Daily American Drama - Chapter 390

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:04:41 AM

Chapter 390: 390

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"Daily American Drama (

Support Ted.

Adam took Joe to take the CT.


Joe looked nervously at Adam, who was watching the CT film.

"Hospitalization first, Dr. Sheputt will come tomorrow..."

Adam was interrupted by Joe before he finished speaking.

"Just tell me, I believe your diagnosis."

Joe's face was pale.

In the United States, not all diseases can be hospitalized.

In order to ensure the efficiency of bed rotation and to ensure a higher profit margin for a single ward, US hospitals can not be hospitalized without being hospitalized, and you will be discharged from the hospital after a few days of rest after surgery.

Barney should have been discharged from the hospital long ago, but he was living in a VIP ward and had to pay a lot of money every day, so the hospital didn't drive him away.

Joe knew how high the hospitalization fee was, but he didn't care anymore at the moment. He was full of hospitalization.

"From the CT scan, the arteries at the bottom of your skull are swollen like balloons, the subarachnoid hemorrhages, and the aneurysm is very large, and the operation will be very difficult."

Adam explained: "But don't worry, Dr. Shept is the top doctor in this area, I believe he will give a feasible surgical plan."

Joe stayed for a long time before he said dumbly: "How much does it cost?"

"do not know."

Adam shook his head: "There is no surgical plan. It is impossible to estimate the cost of treatment. Moreover, even if the surgical plan comes out, the cost will not be fixed until the operation is completed. You should know this."

In the U.S., it is treated first.

The bill from the hospital will not be mailed until the treatment is over and two months after being discharged from the hospital.

This is the most exciting moment.

A perfect interpretation of the meaning of a glance at heaven and hell.

The hospital bill contains all the expenses of your hospitalization, and in many cases it will exceed your limit expectations.

For example, if you think you may be bleeding heavily, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars, but out of psychological preparation for the high medical expenses, the limit is expected to be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But the fact is that the bill from the hospital is not tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, but more than one million.

Was it unexpected?


People with poor health or poor mental quality may be directly scared of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage!

Americans with an average annual income of more than 30,000 dollars, almost all of them from the Moonlight tribe, have to pay more than one million bills that have fallen this day, without eating or drinking, it will take 30 to 40 years to pay off.

Even if it is paid in installments, it will cost 20,000 yuan per year, which will take more than 50 years.

By that time, it is really an 80-year old man who delivers express delivery every day and still pays the bill.

As for not paying back if you have no money?

The hospital is determined to tell you!

Let's first have nothing, and then let your credit taint on your back, and you will be extinct from society.

You still have no control over such an exciting thing.

Because as long as you want to survive and receive treatment, you must follow the hospital's procedures.

If you need to take a CT scan, you should take a CT scan. If you need an MRI scan, you need an MRI scan.

"Don't worry so much. Just be happy. This is not an intractable disease. You don't have to go to the Princeton University Affiliated Hospital next door to see Dr. House."

Adam comforted.

"This is indeed good news."

Joe laughed bitterly.

He also heard the legend of Dr. House next door.

In the face of intractable diseases, Dr. House will over and over do inspections and drug experiments.

Before being diagnosed, he had to not only endure Dr. House’s poisonous tongue, but also undergo various examinations. Even before his condition worsened, Dr. House had to take medicine to toss his life.

Some tests are still invasive, and the damage to the body caused by the medication is also permanent and irreversible.

Luckily, after going back, you will not only have to bear the sequelae of the treatment, but the key is to receive the long bill. It will also make you doubt your life and even feel that you will have to die early and overtake your life.

Of course, if you think back to Dr. House’s tongue-in-cheek attitude at this time, the patient or the patient’s family may kill Dr. House first.

Over the years, Dr. House has been able to live well, which can only be said to be a miracle.

Therefore, a diagnosis of any disease, even cancer, is better than an undiagnosed intractable disease.

Observing that Joe's condition is temporarily stable and there is no trend of deterioration, Adam arranged for Joe to stay in the hospital and stayed on duty to take care of Joe.

Joe's aneurysm is too big and the location is not good, there is almost no way to clamp it, this is the biggest difficulty of the operation.

Adam can think of only one cutting-edge surgery: static surgery!

First freeze to lower Joe's body temperature, stop Joe's heartbeat, drain Joe's blood, and put Joe in a suspended animation. At this time, Joe's brain blood supply will also stop, and the risk of brain aneurysm rupture will be minimized.

As long as the operation is completed after 45 minutes and the heartbeat is restored, the operation will be successful.

Although this kind of operation is performed by Dr. Sheputt, most of them will invite Dr. Burke to assist in the operation of the heart blood draw.

Meredith is now having trouble with Dr. Shept, and Christina, who was shot by Dr. Burke, is also recuperating.

It can be said that almost no one would rob him of this operation.

Although a little bad, Adam was in a very happy mood.

This is a doctor's pursuit of medical skills.

And he and Joe were just nodding acquaintances, not even friends.

The next day. UU reading

Early in the morning.

Adam is ready to cooperate with Dr. Shept's examination of Joe.

But Dr. Sheppert hadn't come yet, but he was waiting for someone he didn't want to see now.

"Christina? Why are you here?"

"I'm fine, of course I have to come to work."

Christina said with a faint smile: "I'm not welcome? Do you have any good surgery?"

"Did you talk to Dr. Burke?"

Adam smiled calmly: "This kind of thing is best to be clear."

Christina's face went dark.

She is also a genius, and she quickly reacted from this negative emotion and smiled: "I will go to Burke now. I will see what surgery makes you care so much. Let me say it first, although I am very Thank you, but I will not give up on the operation."

With that, he turned and walked towards Dr. Burke's office.

"Say it first, no back door, fair competition."

Adam spit out her back.

This kind of cutting-edge combined surgery requires not only hard enough technology, but also time rush.

Leonard, Adam's ‘best candidate’, has no technical problems, but his speed is not as fast as that of Dr. Burke in his prime.

Once you have to invite a cardiothoracic surgeon, even if they are a little misunderstood because of the acting director of surgery, Dr. Sheputt will still choose Dr. Burke 80% of the time.

Once Dr. Burke was identified, Adam was at a disadvantage.

He does have the favor of Dr. Burke, but it is obviously not comparable to the identity of Christina's lover!

Fortunately, Meredith should not come to confuse him again, he still has Dr. Sheput's favor.

In addition, he is Joe's hospital bed doctor and the best intern.

His chance should be crushing Christina.

Well, the advantage lies with me.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!