Published at 13th of December 2022 11:13:35 AM

Chapter 4191

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Seeing him getting better again, the whole family was relieved that the child had been ill all his life, which was too worrying.

Yue Tingfeng and Qingsi's summer vacation has officially started. This summer vacation, he wants to take Qingsi to have a good time, but they have basically played the streets and alleys of the capital.

So these two days, Yue Tingfeng began to think about it and went out to play to see where it was suitable.

Waiting for high school, busy up, it is estimated that there is no such leisure time.

Yue heard that Feng just wanted to go out to play, but Lu xiuche came and proposed to go abroad for a holiday.

However, the family didn't agree, because it was too dangerous to have three children without adults.

Although Yue Tingfeng believes in himself, after all, he is not familiar with life and land outside the country. It's really dangerous. If something happens, it's no small matter.

But the next day Lu xiuche came back and told them that an adult was following.

Yue Tingfeng asked, "who will follow?"

Lu xiuche raised his chin and said with a smile, "my dad."

Yue was surprised and said, "your father?"

Lu xiuche nodded: "yes, my father is going. He said that he hasn't had a holiday for a long time anyway. I think it's OK to go on holiday. Moreover, with my father, we don't have to spend money."

Speaking of this person, Lu Xiangdong has corrected very well.

I work hard and do business well. I'm not keen on men's and women's affairs. I often go home to have dinner with my son. Now the father son relationship has been repaired quite well.

Today's road to the East, but also a competent father.

In addition, the test results also came out, Lu xiuche's test is quite good, the full score of 600, he took the test 573 points, this score for him, is quite powerful.

After Lu xiuche found out, he screamed several times, which was better than he expected.

When Lu Xiangdong saw this achievement, he immediately gave it to the staff of the company, doubling the bonus this month.

And I'm ready to treat. I'm calling at home now.

This time, Lu Xiangdong is going to have a big show. His son has given him a long face. Of course, he has to show off.

Yue Tingfeng undoubtedly got the highest score of 600 in the city this time. He even got full marks for his composition, and the banners of the school have been put up.

Yue Tingfeng, a student of our school, got a full score of 600 in the high school entrance examination, ranking first in the city!

You don't have to wait for the beginning of the school, you can imagine how gratifying the enrollment situation is when the school starts again.

You're supposed to celebrate, but Yue Tingfeng refuses. He says it's just a high school entrance examination. There's no need to celebrate. I really want to celebrate. Let's wait three years and wait until he gets into the best university in the country.

When Yue Tingfeng found out his score, he was not surprised. He didn't even smile much, as if he had expected it to be like this.

Lu xiuche said that he was a monster. He could get full marks for his composition, not a human being.

Yi Gao has already called home for fear that other schools will come to dig people.

Yue Tingfeng and Youyi's test scores are all out, and they are all so good, so there is no pressure for them to go out and play.

Wait for the road to the east to invite the guests tomorrow. The day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you can go out to play.

The road to the East makes them think about where to go, whether to go to the island for a holiday or to Europe for a multinational trip. No matter how they choose, they can go wherever they want.


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