Published at 16th of November 2022 06:09:48 AM

Chapter 471: Million annual salary

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Moreover, it is completely natural and has no side effects. If it does not rebound...I guess it will sell crazy, right?

A cup of 200 yuan, 30 cups a month is only 6,000 yuan.

Not to mention losing 60 catties, even if you can lose 20 catties, it is estimated that it will be popular in the weight loss market, right?

"Then your weight loss milk tea has been certified by the National Health Commission?"

Yuan Ya looked at Wang Yang and asked.

"This...not yet."

Wang Yang was also asked by Yuan Ya.

"That won't work!"

Listening to this, Yuan Ya frowned, "Although it is milk tea, if it is not certified by the National Health Commission, it cannot be sold on the market!"

"It's easy, it's just a phone call."

Now, he feels that Yuan Ya is pretty good, and she is attentive and responsible. He feels relieved to leave the business of his milk tea shop to her.

Besides, he has other things to do, how can he have time to manage the business of the milk tea shop?

"That's OK."

Yuan Ya also nodded.

Wang Yang also asked Yuan Ya to contact the advertisement, and be sure to advertise the weight loss milk tea in the last two days.


Yuan Ya nodded and agreed with Wang Yang's ideas.

Wang Yang also directly transferred one million yuan to Yuan Ya.

"The 500,000 yuan is the money from your milk tea shop. The remaining 500,000 yuan will be used as the funds for the preliminary promotion."

Although Wang Yang didn't have much cash in his hand, he was not short of that one or two million.

"Are you not afraid that I will run away with your money?"

"Will you?"

Wang Yang looked at Yuan Ya and asked.


Yuan Ya will not.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows how to choose.

Not to mention that Wang Yang directly gave her a million annual salary, and bonuses and other things are not calculated.

Mainly, if the weight-loss milk tea is really as magical as Wang Yang said, it means nothing more, right?

How many people are troubled by their bodies in China?

Hundreds of millions of people.

Globally, there are at least one billion people who need to lose weight.

What kind of market is this?

Besides, according to Wang Yang, no matter who you are, you can actually drink this weight loss milk tea.

Fat people can achieve slimming effect.

Thin people can achieve shaping effects.

This is irresistible for everyone!

Besides, a cup of milk tea is two hundred yuan. If this effect can be achieved, no one will probably refuse it, right?

Even if it is two or three times more expensive, it is estimated that no one will refuse, right?

Wang Yang also nodded, and directly took out his mobile phone to give Wang Congcong a call.

"Hello? Who."

Wang Congcong slept late last night, and he hasn't woken up yet.

Wang Congcong, who was awakened by the phone, hadn't opened his eyes yet, and his tone sounded very impatient.

"Brother Cong, it's me."

Wang Yang also gave a wry smile.

"Brother Cong, didn't you bother you to sleep?"

If it were anyone else, Wang Congcong would have passed away.

But when it heard Wang Yang's voice, Wang Congcong was also a little more sober.

"Young Master Wang? What's the matter, what's the situation?"

"Brother Onion, I have a milk tea with a weight loss effect. I am going to get a safety certification from the National Health Commission..."

Wang Yang also simply said the matter, and then spoke directly.

"Brother Cong, in such a big market, I can't eat it alone. Then you can be an agent in the future. The market price of two hundred yuan for a cup cannot be changed. I will give you an internal price of one hundred yuan for a cup..."

He didn't wake up at the beginning, but after listening to what Wang Yang said, he was completely awake.

"Master Wang, is your weight loss milk tea reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable."

"Okay, I know, don't worry, this matter is covered by me, I will go to find you in the afternoon, and you just have to get things ready!"

"Okay, Brother Cong, then this will trouble you so much!"

Wang Yang hung up the phone, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked up at Yuan Ya.

Here Yuan Ya brought Wang Yang a cup of lemon tea, and she heard it when Wang Yang called just now.

"Boss, the green brother in your mouth, is so powerful?"

"Wang Congcong, you should know?"

Wang Yang took a sip of lemon tea and stood up.

"Okay, hurry up with the propaganda. It is estimated that the business will have to be done in two days!"

"Okay, boss, I see."

Yuan Ya responded, and was shocked in her heart.

"Wang Cong Cong... so the boss is also the top rich and young?"

Hearing what Wang Yang said, others were a little stupid.

Weight loss milk tea!

If it is true, the market for this thing is really too big.

And this profit is absolutely amazing.

Although Wang Yang costs one hundred yuan for a cup, the market price is two hundred yuan for a cup!

The net profit for a cup is 100 yuan.

If the effect is as amazing as Wang Yang said, there will be no worries about sales.

Even if you are an agent, you can sell at least 100 million cups in a year, right?

The net profit is at least several billion!

The key here is to make money easily and without pressure, which is equivalent to Wang Yang giving them money.

But also, it is impossible for Wang Yang to give them money in vain.

Once this kind of thing comes out, there will certainly not be fewer people coveting it.

The meaning of their existence is to help Wang Yang push these people back.

Because this is not only Wang Yang's money, but also their money.

That sentence is right, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Every year, billions of dollars are given away to himself, Wang Congcong is naturally interested in this matter.

He has no friends there, but he can find someone!

Wang Congcong also got up from the bed, got dressed, washed his face and found his friend's phone and called.

Sun Jianhong, his old man is the director of the Qingcheng Health and Health Commission, and this kind of thing is most suitable for him.

"Brother Cong, why did you think of calling me today?"

"Ask you one thing, my friend has developed a milk tea, and now he wants the Health Commission to get him a safety certification..."

"This kind of thing is simple, you ask him to prepare the milk tea ingredients, as long as the product is okay, it can be done this afternoon!"

"That's fine, I will invite you to dinner another day!"

Someone is easy to handle.

If this is a normal procedure, it is estimated that it will take at least two or three months to complete a set of procedures.

If you find someone, as long as the product is okay, it will take a long time to get it right.

Wang Yang was also pestered by Wang Menghan and went to school again.

Professor Ma has been conscientiously checking the proof of Goldbach’s conjecture made by Wang Yang these days.

There is no problem, the whole process is down, the thinking is clear, and there is nothing that makes no sense at all.

The domestic mathematics community has also been shocked these days.

After all, when they knew that it was a sophomore from Qingcheng University who had made this proof, they had four words that could not be believed on their faces.

Prove that they have watched it over and over again.

There is indeed no problem.

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