Daily American Drama - Chapter 13

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:16:04 AM

Chapter 13: 13

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Cooper's house.

"oh, mygod!"

After hearing the wonderful beep of wisdom plus 5, Adam blurted out.

Little Sheldon did not let him down. Juno provided 1 wisdom point, while little Shelton provided 5 wisdom points at one time. As the weight of wisdom points increased, Adam clearly felt It is different, as if the whole world is more vivid, and some previously troubled problems suddenly have new understanding and insights.

"Adam classmate is also a believer?"

Mary asked in surprise.


Adam smiled awkwardly: "I believe in science more."


Mary is a little disappointed. As the most devout believer, she can't wait for everyone to believe in God, but the reality is that more and more people just take ‘mygod’ as a shocking mantra.

"This is great, we finally have something in common."

Little Sheldon nodded in agreement.

He is a firm scientific supremacist, and he doesn't believe in God at all. He doesn't even use the ‘oh, mygod’ that most people express shock and sigh, but say ‘oh, boy’!


Mary finally suppressed the touch in her heart and asked in detail: "What are the group activities of your Learning Mutual Aid Association other than learning?"

"We formed a band."

Adam said deliberately.

Although little Sheldon will be able to play various musical instruments in the future, he obviously has practiced, but at the moment he is still too young, Adam and the others are playing rock and roll, and Mary, a devout believer, may not agree with him.


Sure enough, Mary frowned when she heard it.

"Mrs. Cooper, don't worry."

Adam quickly explained: "We are playing lyrical rock, not heavy metal rock. Shelton can be our keyboard player."

"But Shelly is still too young."

Mary still frowned: "Isn't it appropriate? Besides, Shelly has never played a musical instrument..."

"It's okay, let Sheldon try first."

After Adam got 5 points of wisdom, he was even more reluctant to give up Sheldon as a ‘big family’. He laughed and said: "If Sheldon doesn’t like it, then we will definitely not force it."

"This way..."

Seeing Adam had said this, Mary had no choice but to refuse directly. After all, such friends who took the initiative to come to the door were too scarce. Even though she was a little resistant to her son playing rock and roll, she had to hesitate to look at little Sheldon.


"Shelton, many big scientists can play one or two instruments."

Adam quickly targeted the bewitching.

He is too familiar with Sheldon. If it weren't for Mary's check, he would be able to lame Sheldon in minutes, make Sheldon cry and cry, make Sheldon laugh and laugh, that's no joke.

"That said, Einstein is an excellent violinist, and Planck is a semi-professional pianist."

Little Sheldon's eyes glowed: "A keyboard player? I can try."

He loves science deeply, and he knows these scientific giants very well. He used to only focus on the scientific achievements of the scientific giants, but now he is fooled by Adam. He is very willing to move closer to the life habits of the scientific giants.

You must know that in the future, in order to meet with Professor Hawking, he will be teased by Howard's various instructions, and even the super shameful maid costume will be worn in the school public. It can be seen what price he can pay in order to get close to the scientific giant in his mind...

"A heart is not as good as an action."

Adam is full of action and suggested: "Why don't you go to my house now, where there are band instruments, let Sheldon try it, Mrs. Cooper?"

"right now."

Mary was a bit tangled. She wanted to wait for her husband to come back to discuss together. But she couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the ordinary Adam, and her son was obviously moved. She was not willing to discourage her son's enthusiasm for coming out of loneliness.


"I also need to go!"

At this time, a beautiful little girl jumped out.


Mary scolded subconsciously, but then thought that after they left, she could not just leave Missy at home, so she had to look at Adam.

"This is Sheldon's sister, right?"

Adam smiled and said, "Of course you are welcome to pass."


Missi is overjoyed.

Duncan's house.

"What a lovely girl."

When Mary saw Charlie, her whole body melted, causing Missy to roll her eyes, and whispered: "Aren't I cute? I haven't seen you so rare for me. Sure enough, I am not biological."


Mary was a little embarrassed and realized that she lacked attention to her daughter, but this idea was only a flash. Her focus was always on Sheldon, and seeing the Duncan family like this, she was resisted by Adam and the others playing rock and roll. Most of his thoughts dissipated instantly.

Such a loving family is simply a home blessed by God. How could there be any problems with her baby coming into contact with them!

God bless!

Mary and Missy stayed in the living room and chatted with Ted, while Adam took Sheldon to the basement, where Emmet stood unhappy.

"Sheldon, this is the drummer and backing vocalist of our hard candy band, Emmet Williams."

Adam introduced the two: "Emmett, this is Sheldon Cooper. If nothing else, he will be our keyboard player."

"Hello there."

Sheldon stood there and said hello.

Emmet stood there with his hands on his chest, and snorted coldly: "Then it won't be accidental."

"Poor baby."

Adam looked at him pityingly, and was too lazy to explain, led Sheldon to the keyboard, played a simple song, then got up and gave up his seat: "Sheldon, you try?"


Sheldon sat down and tilted his head for a moment.

"The keyboard is very simple, just repeat what I did just now. UU Reading"

Adam reminded.

"Do not make jokes."

Emmet sneered: "You let a child who has never played an electronic organ, or even an instrument, repeat your actions and say it is simple? Uh..."

Before he finished speaking, a fluent piano sound rang. I saw that Little Sheldon was a little rusty at first, but after a few strokes, he was already very proficient, and the tune was not bad at all.


Emmet called out: "He must not be playing the piano for the first time!"

"He is really playing the piano for the first time."

Juno looked at Little Sheldon, then at Adam, and exclaimed: "Sheldon is such a genius!"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Emmet shook his head abruptly, not daring to say: "How is this possible!"

"You don't understand the world of genius."

Adam smiled: "Emmett, imagine if you have absolute sound and unforgettable pictorial memory, is it easy to understand? Is it difficult for an electronic keyboard? It's just mechanical repetition."


Emmet was dumbfounded, speechless.

In fact, he believed it in his heart, because this piece is an entry-level piece. If Little Sheldon is not playing the piano for the first time, then Little Sheldon must have been exposed to this piece of music, and because Adam is not specializing in playing electronic organs, There was actually a problem in the process of playing, but Little Shelton repeated it. It was exactly the same as Adam's, even the problematic part of the tune.

There is only one truth: Little Sheldon is a genius who has good grades and can play rock, just like Juno.

Looking at Adam and Juno standing side by side on the side of Little Sheldon, Emmet suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

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