Published at 27th of March 2023 06:38:14 AM

Chapter 436: Vicious female supporting role (3)

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Chapter 436 Vicious Female Match (3)

Xie Changsheng's left wrist was crossed in half by Qin Huai.

Because of being fed a special powder, all the senses are magnified infinitely.

The severe pain came, and the blood rushed out instantly.

Xie Changsheng couldn't help screaming.

In the darkness, Chi Jia stepped forward instantly, took out a packet of medicinal powder from his arms, and sprinkled it on Xie Changsheng's dripping wrist.

The blood will disperse the powder, and soon a new powder will fall down, which is finally solidified by the powder.

But the excruciating pain did not diminish at all.

Before Xie Changsheng could recover, the wrist of the other hand was also cut in half, followed by the hamstring...

Xie Changsheng screamed constantly.

"Ah—kill me! Ah! Don't kill me!"

She didn't know what she was shouting.

Pain, Pain! Infinite fear spread around Xie Changsheng.

That's not a boy, that's a devil!

In what kind of environment can such a devil grow? !

Why not just kill her?

Why torture her like this!

Even if she once hurt Xiao Ayu, the lovely little sister who was hurt, let that little sister die.

She should not be punished like this either.

What is this!

Except for this one thing, she didn't miss anything.

Why let her bear all this? !

Just want to go home, is that wrong?

It's not what she wanted to come!

Thinking like this, Xie Changsheng's screams became weaker and weaker.

Then there was no breath at all.

Chi Jia put his hand on her neck.

took two steps back and told Qin Huai, "Young Master, it's gone."

"Well." Qin Huai threw the dagger in his hand to the ground, and took off the cloak that had sat on the stool, and threw it in the corner like throwing garbage, "Let's go."

Besides, those who watched Qin Huai's execution trembled a little, and couldn't help but say, "Little princess, this prisoner King Xiaoyao just said hello and said he wants to keep his breath."

After he finished speaking, Chi Bing hurried in and whispered in Qin Huai's ear: "Little Young Master, the palace is here to pick up someone, and I want this Xie Changsheng by name."

Chi Jia couldn't help but froze, what, the palace wants someone?

When did the palace take care of this unknown person?

She remembered the information dug up by this person.

She knew a lot about astronomy and geography. During the months she was detained, she wrote several books about what she said.

There are quite a few shocking parts, and some were brought into the palace for analysis by those in the palace.

As for the content of the heroine and the vicious female supporter, the palace is not interested, not even the King of Happyness.

only attracted Qin Huai.

Compared to Chi Jia's nervousness, Qin Huai just raised his eyebrows.

"It's finally here?" Qin Huai said, "Then report it to the palace truthfully, and I will be responsible for this matter alone."

"Young Master!" Chi Jia was in a hurry.

This is not the time to be mad, it is the palace!

Even if Duke Ang is so favored, he can't act recklessly in the palace.

The little son is just the son of Duke Anguo's mansion, and Duke Anguo is just his grandfather.

How could    be able to protect him?

Qin Huai looked at Xie Changsheng's gradually icy corpse, and his tone was light: "Since you dare to do it, you will naturally dare to do it, and go back to the Duke's Mansion first."

After    walked out of the prison, the moon was full outside, and the bright moonlight shone throughout Wanning City.

Countless people are enjoying the reunion and happiness at this moment.

They were bathed in moonlight, unaware of what was surging in those darkness.

Qin Huai smiled at the full moon.

The person who hurt Ayu is certainly not the only one.

He will pick them out one by one.

as the best birthday present.

(end of this chapter)

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