Published at 10th of March 2023 06:06:10 AM

Chapter 2705

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Luo Chuan really didn't want to complain too much about the fact that Ms. Bailong Xiersha, who was a law enforcement officer, didn't verify the effect of Coke because she was afraid of pain.

Ever since he got acquainted with An Weiya, his impression of the dragon has gradually developed in a strange direction.

Now this situation does not surprise him much.

It still seems... quite reasonable?


I really want to complain.

Yao Ziyan was also speechless for a long time, trying to suppress the spitting words that were about to burst out: "Um, where are the other products?"

"The taste is very good, I have never eaten such delicious food!" Shirza emphasized.

It seems that the dragon doesn't pay much attention to the taste of food.


Judging from the size of the giant dragon, their appetite should have reached an extremely terrifying level.

Remember m in a second.

If you want to carefully prepare the taste of each food, the workload may not be ordinary.

An Weiya's words also confirmed this point: "Our food doesn't really pay much attention to taste, it's not bad, and it's enough to fill your stomach."

"Then why do you like all kinds of food?" Luo Chuan was a little curious, "You basically go to Yuan Gui's shop every day, right?"

"Yes, I go every day."

An Weiya nodded and scratched her hair again, "Is there any contradiction between the two?"

"" Luo Chuan felt that there was a misunderstanding in the direction of his thinking.

The cuisine of the dragon people doesn't pay attention to taste, it's not that they don't like food, it's just that they find it troublesome.

They also choose food that tastes better if they can.

It's like Anvia.

During the time she came to Jiuyao City, she should have tasted all kinds of delicacies in the city, and she didn't know how much of Yuan Gui's menu was left that she hadn't experienced.

"Actually, we usually use human form to taste food." Shirza added.

"What about the shape of the giant dragon?" Yao Ziyan asked curiously.

"It's used to fill the stomach." Hilsa replied, "Our sense of taste is not very sensitive in the state of the dragon, and our requirements for food are not so high."

"You can eat dirt!"

The dragon girl added happily.

Luo Chuan was immediately in awe.

This group of legendary races once again refreshed his cognition.

What the hell are their guts made of?

Now Luo Chuan seriously suspects that the main reason why An Weiya went to Tianlan Continent is for the delicious food there.

"Actually, I think it's better to eat stones than dirt." Hilsa was actually discussing this topic with Anvia seriously, "My tutor's thesis has proved this point, stones can make the scales of young dragons stronger .”

"No." An Weiya shook her head and objected, "My graduation subject is to study the different effects of stone and soil. Eating soil can better promote development, and the scales will be more shiny and beautiful."


Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan looked at each other, and saw the subtle expression on each other's face.

The topic became more and more strange, and they couldn't talk at all.

By the way, are these dragons usually idle like this?

What about the race that was agreed to have the same status as the Guardian?

Every guardian I met today, experienced a state that could not be described simply as miserable.

But these giant dragons...

Forget it, don't say much, just experience it yourself.
Luo Chuan seriously doubted whether something happened when the goddess created the dragon, or maybe it was a manifestation of the personality of the goddess who had never met before.

As the saying goes, children inherit the characteristics of their parents.

The goddess has an unreliable character, and the created race also carries the attribute of being funny.

Very reasonable, right?

The discussion between Anvia and Hilsa about which is better to eat dirt or stones has come to an end for the time being. They finally realized that it seems that now is not the time to entangle this issue.

It is obviously not polite to leave Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan aside like this.

As for Bingshuang, as always, she has entered a state of autism, holding a magic phone and not caring about worldly affairs.

"Boss, will you open a branch here?" Xiersha is most concerned about the origin mall, which is closely related to whether she can buy goods at will.

During the conversation with An Weiya last night, she had already learned about the big and small things that Luo Chuan had done.

Among them is the Hearthstone Tavern in the City of Steel.

Since there is a Hearthstone Tavern, it’s okay to have a Blackstone Tavern, right?

Or Lava Tavern, Eternal Tavern, Forest Tavern, Sky Tavern...

The name Sailsa has been thought of.

And she can also work as a full-time shop assistant, the kind that does not require salary.

"Can't you go directly to the Origin Mall like An Weiya?" Luo Chuan didn't quite understand.

"It's too far," Shirza said.

Luo Chuan thought about it, and felt the same way.

It took almost two days from departure to arrival, and it was indeed a bit far at the speed of a giant dragon.

But having said that, as a longevity species, this shouldn't be the main reason, right?

"And we can't just go there." Xiersha added.

Luo Chuan nodded, expressing his understanding.

"So, boss, are you planning to open a store here?" An Weiya came to Luo Chuan, blinking her big beautiful eyes, which were full of prayers.

I have to say that this girl is quite lethal when she is acting cute.

It would have been better if Yao Ziyan hadn't put a hand on his waist.

"Don't worry about this, let's wait and see." Luo Chuan didn't directly give an accurate answer.

"Okay." An Weiya sighed softly, she understood Luo Chuan's character, and never asked further on this question, "Is the boss ready?"

"Preparing for what?" Luo Chuan was a little puzzled.

"Go to see the Speaker, she has been waiting for you." An Weiya answered as a matter of course.

Even Luo Chuan was a little embarrassed to be waited for such a long time by this mysterious speaker whom he had never met before.

But it's not all his fault.

Anvia did not

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