Published at 5th of October 2022 05:41:25 AM

Chapter 698

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A few minutes later, Li Jinying returned to the lounge and agreed to Han Bin's request.

Han Bin and Bao Xing are taken to the monitoring room.

The bank monitoring room is about 20-30 square meters, and the whole wall is made into a monitoring screen. There is a staff member watching the monitoring.

Every sub screen is a corner of the bank. Different cameras shoot from different angles. Han Bin has also checked the monitoring of many places, and no one can be more strict.

Li Jinying took them to the monitoring room and left, leaving only Han Bin, Bao Xing and the bank staff responsible for checking the monitoring.

Han Bin is not familiar with the situation here, and there are too many monitors, which makes him look a little dazzled. With the help of the bank staff named Xiao Wu, we found out the location of the surveillance camera.

In theory, the bank's monitoring does not have a dead angle, every position can be monitored by the camera.

Han Bin investigated the surveillance on August 2. First, he checked Li Shiwei's route in and out of the bank and put forward all the surveillance that could be taken of him. Other surveillance was temporarily excluded.

There are nine cameras to capture Li Shiwei's action track, and the workload is not small.

Han Bin divides the video into three stages. In the first stage, Li Shiwei comes to the bank, withdraws money in the second stage, and leaves in the third stage.

The first camera to photograph Li Shiwei was outside the bank. A golden cup car was parked in the parking space at the bank door. A man in police uniform came down. Then Li Shiwei and Lin Zhengyi came down. Another policeman should have stayed in the car.

Next, the police officer who got off the bus stood at the door of the bank to observe the surrounding situation. Only Li Shiwei and Lin Zhengyi entered the bank. After they communicated with the lobby manager, they were directly invited to the lounge, checked their identity information and began to load money.

Han Bin repeatedly checked several times and found that there was no problem in this process. There were three bank staff responsible for withdrawing, loading and checking money. They were also under the supervision of Li Shiwei and Lin Zhengyi. The suspicion of the bank staff could be basically eliminated.

After watching the monitoring at this stage, it was noon. Bao Xing went out to buy two boxed meals. After lunch, they continued to check the monitoring.

Loading money is carried out in the VIP room, it can be said that there is no dead corner in the whole process, and it can basically eliminate the abnormality.

Then there is the stage of leaving with the money.

At this stage, Li Shiwei and Lin Zhengyi separated. Lin Zhengyi first stepped out of the bank, went to the door of the bank and said a few words to the police.

Han Bin with lip language roughly made clear the reason why Lin Zhengyi left.

After taking the money, Li Shiwei asked him to inform the police of the police station to check the surrounding situation. If there is no abnormality outside, Li Shiwei would take the box with cash to go out.

Originally, this situation is normal, so people can't find fault.

However, not long after Lin Zhengyi left the lounge, Li Shiwei also pushed the box out of the lounge and declined the escort of the bank staff.

Li Shiwei pushes the box through the bank lobby and meets Lin Zhengyi and the police at the bank gate. During this period, Li Shiwei has been alone with the cash box.

Han Bin checked the monitoring several times during this period, and did not see what the problem is intuitively, as if it was a natural departure after taking money.

If Li Shiwei is not considered to be a major suspect, there is no problem with Li Shiwei just watching this video, and there is no special abnormality.

After all, he just pushed the box from the VIP room to the door of the bank. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is no safer place than the bank.

But Han Bin checked several cameras and found a problem when comparing the monitoring content from various angles. When Li Shiwei passed the hall, he would pass a counter, which was about one meter high. There was no staff inside, and it was specially used for customers to fill in information.

There is also a huge round load-bearing stone pillar diagonally opposite the counter.

There is a monitoring dead angle between the counter and the stone pillar. The monitoring dead angle is only about one meter high. When people pass by, they will still be photographed by the monitoring in the direction of the counter. However, when the box passes by, it is just covered by the counter, and the stone pillar blocks the monitoring on the other side.

During the journey, Han Bin couldn't see the box for a moment, which was very short, maybe only a second or so.

Han Bin sees the box again and finds that the distance between the box's position and Li Shiwei's right foot has increased. This change is not very obvious from the monitoring, but Han Bin's observation is far beyond ordinary people, and he can still see the abnormality. As like as two peas, Han Bin and

repeatedly looked at the surveillance video, and got a bold guess. There was a box between the counter and the column. The box was exactly the same as Li Shiwei's box. After passing the monitoring dead end, Li Shiwei took away the box which was ready for the advance and left the box for cash.

If this conjecture is correct, then Li Shiwei should have an accomplice in the bank. This accomplice placed a fake box in advance and would take the box with cash after the successful exchange.

Han Bin continued to check the monitoring, and found a man not far from the counter. The man was wearing a cap and mask, a blue T-shirt on his upper body, and a pair of casual pants on his lower body. Sitting on a stool not far from the counter, he seemed to be waiting for business.Han Bin carefully observed that the man had been looking around since he entered the bank. After Lin Zhengyi and Li Shiwei appeared, the man obviously bowed his head, but his eyes followed them all the time.

Han Bin will focus on the monitoring of the man, he will be in and out of the bank monitoring all over again.

The man arrived at the bank at about 9:10. When he entered the bank, he also pushed a suitcase. The suitcase was similar in size to the money box, but there was a blue case outside, so he couldn't see the color of the box.

After entering the bank, the man pushed the box to the counter, and then sat on a stool not far away. During this period, the man only stood up twice, one time when Lin Zhengyi left the lobby, the other time when Li Shiwei left the lobby.

Han Bin thinks that the other party stands up and is likely to change the case cover.

Not long after Li Shiwei left, the man also left with a suitcase. During this period, he did not handle any business or consult the bank staff.

Moreover, the man consciously evaded the camera. With a cap and a mask, he could hardly see his face. Obviously, he was guilty.

At this time, the case has become clear, the man pushing the box is most likely Li Shiwei's accomplice.

Han Bin continued to check the man's whereabouts. From the monitoring at the bank door, he walked out of the bank to a black Volvo car, put the cash box into the trunk of the car, and then drove away.

Han Bin zoomed in on the surveillance video and noted Volvo's license plate number: Lu b343hd.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, team Han." Li Qin's voice sounded in the mobile phone.

"How's your investigation going?"

"I asked the technology department to check the mobile phone numbers under the names of Li Shiwei and Wang Zhixiang, and found no direct contact or common contact between them." Li qindun, proposed, "do you want to expand the scope of inquiry, to see if their family's mobile phone number is connected."

"Sister Li, the investigation of mobile phone communication should be put on for the time being. You can check a license plate number Lu b343hd."

Li Qin wrote down the license plate and asked, "team Han, what's wrong with this license plate number?"

"Through the investigation of bank monitoring, we found that Li Shiwei may have changed the cash box in the bank, and one of the men suspected to be his accomplice was driving this black Volvo car."

"I see. I'll check it now."

As long as we find the suspicious man, we can find out the whereabouts of the stolen money.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!