Published at 10th of March 2023 06:08:32 AM

Chapter 2651

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Aurora was not surprised by Luo Chuan's casual character. From Yao Ziyan's narration, she had already understood the character of this strange god.

Somewhat similar to what my mother had unexpectedly.

"What strange name is Ability God?" Luo Chuan couldn't help complaining.

This name will always remind him of the name of the big boss behind the scenes.

So what should this count?

The boss is actually me?

There are too many slots, and I don't know how to complain for a while.

"Mother once told us that the universe is not the only one, and there are similar worlds in the chaotic land outside the universe." Aurora said, "You come from outside the universe, it seems that what mother said is right .”


Luo Chuan felt that it was necessary to emphasize: "In fact, compared to Ability God, I still prefer you to be like other customers, just call me the boss."

"Look, what I said." Yao Ziyan spread her hands.

Remember m in a second.

Aurora smiled helplessly.

Luo Chuan easily guessed the meaning of the words of the two of them. There is a high probability that Yao Ziyan talked about his character, and then Aurora didn't really believe it.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask." Luo Chuan looked at Aurora.

"Boss, please tell me." Aurora always maintained a somewhat lazy smile, giving people the feeling of a big sister.

Although in terms of appearance, she is actually similar to Yao Ziyan.

"You said just now, that's your mastermind, right?" Luo Chuan pointed to the round ball above, "Is it just this one, or are there many?"

"Usually, a guardian of a state of life like mine usually has a majority of master brains, so that he can control an overly large body and at the same time back up his consciousness." Aurora explained.

There were too many elements in the words, Luo Chuan felt that it was necessary for him to ask.


"Our names."

Aurora nodded, and also noticed Luo Chuan's expression, "Is there anything wrong?"

"In fact, there are legends related to you in this world. They all call you elder brother."

"Brother? Shouldn't it be the eldest sister?" Aurora didn't seem to understand this.

"Uh... maybe the legend is a bit wrong." Luo Chuan felt that there was no need to discuss this issue.

The legend has been circulating for such a long time, and it is normal for the content in it to be wrong due to various circumstances. It is like a rumor, and God knows what it will become if it is spread.

From this point of view, the title of elder brother, which is similar to eldest sister, is actually quite reliable.

"So? Why did you suddenly ask this?" Yao Ziyan poked Luo Chuan's arm, reminding him not to change the subject.

"A message from the Demon Emperor this morning." Luo Chuan reminded.

"What's the matter with the message from Lord Yaodi?" Yao Ziyan was still at a loss, and was about to ask, when she suddenly opened her eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

"what are you guys saying?"

Aurora couldn't understand the conversation between the two.

Luo Chuan thought about it, and decided that it would be better to mention it tactfully first: "Well, I have a question I want to ask first, that is, if someone uses your sister's brain to do some strange things, will you be angry?"

Most people have wake up gas.

Even if Aurora behaved kindly from beginning to end, the possibility of this situation cannot be ruled out.

God knows that this guardian, who has been asleep for an unknown period of time, heard that some race dared to use the sister's brain as a server, and immediately flew into a rage to destroy the world and the like.

It's time to clean up the door.

Aurora tilted her head in confusion, and the boss began to say something she didn't understand again.

"Forget it, just look at this." Luo Chuan sighed, and handed her the magic phone.

The photo sent by the demon emperor was displayed on the screen.

Aurora took it in doubt, and was indeed stunned for a while when she saw the screen, and then... nothing more.

"Um...what's wrong?" she asked.

"This should be the mastermind, right?" Luo Chuan didn't quite understand Aurora's reaction.

"Yes." Aurora nodded.

"Now it's being treated as a server by others!" Luo Chuan emphasized.

As a boss, it is his principle to uphold fairness and justice at all times, even the frost elves are no exception.

"I think the boss may have misunderstood a little." Aurora smiled lightly, and she waved her hand, and Vengman condensed into the shape of a seat behind the three of them.

"The guardian's life form is different from that of ordinary people. In some necessary cases, we can change our body to adapt to different and similar environments, even if we completely abandon the body."

"So..." Yao Ziyan held a cup of flower dew.

"That was her own choice." Aurora said softly.

Neither Luo Chuan nor Yao Ziyan expected this answer, but it was the most reasonable answer.

The race that can control the guardian should never have existed, so it is basically certain that the relationship between those servers and the frost elves is more of a cooperative relationship.

And according to the demon emperor, the server, like the frost elves, enjoys work benefits.

Similar to the rule of working five days and resting two days.

There are also three guardians, three different life states.


Sure enough, it's still full of flaws.

"How much do you know about giant dragons and sea monsters?" Luo Chuan asked suddenly.

"Giant dragons are observers, and their duties are mainly to observe, record and judge. As for the current giant dragons in Tianlan Continent, I'm sorry, I don't know about this, and I have never heard of the race of sea monsters." Aurora replied .

"What about the shadow dwellers?" Luo Chuan continued to ask.

Aurora still shook her head.

It seems that there is no way to get anything useful from this guardian.

The final answer can only be found by going to the world of giant dragons.

"You should know about the Shadow Realm, Shadow Realm, and Elemental Realm in this world, right? Why do these things appear?" Luo Chuan has been puzzled by this question for a long time.

"Hmm... Maybe it's some kind of influence left by my mother when she opened up the Tianlan Continent, which created these different realms over time." Aurora gave an answer after thinking for a while.

Both Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan nodded slightly, thinking that the answer was quite reasonable.

The power of the gods cannot be viewed from the perspective of common sense. Under the influence of the residual power, countless realms attached to the world were born, which is not an extraordinary situation.

"What about the deep sea? Do you know?"

Luo Chuan still remembered the situation in which he inexplicably came into contact with the deep sea in a dream a few days ago. This question also troubled him for a long time, so he naturally wanted to ask about such a good opportunity.

"Deep sea?" Aurora didn't quite understand this strange title.

After Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan's explanations, they finally understood the concept of the deep sea.

Qingxiu frowned, trying to extract relevant information from the fragmented memory: "I remember that my mother seemed to talk about the reason for the formation of the deep sea."

"What's the reason?" Luo Chuan subconsciously sat up straight.

"I can't remember clearly. My mother said that it seems to be caused by... the power of one of her friends."

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