Published at 10th of February 2023 05:54:57 AM

Chapter 278: 272 自分も昔やったことだなと、懐かしくなる

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Rookie training.

It was the first physical hell I ever went through in my life.

First I was beaten by Suela, then by two instructors, and the days were full of scars.

There is a fundamental lack of sense of danger that exists in Japanese people today.

My self-consciousness that I would save my life, and that if I did so, it would be all right, was overturned by the training as useless common sense.

Thanks to that, I was able to have a thought that could not be trusted no matter what the danger.

The training was suitably severe, but it was beneficial.

Looking back, only one year has passed.

What I did then was train to learn the basics of the dungeon and how to fight.

Recalling the memories of how therapeutic the classroom time was, today I'm immersed in the nostalgia.

After checking in, I took a seat in an empty corner with Kaido to listen to the morning session, since the whole day was going to be spent in this pre-briefing anyway.

"Wow, I didn't know they did this kind of thing.

"You're different. Still, it's more people than I was.

It was nice to feel like a tutor, but it was a special thing to do.

Kaido called out to me in a whisper, and I answered in a volume that wouldn't disturb the others.

This is the lecture room I used to use last year.

It's a room like a university lecture hall, and in the past, only a noticeable number of empty seats could be gathered, but this time it seems to be more difficult to find an empty seat.

"I didn't know that many people came from overseas.

There are more than seven billion people in Europe, Asia, America, and the world. I don't care how few of the right people are in the world, you could still get a hundred or so.

There are different magical aptitudes, but it's hard to imagine that there are only a hundred people in seven billion who can break through the minimum standards.

The result of this is the occupancy rate of this lecture hall, and more than 30% of that hall is not Japanese.

Although they may seem to be from the same country, there are some who are not.

The color of their hair, skin color, and physique.

Some of the groups seem to be made up of various ethnic groups.

Just looking around the lecture hall, you can see that there are many people who are not Japanese.

I've never been to a university, so this kind of class is new to me. I have never been to a university, so this kind of class is new to me.

"You don't explain monsters and dungeons in a regular lecture,

The job description, too.

Standing on the stage is the dark elf Lois.

Dressed in a suit, she is calmly explaining the dungeon and monsters.

Behind her, a large screen is set up and a PowerPoint presentation is being shown, explaining the characteristics of the monsters and the contents of the dungeon.

It's the same scene as when I was taking the lecture, somewhat simplified but with the same content.

And just like Kaido said, the scene where the contents that are generally only discussed in the two-dimensional world of games and manga are seriously discussed.

It's only been about a year since I took the class, but it's nostalgic.

"Hey, isn't that her. That's your sister,


In the midst of such a lecture scene, Kaido finds a girl taking notes seriously.

She is a demon from a Japanese folktale.

You'll be able to see that Haruna is now my sister-in-law, and you can't help but exclaim in admiration.

You're a serious girl.


She explains to Kaido that she became his sister-in-law, but how she became his sister-in-law is misrepresented.

That's probably why Kaido's response is indifferent.

? What's going on? With your sister-in-law.

"No, nothing.

I'm not sure if she sensed the atmosphere or not, but a question mark hovers over Kaido's head, but I don't care and let it go.

I don't think it's a good idea to be concerned about it, but I can't explain my relationship with her either.

So I'll let Kaido have that question until the day comes to talk to her.

I let Kaido's story sink in and turn my attention to the lecture.

The lecture goes on and on, but it's not enough for me and Kaido to go over it again, so it's all familiar territory.

It's not much of a review, but it's content, so even those of us who are used to the current environment can enjoy it.

Alright, that's it for dungeons. It's your job as dungeon testers to take into account the characteristics of each dungeon, as well as the differences between Soul and Blood.

Lois's explanation is coming to a climax, and if you look at the time, it's a little before noon.

We have about twenty minutes to spare.

Do you have any questions about what we've seen so far? I'll accept it if you have it.

It was originally intended to be such a time, but now it was time for a question and answer session.

This is the time to gain insight into dungeons.

As Kaido and I watched the scene, looking forward to seeing what questions would be asked.


A hand is raised by a woman.

She's probably Japanese, though she's only visible from the back of the seat.

I'm impressed that she raised her hand before the foreigners, thinking that her clothes are a very mature color.

You're Sayaka Katagiri, right? State your question.

"Yes! Where is the least expensive profession and the most money-making dungeon?

But thanks to the content of the question, the lecture room


I was enveloped in mysterious silence.

Even I, myself, turned my gaze on her.

I turned my gaze on her and said, "What the hell is this guy talking about?

"Oh, Katagiri-kun? If I'm not mistaken, you asked me where are the professions that don't have a monetary cost and the dungeons that are financially efficient, is that not a mistake?

"Yes! There is no doubt about it!

Although Royce is a man who sometimes blows up when Suela is involved, he is usually a calm and collected man.

The sight of him pulling his mouth into a tight line and reconfirming that there has been a mistake is, in a way, valuable.

......... answers your questions.

But the reality is sad.

At first, I was expecting to hear about how to use magic, how to determine the right job, and some advice on how to attack the dungeon, but the unexpected came at the first move.

