Published at 10th of March 2023 06:21:55 AM

Chapter 2229: It is necessary to prepare in advance

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The arcane light group is suspended in the air, providing a constant soft light, the scene behind the mine tunnel seems to be swallowed by darkness, this road seems to have no end, and invisible fear quietly invades from the surroundings.

The giant axe stopped moving forward, Elizabeth's words obviously brought them a big impact, and at the same time they thought of the words she said at the beginning.

The lines on the stone wall resemble the roots of vines or plants.

This made them think of a possibility that they had never guessed before.

Wang Gulas swallowed, "By the way, this passage was not opened by the tentacles, right?"

The tentacles alone can have such power, and can also force the creatures in the range into his dreams. King Gulas can't imagine what kind of creature this is to do this.

"Greataxe, you dwarves are really good at picking places."

Elizabeth let out a harsh laugh, but she didn't feel the slightest nervousness, she even looked expectant.

It corresponds to Koror World's view of Liches-basically all Liches are lunatics.

Giant Axe's expression was quite serious. Obviously, the current scene had exceeded his expectations, but that was all, and he didn't panic at all.

The dwarves have a lot of experience in dealing with this.

"Do you think we should move on?" Giant Axe looked at Keya, seeking his opinion.

"According to the current data analysis, the biological volume...analysis failed and cannot be estimated." Keya's voice did not fluctuate at all. "The numerical fluctuations are within the normal range, and you can continue to explore."

He nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"Then move on." The giant axe grabbed the axe in his hand, "I want to see how big this guy really is."

The character of the dwarves is indeed carefree, but this does not mean that they are all stunned, otherwise the entire city of steel would not have been the dwarves in charge.

Great Axe only believed in the judgment given by Koya, and Elizabeth and King Gullas had no objection to this.

"It seems that I can have good soul material again." The soul fire in Elizabeth's eyes is pulsating. Lich is very interested in manipulating souls, especially this kind of legendary creature that has survived for a long time. , Its soul is extremely valuable for collection.

"This is just a guess, wait to find..." Wang Gulas said with a smile, but soon his expression changed, as if he was listening, "Have you heard?"

"Hear what?" Giant Axe didn't quite understand.

"There is an aura of soul fluctuations." Elizabeth ran her fingers across the rock wall and looked into the dark depths.

"A special energy shock is detected, and an impact is about to be ushered in." Koya's face does not seem to have any changes in expression at all, and he tells in an indifferent tone, "Five, four, three, two, one."

Before the sound fell, some invisible and intangible energy suddenly swept from deep underground.

Wang Gulas felt as if his consciousness had been hit hard, and in an instant there were countless intricate images that were forcibly inserted in his mind, messy and illogical, like a bizarre dream.

However, the body has no perception of this, and the feelings brought about by this sense of dislocation of consciousness and body are hard to describe.

In just a few seconds, King Gulas seemed to experience the ultimate experience of falling from heaven to hell, then from **** to heaven, and bungee jumping between the two.


King Gulas knelt there with his hands on the ground, retching.


The axe in the giant axe's hand fell, and he sat directly on the ground, panting.

Relatively speaking, Elizabeth didn't seem to be affected much, but the color of the soul fire in her eye sockets changed slightly, and it quickly returned to the original state.

As for Koya, after reminding a few people, the light in his eyes dimmed, and it didn't light up again until everything was over, avoiding direct contact by shutting down.

"What's the situation just now?" Wang Gulas supported the stone wall and stood up, feeling very bad.

"The mental shock brought by the powerful soul energy." Elizabeth gave an answer, then looked at the giant axe, "is it much stronger than what you have experienced before?"

"It's indeed a lot stronger." The giant axe stood up, "Maybe because of the reduced distance, the closer you get, the stronger the feeling, or it may be... the creature has begun to wake up."

"The second guess can be ruled out." Keya gave an accurate answer after booting up. "According to the data from the detector previously placed in the channel, after a certain distance of transmission, the mental shock has produced a great deal. The amplitude attenuation, based on the analysis of the current situation, may be the current environment has a great attenuation effect on it."

"This creature has created a ‘shell’ for itself." Elizabeth said softly.

"It feels getting more and more outrageous." Wang Gulas shook his head, the identity of the legendary strongman brought a powerful recovery ability, "Great Axe, do we still continue to explore?"

The great axe pondered.

It is the safest choice to end the exploration for the sake of safety, but anyone who knows that there may be an ancient creature under his feet that can easily subvert everything, and it is impossible to continue living in peace and stability.

"Continue." Giant Axe took a deep breath and made a decision.

The previous mental shock seemed to him to be normal, after all, it had happened many times before.

Moreover, if, as they had guessed, the initiator of these anomalies was a mythical creature left over from a long time ago, then their search would be as inconspicuous as ants.

As long as the action is not the main action, it is definitely safe.

Several people continued to move toward the depths, but compared to the beginning, they were obviously more cautious.

In addition, King Gulas also blessed everyone with a lot of defensive types of magic, natural shelter, spiritual barrier, divine blessing, soul barrier... dozens of layers of protective magic blessings, there is no magic originally. It's heavy, but the giant axe feels heavy.

"I said, you don't need to be so cautious?" The giant axe looked at the magic of various colors flashing all over him, and couldn't help asking.

"It's always right to be prepared." When he was speaking, Wang Gulas patted himself with more than a dozen layers of magic. The whole person was shining golden, even if he resisted the attacks of a bunch of legendary powerhouses, it would be absolutely fine. "Besides, We still don’t know what we will encounter. If we do, we will play everything by then."

"I have prepared a memory backup." Keya said flatly.

"This is just a part of my soul, even if it falls, it won't have much impact." Elizabeth was also prepared.

Ju Axe looked at the two of them, then looked at Wang Gulas: "You want to stop adding more to me?"

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