Published at 10th of February 2023 06:05:08 AM

Chapter 286

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Wei Ting was injured too badly, Su Xiaoxiao decided to go back to the clinic and draw Wei Ting's knife again.

Su Qi followed Su Mo to chase the archers in the woods, but he still hasn't returned yet, Qin Canglan is not worried about their safety.

With Su Mo around, nothing will happen to my younger brother.

Wei Ting and Fu Su are in a carriage.

Su Xiaoxiao and Su Ergou shared a carriage, and the rest rode horses.

Before getting into the carriage, Qin Canglan cleared his throat, and said to Wei Ting seemingly inadvertently: "Don't worry about Dahu and the others, Old Monkey and Cheng'er are going to Lihua Lane."

When Su Yu brought the news to the three of them, the first thought of Qin Canglan and the old Hou Ye was to rescue Su Ergou, only Su Cheng said: "Everyone rushed to rescue Ergou, no one is looking after the child, If the adults at home are not around, the big tiger, the two tigers and the little tiger will be afraid."

Isn't Su Cheng worried about Ergou?

Not really.

But he is not only a father, but also the grandfather of the three little guys.

In his heart, he had already regarded the three little guys as his own grandchildren.

Ergou is rescued, and the child cannot be left alone.

While Wei Ting was protecting Su Ergou desperately, Su Cheng also tried his best to protect Wei Ting's son.

Wei Ting nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Sitting on the tall horse, Qin Canglan grabbed the rein and said in a cold voice, "Don't think I'll accept you like this, I think you still don't like it."

Wei Ting: "Oh, just some."

Qin Canglan glared: "...It's very! A lot! Incomparable!"

This shameless guy!

After getting into the carriage, Fusu was driving in front, turned around and whispered to Wei Ting behind the curtain, "Master, I was scared to death just now, Qin Canglan rode over, I thought he was going to slap you to death."

Wei Ting: "..."

Fu Su: "But that's good too. You saved his grandson, and he should kill you less often in the future."

Wei Ting: "Can you wish me well?"

Yu Chixiu didn't come with him today, he was sent by Wei Ting to protect the three little ones, what Wei Ting thought was, if he and Su Xiaoxiao went back late, he would ask Yu Chixiu to take the three little ones to Wei's house for a night.

This is a last resort.

Knowing that Su Cheng had gone back, Wei Ting was not worried at all.

"Master, don't you think what happened today is weird?" Fusu said in a low voice, "What kind of haunted house is that? It turns out to be really haunted. There are so many corpses. I don't know how many lonely ghosts came out to wander at night."

Thinking of this, Fusu felt terrified.

"And the bones of the's terrible..."

"Master, who do you think did it?"

Wei Ting said: "It's hard to say."

This is a major case, and the capital has never heard of any murders or missing people related to this number.

Everything is still unclear.

"Is this the biggest case in the past ten years?" Fusu said, "So many dead people..."

When they left, they had already carried more than 20 sets of skeletons, and it is said that there are still some skeletons below, and the people in Jingzhao Mansion are busy tonight.

Fusu's mind jumped so much that he was talking about the case one second, and he was talking about tonight's assassination the next second.

"Master, there is a chance to kill Xiao Chonghua today, why did you save him?"

Wei Ting said: "If you don't save him, an assassin will jump out tomorrow and insist that I am the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Ah..." Fusu suddenly realized, "So tonight is a game for the young master?"

Wei Ting said lightly: "It was set up for me and Xiao Chonghua. No matter which one of us has an accident, the other will become the 'behind the scenes'. If they both die, everyone will be happy."

There is another point that Wei Ting didn't mention.

Jing Yi saved his wife and brother-in-law from below, and in return, he would also save his cousin Jing Yi's life.

Therefore, she didn't owe Jing Yi any favors, and he paid them back.

Fu Su didn't think so deeply, he just felt that there was an unspeakable weirdness about what happened tonight: "The first prince appeared so coincidentally, and he killed the few survivors we left as soon as he came..."

Wei Ting snorted, "Which of the sons of Emperor Jingxuan is safe?"


The first class was very busy today.

Half of the injured people at the scene of the accident went to the Renxin Hall, and the other half came to the first hall.

Fu Langzhong, Xiao Weizi and others were so busy that they didn't touch the ground. Even shopkeeper Sun, a layman who didn't know medical skills, took on the chores of boiling water and other odd jobs.

The carriage stopped at the door of the first hall.

Ah Zhong went in and took the stretcher, and together with Master Cao carried Su Ergou to Su Xiaoxiao's yard.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded, and said to Wei Ting who also got out of the carriage on the other side: "You also come to my yard."

Xiao Weizi, who was taking medicine for the patient, looked at his boss and the young man in a daze when he heard this.

"The wing room is full." Su Xiaoxiao said solemnly, "You and Ergou share a room, and I will treat your injuries."

Xiao Weizi: Yes, the wing room is full.

He didn't doubt him, and continued to grapple with the medicine.

"Treat Ergou first." Wei Ting said.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Okay."

Su Xiaoxiao washed and sterilized her hands, put on sterile gloves, opened the first aid kit, took out the normal saline and cotton swabs, and sterilized the wound on the back of Su Ergou's head first.

Su Ergou woke up leisurely: "Sister..."

Su Xiaoxiao took out the anesthetic: "The wound is a bit long, I'll sew it up for you, don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

Wei Ting came over and took Su Ergou's hand.

Su Ergou closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After Su Xiaoxiao gave Su Ergou local anesthesia, he began to suture.

Her movements were crisp and neat, with a total of three stitches, and the suture was completed in a short while.

"It's your turn." Su Xiaoxiao said to Wei Ting.

Wei Ting turned his face away, and said very coldly: "I am a military commander, this little injury doesn't need stitches at all."

Su Xiaoxiao took out a new anesthetic, and said sharply: "Are you actually afraid?"

This is not the first time that Su Xiaoxiao has treated his injuries. He was seriously injured when Su Cheng picked him up to be his son-in-law.

It's just that he was not conscious at that time, and he didn't have a deep feeling for the specific treatment process.

Now, looking at the large and small syringes and needles on the plate, his scalp felt numb!

"Oh, how is it possible—"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Ting's body tensed up.

Wei Ting's injury was a little troublesome to deal with. Su Xiaoxiao had to draw the knife again, and he had to be careful not to hurt the nerves in his hand.

Otherwise, once his right hand is disabled, his career as a general will be over.

Su Xiaoxiao focused all her attention, grabbed the heel of his palm with one hand, and the handle of the knife with the other, and pulled it out without the slightest hesitation!

The stitching is still to be stitched.

In the end, Master Wei did not escape the fate of having his head stitched up.

After treating the injury on her hand, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly took out another needle.

Wei Ting was startled: "Why are you still here?"

Su Xiaoxiao held up the syringe and said, "Tetanus."

Being pierced in half, this kind of deep closed wound is most suitable for the growth of anaerobic bacteria, and tetanus is anaerobic bacteria.

Wei Ting: "I don't get injections."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Take off your pants!"

-----Off Topic-----

It was 4 votes short of a hundred, and it was broken and added.


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