Published at 16th of December 2022 07:10:03 AM

Chapter 1668

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It's about five minutes before the official start of the press conference.

X Group's luxury executive lineup has been the first to arrive, setting off the first wave of climax of the media group, but they have always been silent, refused all questions, patiently waiting for the appearance of the heavyweight.

But even so, it has caused this group of media people's continuous astonishment.

You know, the top management of X Group is very proud. Before joining x group, everyone standing here is a super top level person in all fields. Any one mouth can make people feel ashamed.

Just like this group of people, the mysterious helmsman of the * * group has been poached, gradually forming the high-level tiantuan mode of the X group. But the most amazing thing is that these talented people who are arrogant and collapse when they are picked up by themselves, and their worship and support for the boss behind the scenes of the X group are crazy!

It's less than three minutes before the official start.

Except for the most important position, all the other guests were present, but their eyes were still on the only two vacant seats, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the hour.

With this group of media reporters have the same mood and the audience waiting in front of the screen.

Since the news was updated on the official website of X group, everyone has been as crazy as crazy to refresh the news in real time. Whether it's social platforms at home or abroad, words like x group, mysterious president, behind the scenes helmsman, etc. have taken turns to occupy the hot search entries.

It can be said that the whole people are crazy.

Including the puweishi couple in Beijing who want to control the global events at any time.

Countdown, two minutes.

One minute.

The last 30 seconds.

The nearer to the hour, the scene of the press conference, which used to be as noisy as a vegetable market, was quiet. It seemed that there was a kind of magic that people could not help looking at the closed door.

Ten thousand people are staring at one place.

It's time.

With a bang, the door was flung open from the outside.

The bodyguards in black suits are the first to appear in the eyes of the public. They are well-trained to stand on the left and right sides to block the safest area. Today's central figure is finally on the stage.

Dark blue shirt with a black narrow body women's suit, neat simply dressed handsome to suffocate, a glance swept over, even the corner of the eye that tear mole are stained with a cold taste.

In the dead silence, the movement of Lin Hanxing's high-heeled shoes on the stairs is particularly shocking.

Dada, dada.

The sound of all things in the world seems to have faded like the tide, only the movement of her close, shocking.

Like a queen.

Lin Hanxing quickly went to the center of everyone's line of sight, took the microphone from the assistant's hand and pinned it to the collar. His sharp eyes were like a knife, presenting the most powerful side in his bones.

At this time, the Pu family in Beijing, the Yulongshan family in Beijing, the Leijia family in Jiangcheng, Yue Guanqian and Zheng Lao, not to mention many people who had direct or indirect contact with Lin Hanxing, were all staring in front of the TV.

The significance of Lin Hanxing's appearance on this important occasion is self-evident.

The Pu family in the capital.

With a slap, the goblets in Pu Wei's hands were crushed by him, and long Qingru, who had been stunned, couldn't even say a word.

Lin Xiaojiu, how can it appear?

When Lin Hanxing stepped down the last step, his eyes swept over the guest area and he laughed.

The smile in people's eyes, suddenly there is a kind of heart stirring palpitation.

How beautiful!

Sitting quietly, only two vacant seats were available. One of them, Lei Xiao, laughed back, tough and tender. All these were captured completely by the seats set at all angles, and transmitted to all corners of the world through the camera.

Lin Hanxing pressed down the Bluetooth headset on his side ear.

"I've kept you waiting."

This is the first sentence Lin Hanxing said after he stood on the stage.

It's like a sinking stone thrown into a tranquil lake, which instantly sets off a huge wave and impacts everyone's brain.

The media first looked at the top management of X group, but when they were staring at Lin Hanxing with reverence, they were speechless. A terrible idea was madly condensed in their mind.

"Miss Lin, are you kidding us?"

The local reporter of Shirley couldn't help asking first.

But no one is dissatisfied.

Just because this question is in their hearts.

Is this a joke?

But as soon as the other party's voice fell, Qi Shushu, a senior manager of X group, who was originally sitting in the front row, looked at the reporter asking questions. The dissatisfaction in his cold eyes was really cool.

Lin Hanxing raised his hand and motioned to the top.

"What do you think?"

It is impossible to take your eyes away from her because of the strong atmosphere that spreads from her actions.There was no expression on his frosty face.

It seems that I can't feel what kind of heavy bomb I have thrown at the people in front of me.

"Time is limited. Let's make a long story short."

Lin Hanxing raised his hand and looked at his watch. He put aside the speech prepared by his assistant in advance and pressed it with his hand, showing a complete state of being out of manuscript.

"I, Lin Hanxing, President of X group, together with my husband, Mr. Lei Xiao, President of Leishi group, have recently recovered the remaining three bronze heads of the Chinese zodiac, which have been lost for several years."

Lin Hanxing had a decent expression on his face and put his hands on the stage. He didn't respond to the silence around him.

"Our husband and wife have passed the message through the local embassy that they will leave for Beijing to connect with the high-level officials."

The cool sound is transmitted into everyone's ears through the microphone.

At this time, Zhan Nan Heng, who is in the royal family, is completely confused. When Xiao Qingmei decided to make a new direction, he was at the scene and naturally knew what her plan was.

Now, xiaoqingmei not only has the remaining three bronze heads of the zodiac, but also carries the blessing of the president of X group?

Once this card is opened, it is the effect of the king's own explosion!

I'm afraid those people in Beijing are going to be angry at this time, and they have to keep smiling.

What to do

It's a little cool!

Su didn't look at Lin Hanxing on the screen, recalled the past along the way, and finally sighed in his heart.

This world has long been the domain of young people.

The same feeling also appeared in Yuan Shaojing and Mu Lao's heart.

"It seems that..."

The old herdsman looked at yuan Shaojing with a heavy expression.

"It was the right decision to give Huaji to that girl at the beginning!"

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Well, girl, just take it!

Herdsman immediately grinned.

It's impossible to feel guilty. On the contrary, I feel happy.

"I'm worried that if she goes to the capital..."

Yuan Shaojing is thinking about another aspect. The girl has a purpose in everything she does. She is tied up in everything she does in the capital, but she insists on going. I'm afraid there's something else in it.

The media on the other side of the TV, however, has exploded!

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