Daily American Drama - Chapter 85

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:13:52 AM

Chapter 85: 85

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New York University Medical Center.

John felt the pain of ending and sacking flowers, and after he did not look at him, the police who rushed over, under the command of the female police detective, began to wash the ground.

This was originally a hospital. After confirming the on-site evidence, the medical staff went up and pushed directly into the underground morgue. After that, they were dissected to confirm the cause of death and corroborate the on-site evidence.

Adam and Leonard walked out of the hospital one after another after receiving police's routine questioning.

"How are you?"

Seeing that Leonard was a little out of control, Adam stopped and asked.

"It's okay."

Leonard's face was pale, and he was obviously frightened, and he was still scared to this day.

"Let you choose now, will you still look at me blankly and let me stop her in the past?"

Adam smiled.


Leonard opened his mouth to speak, but finally fell silent.

"It's okay, if you give me another choice, I might not agree to you."

Adam comforted.


Leonard asked with some shame and relief.

"Of course, fear is everyone’s instinct, which is not shameful."

Adam nodded and smiled: "You can live longer if you understand the fear, and today is our lucky day!"

"Lucky day?"

Leonard looked at Adam speechlessly.

"Of course it is a lucky day."

Adam said seriously: "Now this ending is the most ideal ending, so we are lucky. If we change to another ending, do you dare to imagine?"

Leinard said disapprovingly: "With you, Esther can't run away at all. Isn't the best ending for the boy to wake up and point out that she was put in prison or a mental hospital?"

"Ha ha."

Adam sneered and said: "You are too naive! A little girl like her, do you really think prison or mental hospital can keep her for a lifetime? If she runs out, what do you think she will do?"


Leonard exclaimed: "Get revenge on us?"

"Just imagine, at that time."

Adam described: "You will always live in fear, for fear that one day, she will sneak out and appear in front of you with a murder weapon, or one day you will go home, she will stand in the corpses of your relatives and friends and face you. With a cold smile..."

"do not talk!"

Leonard’s powerful imagination with high IQ already had the picture, and he suddenly cried out in horror: "I was wrong, I regret it, I shouldn’t follow it!"

The rapid breathing made him have to take out the asthma spray and spray it into his mouth continuously, breathing in a big mouth: "Huh, huh, huh!"

"Very good, remember this feeling."

Adam patted Leonard on the shoulder: "Curiosity kills the cat. When you feel danger, you must put your curiosity away so that you can live better."

Then his voice changed: "Of course, don't learn from John Coleman! He is so ugly because he is too curious and too disregarded.

The key is to maintain a degree of curiosity for those close to you, always care about their changes, and for strangers or unfamiliar people, try to suppress curiosity. "

If this was just a simple comedy world like the Big Bang Theory, he wouldn't say that, because no matter how curious Leonard was, he would not encounter danger or turn danger to a breeze.

Like the original time and space, Leonard used real rocket fuel to fuel the rocket model toy. After calculating the mismatch ratio, he almost killed himself.

But Sheldon saw the problem at a glance, threw things directly into the elevator, blowing up the elevator, so that they walked the stairs for more than ten years. It was not until Sheldon received the Nobel Prize in physics that the landlord repaired it. Up the elevator.

Now the world is obviously more complicated, with perverts emerging one after another. Adam didn't believe that Leonard could still be so lucky, so he had to administer drastic drugs to make Leonard more stable.

Stable Word Sutra, 3000 times!

The two walked side by side for a while.

Leonard, who was recovering a little bit, couldn't help but ask: "Adam, if you encounter this situation again, will you really not save the boy?"

"It depends on the situation."

Adam groaned: "The best choice is naturally not by yourself. Let's put it this way, you've seen the Lord of Mysteries, what would he do if he changed to Klein?"

"Report to the Dark Night Church?"

Leonard's eyes lit up.

Obviously, the two-five-five-child Dafa of the courage, let Leonard remember deeply.

"Yes it is."

Adam smiled and said: "Professional matters are handed over to professional people. You are not a police, and your combat power is almost -5. If you don't call the police immediately, do you really want to be a hero by yourself?

Real heroes represent sacrifice. Even if the superheroes like Batman and Superman come to reality, they will die in minutes without the various auras given to them by the screenwriters. Believe it or not? "

Leinard curled his lips, but had to admit that Adam was right, let alone come to reality, that is, in the comics, which hero has not died?

"Then what if it's too late? Like this time?"

Leonard has a very high IQ, and soon thought of the question: "If we didn't rush in immediately, the boy had been killed by her, can we only call the police and wait?"

"This is to divide people."

Adam smiled and said: "For you, naturally you can only wait, because even if you go in, you only have to be killed together, what do you think?"


Leonard had a fierce appearance in Esther's mind. He trembled, and he could only smile awkwardly: "What about you?"


Adam thought for a while: "With enough confidence and enough motivation, I will rush to save people."

"Are you not afraid to live in fear afterwards? You also said that the murder of a criminal is the best ending, but it can't always be the best ending, right?"

Leonard asked.

"Then make sure he stays in prison."

Adam narrowed his eyes: "Always pay attention!"

He was not very worried. Although there were many perverts, it was the first time in more than five years to encounter such a dangerous situation. 1/5/365, a probability of five in ten thousand.

The incident happened suddenly, there was no time to call the police, and I couldn't be a kid, and Adam couldn't help but save the victim. There is no single probability.

Even if they are unlucky enough, they are all met. Once convicted, such criminals are almost all serious crimes and will be rotten in prison for the rest of their lives. Paying attention to early warning at all times can also keep the risk to a minimum and break through this. Again, the probability is nothing.

Comprehensively, the most extreme unlucky probability is that the probability of five parts per trillion is infinitely equal to zero.

Numbers don't deceive, but there are Murphy's laws, so Adam will not take it lightly.

What he said to Leonard was also to himself.

In fact, this experience of saving people in distress has touched him a lot. New York is not the kind of town where Duncan's family is located. There are as many as tens of millions of people gathered in a city, and there are too many unknown dangers.

Compared with that, Adam's fear of Juno and Karen is a bit ridiculous.


Strength +20!


Strength +20!


Life span +0.01!


Speed ​​+20!


Hearing the system prompt Adam couldn't help but utter a soft voice.

Life expectancy should be the reward given by saving the little boy. Adam is only a little relieved, but more fortunate that he has decided to take the path of great medicine in the past.

Saving people like this increases life expectancy. The risk is too high. If you are not careful, you will capsize and die, but the income is so low that it is not worth it.

How can there be a bright and clean hospital operating room, listening to the various flattering licks of interns and surgical nurses, standing steadily and quickly improving life expectancy?

As for speed, it should be the same little girl who came out of horror movies like Esther. He was scared afterwards, so he increased the speed point.

But why are these two power points increased suddenly?

Monica and Phoebe's friendship?

should not be!

Adam has basically figured out the law of the increase of various attribute points in the system, and the system will give a prompt every time it increases face-to-face.

Leonard next to him has already provided power points, and two at a time, it should be two people, naturally it is not Leonard.

Then who is it?

Adam thought for a long time, and finally reacted.

should be Juno and Karen!

He was a little scared of them before, so Juno only provided wisdom and speed points, and Karen provided speed points, but now that you think about it, Juno should regard him as a good friend.

So after he felt that the fear of Juno and Karen was a bit ridiculous, the fear of suppressing the friendship disappeared. His approval, coupled with Juno's friendship, who had been there, gave a reminder.

Come to think of it, the friendship that both sides agree with is the friendship recognized by the system.

As for Karen, it should be influenced by Juno, right?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!