award in physics, and also the highest award in science. Now you dare to say that I am not worthy of being called the three best of Texas with your parents?"

Sheldon said proudly.

"My mother solved two millennial math puzzles and won the Fields Medal, the highest award in mathematics."

Mary contemptuously said: "The Fields Medal is held every four years, and it is much more precious than the Nobel Prize held every year.

And mathematics is the highest crown of science, so the Fields Medal is the highest award in science.

The Nobel Prize is often a joke.

My dad and Aunt Lecher won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together this time because they conquered diabetes. They are not as excited as you.

Instead, I was so happy the last time I won the Fields Medal with my mother.

There are too many talented scientists who have not won awards. It is not that they have no strength, but that they are not eligible for the Nobel Prize.

A true scientist does not take the Nobel Prize as the highest honor.

It should be the Nobel Prize that awards such scientists as the highest honor.

The three best of Texas?

Not only do you achieve, but even this mentality is the worst!

Still use me to continue talking? "

"Adam and Rachel won this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?"

Sheldon's attention was only on the news.


Leonard heard this, and came over: "My sister and Adam won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?!"

"you do not know?"

Petunia was also shocked.

"Well, I really am the most remaining member of the Hofstadter family!"

Leonard laughed at himself: "Even this kind of news, I know from outsiders!"

"Adam, why don't you tell us?"

Sheldon called.

"Recently busy recently, I forgot to say it for a while."

Adam smiled and said, "This is not a big deal."

Everyone: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Adam told Mary to rest early and left.

"Are you ready?"

Adam smiled when he saw Juno who had been waiting here long ago in the study.

"What do you say?"

Juno smiled.

Adam looked at Juno in a red hoodie, nodded slightly, took her hand, and walked into a beam of light.

The door to the new world slowly opened.

"You must be kidding me!"

Adam came into the new world, and at first glance, he saw an unusually familiar face appeared over there.

"You and Magical Amy are really destined."

Juno joked: "I can meet her everywhere, but I don't know what kind of person she is this time, don't be afraid ~ leave it to me."

With that, he put the hood on his head and walked over.

"What's your name? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

The magical Amy dressed as a nurse, watching the girl in the red hoodie approaching, hurriedly asked: "Did your parents follow? People under the age of sixteen cannot make medical decisions alone~www.novelhall. com~ Juno looked at the'old acquaintance' in front of him, and smiled slightly: "My name is Haili..."

Adam watched this scene not far away, his thoughts seemed to be returning to the high school graduation season.

Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

I didn't expect that in the first act of the new world, it was still him, Juno, and ‘Amy Amy’.

At this moment, it's really like that moment.

Although the mentality is completely different, this feeling is really amazing.

At that time, the terrible ex-girlfriend Amy, who was standing on the stage, was giving a speech. He in the audience, in order to save his life, made a variety of performances, and Juno, who was wearing a red hoodie, approached next to him...

Ps: It is the finale. The new book is still a daily urban American drama. It should be more exciting than this book after learning from the experience and lessons of this book. The book will be published in two days. I hope everyone pays attention to the collection in time. It affects the fate of a book!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!