Godly Hunter - Chapter 697

Published at 4th of January 2023 12:08:32 PM

Chapter 697: 10 Winged Angel

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Explaining what should be explained, Chen Mo groaned slightly.

When the twelve angels arrived, he was completely destroyed by the maiden moon cicada without having to find him, but Chen Mo knew that things would not end there.

The arrogant angel would not allow the Celestial beings to slap in this way, and the death of the twelve angels was just the beginning.

If there are no accidents, the Angels will send stronger angels next to the Kingdom of Grey Feathers.

This time he went to observe the situation of the enemy, and gained a lot, and more powerful angels appeared, and of course he didn't want to miss it.

Chen Mo sent a letter to Hohaman asking him to inform himself that he should prepare early. Subsequently, Chen Mo continued to watch the development of the situation while immersing himself in leveling.

The death of the twelve angels and the complete destruction of the combined army caused the kingdoms of the sacred continent to be shaken. Many countries re-examined the Grey Feather Kingdom. With such strength, the Grey Feather Kingdom can also enter the entire Holy Land In the strong part.

When they knew that it was only the Virgin Moon Cicada that killed the Twelve Angels and the United Army, no one dared to underestimate the Grey Feather Kingdom.

The maiden moon cicada has such a combat ability alone. In the entire sacred continent, except for the few large empires, few kingdoms can resist the attack of the maiden moon cicada.

The Grey Feather Kingdom is not as it used to be. No one stood up to deal with the Grey Feather Kingdom.

This is not that all kingdoms are afraid of the Grey Feather Kingdom, but those people know that angels will never let go of the Grey Feather Kingdom. If there is an angel, they should ask for trouble.

However, when the sacred continent was aroused by the gray feather kingdom and angels, within the Aiqin Kingdom, Aiqin En took advantage of the power of the Titan Kingdom and began the remediation of the Aiqin Kingdom with the orders of the Titan Kingdom.

The main goal of the renovation was the insatiable aristocracy of the Ai Qin Kingdom.

Vested in the Aegean Kingdom. Of course, I don't want Ai Qinen to reform, but Ai Qinen has no intention to talk to these people. She knows how to say that these people will not give up their interests.

Rather than wasting time on such things, Ai Qinen simply let Hohaman order the rectification, and the specific operation of the rectification. Still in the hands of Eichenen.

Ai Qinen subsequently issued a number of rectification regulations, one of which is to confiscate some noble property for the development of people's livelihood.

Of course, the nobles were unwilling, and Ai Qinen suppressed them by thunder.

With the support of Hohaman, without the obstruction of the aristocracy, Ai Qinen's reform has been visible to the naked eye every day, according to this trend. It won't be long before the Aegean Kingdom can develop again.

At the time of Ai Qinen's reform of the Ai Qin Kingdom, Chen Mo's Catlin territory also began to enter a period of rapid development.

After a short period of absorbing talents, although the number of people in the Catlin Territory is not large, the quality is great.

And it has gradually developed into a small trading center in the southernmost part of the Aegean Kingdom. There are residents with various skills in Catlin, and Enoch provided them with all kinds of equipment and conditions, and these residents. Naturally, according to their skills, many equipment items have been refined.

These things are for sale in Catlin. It didn't take long for Catlin's reputation to spread.

If it weren't for Chen Mo's fear that Catlin's name would be too loud, it would cause trouble, and Catlin's reputation would be even louder.

So although Catlin has few residents, her economic attributes are not low.

The demographic attributes are also basically satisfied, and the attributes of law and order, technology, and construction have far exceeded the standard. Catlin's overall overall prosperity easily exceeded 500 points.

It wouldn't be surprising if Catalyn's prosperity had been raised by another level, if it weren't for a small population.

When she first got Catlin, Chen Mo developed Catlin and also wanted to get upgrade rewards. The ultimate goal is just an ambitious plan.

But now Chen Mo is aiming for the ultimate goal, and the prosperity upgrade rewards in the middle of the road, Chen Mo has become inconspicuous.

After Catlin's comprehensive prosperity broke through 500, Chen Mo asked Enoch to vigorously develop the city's own defense system, including attack and defense.

Once Catlin's development and attacking ability have developed, she has to worry about the attack of others. If she can't beat her, she can leave calmly.

The Kingdom of Aiqin and Katerin were both telling Development. When Chen Mo killed the monster and rushed to the rank, it was only two days before he returned from the Grey Feather Kingdom, and he received the news from Hohaman.

As he expected, the twelve angels died, and new angels appeared immediately.

Unlike before, this time there was only one angel, named Marshall.

What surprised Chen Mo was that instead of sending eight-winged angels, the angel family sent ten-winged angels in one fell swoop!

During the war with the Virgin Moon Cicada, although the last Seraph was killed and killed, no one can deny the strength of the Seraph.

Had it not been for the wings of the Celestials to have mutated, the six-winged angel might have solved the Grey Feather Kingdom.

Now, the angel actually skips the eight-winged angel directly and lets the ten-winged angel descend, and the Grey Feather Kingdom does not know if it can resist it.

Chen Mo also wanted to know how powerful the Ten Wing Angels were. After receiving the news from Hohaman, Chen Mo immediately returned to Qatarin, and after a little preparation, sneaked into the Grey Feather Kingdom again.

He intends to observe the strength of the Ten Winged Angels up close again. If he is lucky, he may even make a fortune.


Chen Mo has been fast enough along the way, but the Ten-winged Angel is undoubtedly faster.

When Chen Mo received the news, she rushed to it as soon as possible, and the Ten-winged Angel was already one step ahead, and was fighting with the Virgin Moon Cicada.

When Chen Mo approached quietly, she saw the maiden moon cicada and was struck down by the ten-winged angel Marshall in the sky, just as when the maiden moon cicada attacked the four-winged angel a few days ago.

However, the maiden moon cicada did not fail because of such an attack. Her huge wings ~ ~ flew towards Marshall once she jumped in the sky.

Marshall is a middle-aged angel with no expression on his face. In the face of the attack of the maiden moon cicada, he did not use too much tricks, but just resisted. The shocking attack of the maiden moon cicada was simple by him. Resisted.

This is the strength of Ten Wing Angels, so powerful!

The battle between Marshall and the Virgin Moon Cicada is obviously that the Virgin Moon Cicada has fallen, and Marshall has not done his best yet.

However, Chen Mo looked at it for a short while and seemed to see some clues.

Marshall seems to be able to use some special power. Every time he contacts and attacks the Virgin Moon Cicada, the strength of the Virgin Moon Cicada is weakened. In fact, the power of the Virgin Moon Cicada is much weaker than before. .


Five more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)


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