There was a pause in confusion, as if she wasn't expecting these questions, but she kept her cool and Lois opened her mouth.

There's no one profession that's it. There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" profession. By far the least expensive in terms of equipment is the physical combat professions called martial artists, martial artists and fighters, which are in the vanguard. They are concerned with training the body to eventually surpass all possible armor and protective gear. If the financial cost you are referring to is in terms of equipment, then ultimately fighting only with your own body is in a sense the cheapest profession. On the other hand, the nature of this profession requires that you train your body to the max. It's the toughest of any profession, and I can't even begin to measure the amount of work that goes into training your body to that level.

The final form Royce mentioned is probably Instructor Kio.

He's the kind of demon who claims he's the strongest in the world.

I've often come across his seriousness mode, but I'm sure Royce is right: the financial cost is less than other professions.

But to reach that level, an average person would have to work hard and bleed, rather than bleed so hard that talent and mediocrity would be a pretty word.

Personally, I admire Kio and think he's cool, but I don't think I'll ever aspire to that style.

At least I would never choose it for financial reasons.

Because I understand how many lives would not be enough to choose for that reason.

And the dungeons with the most money, that's also hard to say. Your choice of dungeon depends on your priority of quantity and quality. If you take into account factors such as your ability and risk, you will find it even more difficult to choose. I don't know what your intentions were in asking this question, but if I had to pick one dungeon, I would recommend the Dragon King's dungeon. That dungeon has a lot of very rare materials. You can expect to be rewarded accordingly. Of course, that's assuming that there are no dangers involved.

And what she, Katagiri-san, demanded.

If you ask me which dungeon makes the most money, or the dungeon with the highest purchase price of drop items, Lois was right: the dragon king's dungeon.

The dragon's materials are very versatile.

But the scales, bones, tusks and liver are also useful as medicine.

A dragon is truly useless.

They are in high demand because of their versatility.

But the strength of each individual dragon is one of the highest among other dungeons.

Dragons are synonymous with the strongest dragons in the fantasy world and my party has challenged the dragon king's dungeons several times, but the amount of money earned for the effort required to defeat them is low.

The number of individuals is not that large.

If you're wondering if it's worth it, you might want to specialize in dragons. That's about it.

In my opinion, it's the most efficient dungeon to master the combat ability at a higher difficulty level.

If you want to earn money, as Lois says, it's not suitable.

That's all, is it helpful?

"Yes! Thank you!

What an upbeat voice, but you really don't think a novice is going to take on the dungeon of the dragon king, do you?

In addition, with bare hands, I quietly watched the lecture with a delicate air, vowing to stop the avant-garde trainee if she was there, without further ado.

Although I feared that no one would ever ask her a question.

Fortunately, even after her question, a few more questions come up here and there.

At first, Lois was alarmed by the amount of hands raised, but since the questions were usually about dungeons and magic, she answered them normally.

Then, as the end of the lecture time was coming to a close, she asked, "May I ask you a question?

"Do you have a question?

You, Midori Kawasaki, are fine. Keep going.

Yes, we are amateurs when it comes to dungeon attack. I heard that you offer training for newcomers, but we have no real experience. Is it possible for us to join the first batch of students to make up for our lack of experience? Or is it possible to request support?

Kawasaki raises his hand and states his question.

The content of the question makes my heart flutter for a moment.

Even though it's unlikely you'll be accepted to our party, anything can happen at our company.

That's no reason to let this question go unanswered.

Both are possible. But as for joining a party, that's only if the first-year party recruits or scouts out. There are four parties in operation at the moment. Please be aware that not everyone can be in that party. As for the request for support, it is also a matter of convenience for the party, and we will cooperate with them as long as it does not interfere with our work.

Isn't there an opportunity to appeal and get into that party or something? Or is it okay to voluntarily wish to be let in?

"We will be distributing an appeal sheet on a voluntary basis as part of your induction. Your abilities are still unknown. At this stage, the dungeon testers of the parties currently in operation will not be able to select and scout for you. Nor will we be able to assess your current abilities or your potential. There's no way to scout you. Therefore, it has been decided that after the training, you will post your appeal sheet on the company's website and set up a party or a scouting session. The company won't stop the latter, but if a complaint is received from the party, the company may impose a penalty, so please don't expect too much.

Well, thank you.

Kawasaki's statement made me a little uneasy.

It sounds like she wants to join the party that is currently up and running.

However, unlike the question with the first woman, the content of Kawasaki's question seemed to be of interest to the other second term students as well.

That's right, if you can work with someone with experience, you should work with them.

The risk is much lower when there is someone with experience.

Just being able to confirm that possibility makes her question worth asking.

In fact, there is a trend that first-year students outside of our party will welcome second-year students.

In that situation, the trend of not letting us in is not very welcome.

Then it's time. In the afternoon, we'll show a mock battle. The company cafeteria will be open for lunch, so you're free to eat there or here. Do not be late for the afternoon's activities.

As you think about it, the chime rings and it's a lunch break.

With Royce's closing remarks, the lecture is over and a commotion arises in the lecture room.

Watching that scene.

Save me the trouble, okay?

The unexpectedly large number of colorful items for the future as newcomers come in made me anxious.

Word of the Day

We have a lot of strong characters.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!