Published at 13th of December 2022 11:25:52 AM

Chapter 3833

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I'm kidding, this final exam, it's related to whether their foreign language attached middle school can have a long face in the whole city.

The headmaster is waiting for Yue Tingfeng to be the first in the league and win glory for the school and him.

Fighting or something is a trivial matter now. The most important thing is to let Yue listen to Feng's test well.

Speaking of this, the headmaster can't help remembering that Ma Chaojie made trouble for Yue Tingfeng in the morning and didn't let him take the exam well. The headmaster was angry when he thought about it!

Do you think you deserve to hit him? Let him see, that's what we should do.

You usually don't study hard and want to copy others' answers in the exam. That's all. How many students don't want to copy good answers in the exam?

The key is, can you not delay others when copying?

If you miss a minute, you may be the first one in the city.

The headmaster also hopes that Yue Tingfeng will attract more students to their middle school at the beginning of school. This is a living sign!

The headmaster's words made Ma Wenjie's father angry: "you Well, I didn't expect that you, the headmaster, should be such a person. No wonder those two students are so bold after beating my son. I dare to say that you are the headmaster's support. OK, ok You wait. I'm going to find a reporter now. I'm going to poke out the bullying students, teachers and principals' inaction in your school. I'm going to make your school unable to recruit any students from now on. "

And he's going to call the reporter.

The headmaster quickly stopped him: "Ai Ai Ai, calm down, don't worry, Mr. Ma, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Bullshit, if I don't do this, my son will be killed by you. I have to say that."

The headmaster thought about it and said, "well, I'll call the parents of the two students to see if they have time to come over. If so, you can have a good chat with them. How about the medical expenses or apology?"

Ma Wenjie's father thought for a while, nodded: "OK, you give me a call, fight right away, I'd like to see how horizontal they are."

He thought that it was serious to see the parents of the two boys. After all, whether compensation or apology, the parents had to agree.

The headmaster shakes his head, a middle-aged man who knows nothing!

He called Lu Xiangdong and Youyi respectively and explained the situation tactfully. He hoped that if they had time, they could come and meet with the parents of the beaten child to discuss and solve the problem.

Of course, if you don't have time, forget it. He'll try to solve it.

The headmaster knows these two people, but they are busy people and may not be able to come.

However, he did not expect that after he finished, they agreed and said they would come right away.

The principal was relieved. He said to Ma Wenjie's father, "just a moment, the two parents are coming."

Ma Wenjie's father snorted coldly. He was ready to wait for the two parents to open up and make a mistake.

You Yi and Lu Xiangdong met at the gate of the school. They got out of the car and saw each other. You Yi smiles: "Mr. Lu, long time no see."

When Lu Xiangdong saw you Yi, he felt a little bit hot. He had seen all the humiliating things before.

He was still a little scared when he saw the cruise and said quickly, "yes It's been a long time. Congratulations Mr. you is happy to have a son. "

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