Daily American Drama - Chapter 736

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:54:17 AM

Chapter 736: 736

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late at night.

The 18th hour of the first round of the interns on duty.

After all the excitement or tension at the beginning, a group of interns began to get tired.

After Adam, Christina, and Meredith had been on Alice Grey's little stove, they came out and started teasing about it.

"Wait when I go over, and if I catch someone and sleep now, I will show him a good look."

Christina said maliciously: "I think our first shift was 48 hours. They have now reduced to 36 hours, and my boss hasn't rested yet."

"forget it."

Meredith persuaded: "It's all the interns here, don't mess with them."

"Is this **** them?"

Christina said solemnly: "This is teaching them! And I will go to bed later, I don't want to be awakened by them when I am half asleep. It is better to warn them first, let them cheer them up and don't be lazy. Turned the last little thing into a big one, and then ran over to wake me up! Adam, what do you think?"


Adam smiled and waved his hand: "You leave me alone, you can figure it out."

"Huh, do you have any ideas?"

Christina raised her eyebrows.

"Not an idea either."

Adam smiled and said, "It's just that this is their first round of duty. As you all know, the first time is always so unforgettable, so I plan to stay with them all the time to make them full and unforgettable."

"Always be with them? 36 hours?"

Meredith's mouth twitched.


Christina murmured: "Compared with Adam, I am kind enough! At least when I sleep, as long as they don't call me, and there are no patients to be rescued, they take time to rest. I won't care about them. ! Meeting Adam is their nightmare!"

"Well, it's time to visit them."

Adam said goodbye to Christina and the others, and went to the emergency room.

Tonight's Alice Grey Stove, Adam specially shortened the time, which is to give them a breath, eat something, and replenish their energy.

The new busyness is about to begin.


Nurse station.


Adam did not go to the interns at the first time, but asked the nurses.

"Everything is serious."

The nurse snorted over there: "Especially the doctor Melendez, after coming over, he has been busy and his level is very high. After Carter came back and apologized to us, he also began to sink his heart and start with small things. O'Malley is still the same, the little Gray has a good personality, but he seems a little too kind, I don’t know if I can carry it over."

"Let's wait and see."

Adam nodded.

What the nurse observed was similar to his speculation.

Of the three male doctors, Adam was not too worried.

It's not an old fritters, or it's bad skin and thick flesh, or it's rational enough.

Only Lexie has a good character and a kind heart.

This kind of personality is very good, and being a doctor is a bit troublesome.

A kind heart is easy to be emotional.

When sensibility hits life and death, you will either converge your sensibility, or be too sensual to be destroyed.

Before it actually happened, no one knew what Lexi would be like.


The door of the emergency room was pushed open heavily.

"what's the situation?"

Adam hurried up to meet him.

The little guys, Carter, George, and Lexie also rushed up.

"The 40-year-old speeding driver turned over in an MVC and lost his vital signs on the screen. We can't intubate."

The first responder said quickly.

"How long has he been in a coma?"

Adam asked as he checked.

"Load him in 20 minutes and deliver it in 14 minutes."

The first responder said: "I have injected two adrenaline."

"Little Gray!"

Adam shouted.


Lexi tightened.

"Intubate him!"

Adam ordered: "Do you know how to intubate?"

"I haven't done it..."

Lexi said nervously.

"But you have seen it!"

Adam shouted: "Pick up the intubation tube, fast!"

The nurse immediately handed the cannula in her hand to the trembling Lexi.

"Doctor Duncan..."

Lexie tremblingly took the intubation: "Are you sure I'm coming?"

"Are you a doctor?"

Adam shouted: "Stop talking nonsense! Listen to my instructions, imagine the trachea, pay close attention to the intubation, and insert it directly!"

"I can't see the intubation!"

Lexie stretched the intubation tube into the patient's mouth nervously, then raised her head in a panic, "Should you do it? Or let George and the others do it?"

"Melendes, you're here to take over the cardiopulmonary resuscitation!"

Adam glanced at the three of them, motioned the little man to step forward to take over the CPR, then walked to Lexie's side, and said warmly: "This is your opportunity! Take a deep breath, just follow what I said! It's very simple, you can If you do, look good! Don't touch your teeth, just insert it!"

"I got in, I got in!"

Under Adam's guidance, Lexie tremblingly inserted the cannula in, and screamed excitedly. He raised his eyes and smiled, only to find that George and Carter were not too excited.


Adam nodded to Lexi, then motioned to the little man: "Merendez, it's okay."

The little man stopped CPR.

"What are you doing?"

Lexi exclaimed: "Why didn't you rescue it?"

"There is no need to rescue him, he is dead."

Adam looked at her: "You did a good job. I don't think you have announced the time of death yet? You can announce it now."


Lexi was stunned: "He's dead?"

"He was dead when he came."

George couldn't help but said.

"It's been so long, and first aid such as epinephrine injections have been used. You should know that he is dead."

The little Melendez glanced at her.

Harvard Medical School?

That's it?

Sure enough, Johns Hopkins is reliable!

"Then what were we doing just now?"

Lexie muttered to complete what the law requires us to do. "

Adam Wen said: "And using the tradition of teaching hospitals to make his death more valuable, to teach you that if you encounter similar situations in the future, maybe you can save the wounded who has not yet died."

"This is too cruel..."

Lexie looked at Adam in disbelief, then looked at George and Carter, and saw that they both nodded. Only then did he realize that this is really the tradition of the teaching hospital, and finally looked at Adam with tears in his eyes.

"We are doctors."

Adam looked at her: "What we face every day is this kind of life and death. If we can't make a knife on my heart, cut off a petal of kindness, cut off fear and sensibility, and what courage is there to dare to use a knife on the patient and bear the patient? Or life or death responsibility?"

The tears from the corner of Lexi's eyes fell silently.

"Death time 01:35..."

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