Daily American Drama - Chapter 34

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:15:26 AM

Chapter 34: 34

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Prom scene.


Adam's eyes fell more on Karen.

The two faces that Jennifer and Karen wore are the types that Adam has seen in this life.

But compared to Jennifer who is hotly dressed, Karen, who wears glasses and wears a plain and slightly earthy taste, is more attractive to Adam.

Zhou Shuren said: First-class men play with their legs for years, second-class men seek good luck and avoid evil, third-class men look at their faces.

Adam asks himself that he is not third-class, but he does not deliberately pursue first-class, he is an ordinary second-class man.

Of course, these three are not opposites. The true goddesses are all three-pointed. Karen, who is dressed slightly earthly, is obviously such a treasure girl, while Jennifer, who looks extremely hot, is actually just a match. .

"Are you here to play?"

"We just moved here and will start school next semester."

Jennifer stepped forward, blocking Adam's gaze to Karen, and smiling charmingly: "By then we will be classmates, classmate Adam."

"Do you know me?"

Adam smiled.

"Fruit hard candy lead singer, of course we know each other."

Jennifer hotly said: "Your instrument performance is superb~"

"Thank you."

Adam was careful, and he secretly praised Juno's suggestion to continue playing with the team.

"Hi, my name is Emmet, the drummer and backing singer of the band."

The movement here has already shocked many people, and Emmet is no exception. He slipped over at the first time and pretended to say hello to Jennifer and the others.

"Hello there."

Jennifer glanced at him and hugged Karen behind him: "This is my girlfriend Karen, you can communicate more."

"It's about to start."

Seeing that Emmet asked for francs again, Adam couldn't help ending the chat. He couldn't see what Jennifer meant. Although he liked Karen more, he wouldn't be so stupid that he would offend Jennifer now.

He is not a kid.

"So will chat."

"it is good."

Jennifer smiled like a flower.

Adam took Emmet back to the stage and started rocking.

"They don't look like good people."

Karen, who was standing side by side with Jennifer, saw Jennifer staring at Adam on the stage with blurred eyes, and couldn't help but remind: "Especially this Adam, he looks like a playboy."

"I know."

Jennifer began to twist with the music, shaking her long hair lightly, and smiled carelessly: "This kind of man is interesting~"

Karen stood there blankly, the light reflected by the glasses looked like firelight...

"Come on, let's go to the toilet."

Karen suddenly pulled Jennifer towards the toilet.


Jennifer looked dumbfounded, but Karen at the moment turned out to be weak and strong enough that Jennifer could not resist, and directly pulled Jennifer to the toilet.

"I know where to go out."

Karen kicked open the toilet window, shrank and crawled outside, greeted Jennifer as he climbed.

"You are crazy, you are completely crazy."

Jennifer roared, and left the toilet with a wave of his hand, leaving Karen in a daze again.

At the dance party.

Right in the center.

Little Sheldon and Missy danced, and the crowd roared.

Compared with Little Sheldon's stiff and helplessness, Misie started to like this feeling, and finally let go of Little Sheldon, where she learned to dance on TV and writhed as much as she wanted.

She regretted not wearing that angel dress anymore.

Because she is an angel!

One song ends.


Jennifer leaned to the edge of the stage and winked at Adam.

"Thank you."

Adam motioned Emmet to press the recorded song and take a break. Then he smiled at Jennifer and said, "By the way, where's Karen?"

Jennifer's face suddenly stiffened, and she forced a smile: "She doesn't like this kind of occasion."

Then he approached Adam and whispered: "She is a million-year-old pure Yin, and she has some nerves. Would you not like such a girl?"

In the United States, Lao Chunyang and Lao Chunyin are both despised, because that means you have no charm.

On the contrary, a good technique that has been trained through many battles is something to be proud of.


This is my girlfriend!


Adam's heart was exposed, but he grasped the key.


Jennifer is coming: "She has always had some problems. Just now she pulled me directly to the toilet and wanted me to escape from the toilet window with her. Can you imagine?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Adam shook his head, looking strangely at Jennifer.

Is this an upgraded version of the legendary fire-proof, anti-theft, and anti-girlfriend, backhanded first to cut a few dollars into the girlfriend just in case?

"What do you think?"

Jennifer stared straight at Adam, without dodge his eyes.

"His, no way."

Adam was shocked, and then he remembered that this place is a country of America with simple folkways and talents. Ex-girlfriends Amy and Juno both appeared, and another neurosis is possible.

In addition, Jennifer said Karen was old Chunyin, Adam pondered for a long time, although it is a pity, he decided to give up Karen.

Isn't he Chen Zhan Nan!

His principle is not to play with emotions!

Karen is indeed a treasure girl, but she is too innocent. Regardless of whether Jennifer's words about Karen are insane, he can only give up.

Zhou Shuren once said: scum man matches scum girl!

Adam said: In the past, the Bodhisattva of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made the great wish of "Hell is not empty, and he swears not to become a Buddha". Adam is not talented and is willing to imitate the with this stinky skin to make the whole body scumbag The scum girls are endless, vowing not to get married.

"Am I not as good as Karen?"

Jennifer dissatisfied.

"of course not."

Adam sighed in his heart, cut off the thought about Karen, and focused his attention on Jennifer again. With his eyesight, he could see through Jennifer at a glance.

There is no doubt that this is a scum girl!

"Do you know how to fix a car?"

Adam couldn't help but curiosity in his heart.

"Repair the car?"

Jennifer was surprised: "I will do something, what do you do?"

The U.S. is a country on wheels. Traveling is all driven by driving, and the car cannot be repaired at a repair shop whenever something goes wrong. It is not convenient and cost-effective. Therefore, car owners, regardless of men and women, have a little bit of car repair skills.

Many big entrepreneurs’ garages are the most common structure of single-family buildings in rural American villages under this circumstance. Usually, if the car is parked, it is repaired directly in the garage if the car has minor problems.

"Hehe, great."

Adam gave a thumbs up and praised heartily.

"you will not?"

Jennifer smiled and said, "You can call me next time if you have something, and I'll fix it for you."

"A word is a deal!"

Adam was overjoyed and wondered if he would give old Bob's pickup to him later.

The two chatted and laughed happily, and they chatted very speculatively.

In the distance, Karen looked at this side blankly, her eyes were dark, Adam's smile was so hideous and evil, like a devil.

On the stage, Juno sitting quietly in the corner like an audience, frowning...

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