Published at 3rd of December 2021 08:42:59 AM

Chapter 606: 606

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The demon army is gathering.

When the Druid Bell sent the message back, the steel fortress was like a combat machine awakened from a deep sleep, running at high speed. The arcane city also got the news at the same time.

Blood wasteland.

Deep underground, a large number of pit diggers continue to dig. Behind the pit diggers are a busy army of demons. In addition to conventional demons, there are also a large number of demons such as beholders, pit lurkers and pit stabbing demons. Deep underground, a huge spider demon lurks quietly. If an arcane master proficient in demonology sees it, he will be surprised, Because this is a "Crypt Lord"!

In addition to this huge Crypt Lord, there is also a huge ferocious monster with a large number of eye stems - "the eye of the nest mother!"

The Crypt Lord is a spider demon. The most famous spider demon in the bottomless abyss is the Spider Queen rose on the 66th floor of the bottomless abyss. This is an evil god with a female elf on the upper body and a spider on the lower body. In addition to her, she is the tarantula Lord. Tarantula demon is one of the first tanali demons. The earliest demon prince is a guy named tarantula Mishka, But the unlucky guy was later torn to pieces. Since then, the tarantula devil has returned to the 13th floor of the bottomless abyss. Up to now, there are many tarantula devil lords, but no one can control these ferocious demons. If there is anything that can command these demons, it is only the will of the abyss. Whether the Crypt Lord comes from the 66th floor of the demon prison or the 13th floor of the bottomless abyss, he is not an easy role to deal with.

The eye of the nest mother is the sixth layer of the bottomless abyss. This layer is called the "ten thousand eye abyss". The most powerful is an eye demon called the great master mother, which is her only external title. This does not mean that there is conclusive evidence that she is a female, but because the blood of the whole eye demon race undoubtedly comes from her descendants.

The eye of the nest mother is the ruler of the beholder clan, equivalent to the king of the human world. They enslave other beholders by violence. Although they are powerful, they are violent and capricious. It is difficult to see the main material plane of this monster. It is usually bound by the beholder mother and remains on the sixth floor of the bottomless abyss. Most beholders of the material plane live in dark areas. Each beholder enslaves some creatures as his hands. Generally, each beholder controls a territory of several square kilometers. They like to set their nests near key roads. This is to facilitate the plundering of adventurers and caravans. Of course, it is also convenient for adventurers to kill them.

"Have you been found by human beings?" the eyes of the huge nest mother floating in mid air looked coldly at the beholders and other demons below with dense eyes.

"Lord... Master, he flies too fast, we can't catch up..." a mystery seducer said tremblingly.

"How's the demon Legion gathering?" the nest mother's eyes asked coldly.

"Still... Still gathering!"

"Assemble the demon Legion quickly at any cost. I want to see enough legions in three days. If I can't do it, you know the consequences!"

"Master! I will do it!" the enchanted devil quickly promised. After carefully leaving the nest, the enchanted devil rushed out, as if he would die the next second.


Wizard world, southeast coast, Atlantis city.

The huge floating city floats 3000 meters above the sea. A translucent border completely wraps the city. The clouds around the city are shrouded. The newborn sun shines a golden light. A group of seagulls fly past the floating city through the clouds.

Allen is now hiding in the laboratory to study magic power armor, which is a more advanced thing than enchanted machine armor. However, Allen has too little information, and now he is just beginning to study it.

"Master! Selena wants to see you!"

From the cold mechanical sound of Tallinn 1, Allen's laboratory is completely closed, and three protective barriers will be opened after the laboratory is closed. Even if it is bombarded by legendary magic from the outside, it can't be detected inside. If you want to inform people inside, you can only pass Tallinn 1. At ordinary times, when Allen was doing the experiment, few people would disturb him. Tallinn 1 was also ordered not to disturb in non emergency situations. In particular, it was told that once the news of the tibis world should be sent over as soon as possible. If someone bothers him at this time, something must have happened!

Allen stopped his experiment and snapped his fingers. Several pieces of silver metal and some other things were put away directly. With a flick of the finger, an aura burst out and instantly integrated into the stone gate of the laboratory.


The stone door protecting the laboratory flickered slightly, then disappeared, and the door of the laboratory was opened.

Alan came out of the lab and said, "what's up?"

Selena's tall figure appeared outside the door and said solemnly, "tibis world, the devil invasion has begun. The five ring tower has just sent a message asking the master whether to send troops."

Allen's face was general when he heard the speech, and then ordered, "the floating city is in a state of war readiness!"

"I'm going to the Fifth Ring tower now!"

Then the figure disappeared directly and appeared in the astrological platform of the wizard tower the next moment. At this time, several little maids on the astrological platform were playing. When they saw Alan appear, they immediately got up and saluted. Alan reached out and rubbed their small heads and said, "don't be nervous." Alan was very tolerant of his maids.

Then he went directly to the plane gate, activated the energy of the plane gate, and took out the coordinates of the five ring tower at the next moment. Then a light rose, and Allen's figure disappeared.

During this time, although the demons in Thebes world began to be active, considering that the wizard world was not in a hurry to start a war before some preparations were completed, these demons actually started a war first.

However, the tibis world should not be at the last moment. Tibis world also has two floating cities. If it is the scale of the last war, the devil will be pressed on the ground and rubbed back and forth. This time, Allen was only worried at the beginning when he received the news, and now he has calmed down.

The Fifth Ring tower.

With a transmission light rising, Allen appeared in the college. Since the construction of the floating city, the Fifth Ring tower and Atlantis have opened the transmission array, which can be directly transmitted to the interior of the college and the floating city. However, only a few wizards at the top of the college can use the transmission array, Others are still honestly transmitted to the periphery of the college and the periphery of the floating city.

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