Daily American Drama - Chapter 295

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:07:31 AM

Chapter 295: 295

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Latest website: Medical Center.

The 24th hour of the first 48-hour shift.

Hospital restaurant.

Everyone was sitting together, except for Adam, they were all a little sluggish.

"They call me 007."

The little fat boy George said cursedly.

"No one called you 007."

Several girls closed their eyes weakly and comforted.

"Don't lie to me, they were muttering in the elevator, I heard them all."

George has an expression of ‘I know all about it, so please stop comforting me, but I’m telling a lie. You’d better comfort me.’

"Don't be depressed."

Adam smiled and said: "The first Alex who called you this way is a typical 007 himself."


George was taken aback.

Christina and the girls were not sleepy anymore, and they all looked at them gossiping.

Adam will talk about the diagnosis when he met Alex before.

"This bastard!"

George said angrily: "He is so sloppy himself, even ashamed to be the first to taunt me."

"I didn't expect him to be such a person."

Meredith was disappointed.

A woman’s instinct for a spare tire is a super power. Alex looked at her with nasty eyes, but because he was a little handsome, she was not disgusted deep in her heart, but the other party’s unprofessional style, But she couldn't accept it.


When George saw the goddess Meredith doing this, he suddenly smiled.

Everyone looked at him in amazement.

Christina said directly: "George, aren't you depressed and stupid?"


George shook his head and smiled: "Although I failed the previous operation and was called 007, Alex is also 007. Isn't it funny? Compared to him, what is so depressing for me? And I was comforted just now. As for one of my patients, their joy is my joy."

"How do you comfort?"

Adam looked at him weirdly.

"It's Tony, isn't he going to have a heart bypass surgery."

George explained: "He and his wife are a little worried, so I told them that Dr. Burke's level is very high. This kind of surgery is definitely no problem. I promise..."

"You promise?! *7!"

Seven other people including Adam shouted in unison.

"what's happenin?"

George looked blank.

"Are you a relative of the dean?"

Adam curiously asked.

"Uh, no."

George didn't know why: "Why do you say that?"

"If not, how did you get in?"

Adam exclaimed: "No matter how powerful a doctor is, no matter how sure the operation is, there are risks. Therefore, as a doctor, you should never make any guarantees to patients and their families. This is basic common sense, don't you know?"

"Mrs. Savage is so worried, I, I just want to reassure them, and Dr. Burke is so good, he said the risk is small..."

George was at a loss.

"Don't worry, you won't be so unlucky."

Cruel Liz comforted.

"Yes, since Dr. Burke said that the risk is small, then it is really small."

Meredith agreed.

"That's not good, because 007 will be deadly wherever he goes."

Christina said poisonously: "And you didn't realize that George was bad luck. With such a small probability, it would be fine to change to someone else, but when it comes to George..."

Seeing everyone staring at her, Meredith and the others were obviously dissatisfied, so she had to apologize: "I'm sorry, George, I get a little bad temper when I get tired."

George grinned reluctantly, and fell into the worry of ‘I’m a Grim Reaper’s pupil’.

"Nazi hates me even more."

Brutal Liz also talked about his troubles: "Mr. Jones's blood vessels are fragile and need antibiotics. I should have a central venous cannula. I know I should not interrupt her to rest, but I have never done it."

"So you still woke her up."

Adam smiled.

"Yes, after she did it, she told me that next time she can only be called unless Mr. Jones is dying and the toe is about to hang up."

Cruel Liz propped her head with her hands, and said with a tired heart: "She hated me before, and she must hate me even more now. Maybe I will have to have rectal exams every day."

"I agree with this."

Christina raised her hand.

The interns take turns to do rectal examinations, so don't talk about the second child as the boss.

If the murderous Leeds were punished for a rectal examination, it would be nice to be Christina and the others in the same group, but the murderous Leeds would probably have a nickname.

Dung worker?

Chrysanthemum monster?

For a beautiful doctor, this kind of nickname is too embarrassing.

"Meredith, how is your epileptic girl? I heard that she had an emergency in the early morning?"

Adam asked casually while eating.

Between doctors, this kind of communication is very necessary. After all, the cases that a person encounters are always limited, and more communication means more insight.

But it is limited to oral communication.

For example, the central venous cannula mentioned by the brutal Liz just now, Adam will naturally.

If you change to George or another doctor, you will definitely help, pretending to be a man's instinct in front of beautiful women.

But Adam did not mention helping the murderous Liz.

Because this is not for him to intervene.

The murderous Leeds boss is Dr. Miranda Bailey, and the big boss is Dr. Burke.

Whenever she encountered a problem, she could only find Nazzi, and she could not deal with Nazzi, and then to Dr. Burke.

No matter how great Adam is, it is only an interns of the same level and different group as her. It is a violation to interfere. If something goes wrong, then Adam will be in big trouble.

As for the technology, there will be no problems?

This is the illusion of "Suspected relatives of the dean who came in through the back door" George.

Adam would not make such low-level mistakes.

And he doesn’t need to pretend to attract beautiful women. Most of the time, it’s the opposite...

"Don't mention her!"

When Meredith heard this, his brows frowned: "It's just a copy of the story of the wolf coming. She pretended to be sick because she was bored and tricked me out, saying that the TV in the ward could not receive her stupid beauty pageant. Activities, let me find someone to fix it?


I am a doctor, not a repairman!

After that, she really got sick. I thought she was still pretending, so she was a little late and almost never came to rescue.

Afterwards, Dr. Sheputt blamed me and said that I should take care of her all the time.

I hate such patients! "

There is another thing she didn’t She hates Dr. Sheputer even more!

Before, he had a mouthful of nonsense, and his eyes seemed to swallow her, but she just refused. Whenever he encountered a problem, he would take advantage of the problem, not only not comforting her, but also bullying her.

You know, this kind of stimulation on the front line of life and death made her almost unable to resist. Even if she was lucky to save the patient in the end, the fear caused her to vomit directly outside the hospital.

Damn man!

Don't say anything about demeanor!





Suddenly, everyone's pagers began to make reminders.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!