Published at 14th of April 2022 03:03:14 PM

Chapter 142

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At the same time, Naruto’s house.

Today’s Naruto is particularly excited. He was full of energy whenever he thought he could leave with Hinata tonight and have a new life. He unconsciously did everything a little bit faster.

Today, he has already packed up his baggage.

As long as the time comes, he can leave at any time.

Seeing that it was still too early, Naruto went to the streets first to see if any daily necessities were missing and needed to be restocked.

As a result, he bought too much.

He was afraid that Hinata would be tired and that Hinata would be hungry. So, he prepared a lot of cold food and hot food.

But even so, when he passed the three-color dango, he still couldn’t bear to stop.

‘After leaving, maybe we won’t be able to eat it in the future, so let’s buy some more.’

As a result, he was screwing a large bag of things, and the extra bag of 3 color dango had to be put in his pocket.

Of course, apart from wanting to commemorate, he and Hinata both like to eat.


That’s it.

The shopping is over.

Naruto returned home with a heart full of rewards.

The next thing he did was look forward to the scenery outside the window, from sunrise to sunset. From sunset to evening, seeing the closer the agreed time between himself and Hinata, Naruto became more nervous…


As time goes, it was finally the appointment time.

They both agreed to meet in Naruto’s place.

Naruto kept spinning back and forth. The more he waits, the worse he feels.

‘It’s already so late… Why hasn’t Hinata come yet?’

‘Was Hinata discovered by her father when he visited?’

Naruto was anxious about Hinata, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.





Naruto’s face was overjoyed, and he rushed up to open the door, but the root ninja wearing a mask was greeted. His joy look disappeared in an instant.

Naruto: “Who are you? Is there something here?”

Root ninja: “Uzumaki Naruto, Lord Danzo, please.”

Naruto: “I have nothing to talk to him. If you have anything to say, just say it now.”

Root ninja: “I’m just in charge of speaking, but Lord Danzo said that if you don’t go, you may regret it for a lifetime.”

A murderous aura suddenly broke out!

Even this experienced Root Ninja was forced back several steps by this murderous aura.

However, this is the ‘qualified’ ninja cultivated by Shimura Danzo. He was not at all afraid and, therefore, only flinched. He continued to stand there, ready to lead Naruto.

Naruto’s eyes narrowed slightly. He has always had a bad sense of these masked ninjas. If he wanted to cause a big ruckus at this time, maybe he would have already kicked the root ninja out on the spot.

In order to get rid of this Root Ninja as soon as possible, Naruto finally chose to go and see.


Taking back the murderous aura, Naruto indifferently said: “You wait for me first.”

Naruto left a note for Hinata on the desktop and then followed the root Root Ninja away.


After a while.

Root ninja took Naruto and came to an open space not far from Hokage Residence.

Soon after arriving, Naruto saw Shimura Danzo and a very familiar back. It’s impossible to mistake that back. –Of course, it is Hinata!

His heart was beating hard all of a sudden.

His breathing was also becoming a little quicker.

However, to avoid people discovering his relationship with Hinata, he tried to suppress his emotions as much as possible so that he did not look abnormal.

Root ninja: “Lord Danzo, I have brought Uzumaki Naruto.”

Shimura Danzo and Hinata turned around at the same time.

Shimura Danzo smiled and greeted him: “Naruto, I’m so glad you came out to meet me.”


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!