Daily American Drama - Chapter 603

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:58:15 AM

Chapter 603: 603

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The next day.

Medical center.


"The white male suffered a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Three people died on the spot, many were injured, and five wounded arrived later."

An emergency vehicle came, and the emergency personnel said quickly.

"It's so tragic, what's the situation?"

The nurse couldn't help asking.

"The gangster is a former employee of this restaurant, and the casualties are all restaurant employees, and a couple who was dining in the restaurant are unlucky and injured."

The first responder explained.

"Has the gangster been caught?"

The nurse asked.


After the first responder finished speaking, he left.

The news quickly spread throughout the hospital.

"Adam, I heard that Princeton Teaching Hospital has a suitable heart for Danny. Is Dr. Burke going to get it?"

Liz found Adam with a face full of spring breeze.


Adam glanced at her, nodded and said, "He has good luck."

"Not very good, but very good!"

Liz happily said: "He is a good man favored by God!"

"Ha ha."

Adam couldn't help laughing.

Not to mention the people that God favors, they are the children of God, and there are also a group of people who may be miserable. These are pure nonsense.

"You don't agree?"

Liz dissatisfied.

"What I am laughing at is that you really have nothing to do?"

Adam changed the subject and said: "I heard that the emergency room is full of people, won't you help?"

"Five wounded, four were okay, and the other one died directly on the road."

Liz explained: "Merettis can handle it."

"That's four dead?"

Adam frowned.


Liz nodded: "I heard that the gunman was a former employee of the restaurant. After being fired by the manager, he retaliated with hatred. After opening the door, he swept through the gun regardless.

Originally, his real goal, the manager, was only hurt by the shoulder. Just now he was proudly bragging about how clever and agile he is.

As soon as he saw the gunman coming in, he knew it was not good, and immediately used his body as an athlete to hide behind the cupboard agilely. "

"Neither are good things!"

Adam shook his head.

This manager was able to brag proudly even when four died and four were injured. One can imagine how bad it is usually, no wonder that firing an employee can cause such a tragic tragedy.

Adam could imagine what kind of villain he was like.

But compared with this villain manager, the gunman who was fired is the real villain!

Even if all the colleagues in the restaurant targeted you, it is unlikely that the couple dining in the restaurant will offend you.

And despite the proliferation of guns in the United States.

But that is relative.

In remote rural areas, there are a handful of people, even per capita gun depots.

But in a metropolis like New York, many people actually don't touch a gun.

For example, Chandler and the others, until Phoebe talked to a police boyfriend, they took a shot of the gun enthusiastically.

Being able to get a gun at hand, and still be able to kill and wound so many people, shouldn't be good in itself.


Liz nodded in agreement, and then his eyes flashed: "Adam, Danny is about to have an operation, and he is about to have a new heart. Can I accompany you to check him together now?"


Adam refused without hesitation.


Liz's eyes widened.

"Don't mess up Danny's practice."

Adam looked at Liz with'Fahai looking at Bai Suzhen's eyes': "How do you know that you will get the new heart before you really succeed? You forgot how hopeful he was last time and how disappointed he came back? "

"It will be successful this time!"

Liz's eyes were firm.

"do not!"

Adam waved and interrupted: "There is an ability called poisoned milk, and another way of speaking is called Li...For Danny's sake, I advise you not to say it."


After listening to the explanation of the terms, Liz looked at Adam angrily.

"Actually I have always been curious."

Adam saw that she was not ready to leave, so he zoomed in and said, "Liz, can you tell me what is the most important thing in your heart?"

Ordinarily it should be a career. After all, you said that you, a girl who walked out of the trailer, paid too much to get to this day.

But what you are doing now is totally different.

Let’s not talk about the fact that Danny almost ruined their career, just say that Christina and the others are now trying to improve their medical skills, what are you doing?

Don’t tell me it’s feelings~"

Liz was stunned by Adam.

Especially Adam's tone and expression when he said the last sentence hit her heart fiercely, clearly saying that you gave up your feelings at the beginning, and you persuade others to give up, even if you don't care about family love, is there really love?

"You bastard!"

Liz was furious, cursed, and left with his mouth.


"Since I heard about you from Dr. Duncan, my luck has improved."

Danny is very happy.

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous."

Adam reminded: "No one can say whether this time can be done, we have to prepare for a protracted war, you forgot?"

"Who has such a good attitude."

Danny smiled bitterly.


Dr. Burke carried the freezer for organ transplants and walked to the medical helicopter parked here.

"Doctor Burke."

Liz hurried over: "Please take me with you."

Seeing that Dr. Burke was about to refuse, Liz begged, "Please."

"Come up."

Dr. Burke was not cruel to Adam and nodded helplessly.

Princeton Teaching Hospital.

"Danny's luck is so good that he has two hearts that suit him at the same time!"

Liz was very excited.

five minutes later.

"The patient has died and the heart can no longer be used."

Dr. Burke announced.

"Do not!"

Liz gave a sad cry, then thought of something, and ran directly to the operating room next door, where there was also a heart transplant operation.

"Don't move!"

Liz shouted at the female doctor who was holding a scalpel and was about to go.

"what did you say?"

The female doctor gave her a sideways look.

"We need to discuss it."

At this time, Dr. Burke also rushed over and said to the female doctor: "Your patient may not be in front of my patient on the transplant list, so theoretically this heart may not be yours."

Then the two began to talk.

Dr. Burke and female doctor Han En are classmates of Johns Hopkins Medical School.

Of course, Dr. Burke is the first, and his momentum has been overwhelming the second-place female classmate.

The last two can only call the organ transplant center to check the rankings of the two patients.

"Dr. Han En's patient is 17 seconds earlier than Dr. Burke's patient."

The organ transplant center gave the rankings.

"Do not!"

As soon as Liz heard it, he called out: "You can't just look at the rankings. The difference between the two is only 17 seconds, so close. Of course, it depends on the patient's current physical condition."


Dr. Han En sneered: "Your patients have all made left ventricular assist devices, and they can walk around in the hospital in the future. My patients still need dobutamine injections."

"Dobutaamine still needs to be injected? Why, does he want to climb Mount Everest?"

Dr. Burke mocked.

The two old classmates began to quarrel again.

Liz was extremely anxious, because even if Dr. Burke refused to let go, his aura kept pressing on Dr. Han En.

But in theory, Dr. Han En's patients are ranked higher and deserve a heart.

In a hurry, her IQ immediately went offline, emotionally up, and began to show off.

I saw Liz put his hand in his pocket and secretly dialed Dr. Burke's cell phone with his cell phone. Dr. Burke is spraying with his female classmate, holding the mobile phone, without looking at it, slid directly from the table, handed it to Liz, signaled Liz to answer the phone, and continued with the female student Right spray, want to get this heart.

This is not only related to the operation of one's own patients, but also a habitual operation that suppresses the second and second female classmates all the year round.

Liz was overjoyed, took the call and went straight out of the conference room. After hanging up, he called Adam with Dr. Burke's cell phone.

"Doctor Burke."

On the other end of the phone, Adam's voice came: "Is everything going well?"

"Adam, listen to me!"

Liz growled: "This time, you must help me..."

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