Published at 16th of December 2022 07:58:59 AM

Chapter 607

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She wanted to see whether Lin Xiaojiu was more beautiful than no salt or amazing!

Because it was a surprise attack, everyone was in the mood of watching a good play.

Wait to see Lin Xiaojiu!

But what happened next second stunned those who just wanted to watch.

Gao guangnu's eyes and hands are about to touch Lin Xiaojiu's mask

In a flash, she was caught, the whole was buckled in the front hood of the Lamborghini!

Make a loud bang!

The parking lot was silent

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one can believe it. Lin Xiaojiu will do it!

So fast.

Like a gust of wind blowing in front of them, Gao guangnv has been pressed there, unable to move!

"I command you to let me go, do you hear me?"

Seeing other people standing in the same place, none of them came up to help her, Gao guangnv immediately became anxious and struggled desperately, but the strength of her hand was like a pair of pliers, no matter how she tried, she couldn't get rid of it.

"You ordered me?"

Lin Hanxing's voice rang out from behind the mask. It sounded stuffy, but it was very nice.

At the same time with a strong irony.

"What command do you give me?"

Since returning to Jiangcheng, Lin Hanxing feels that he can always meet the kind of overconfident object.


Gao guangnv only thinks that her face is about to be flattened. The first thing she worries about is whether the makeup on her face will be worn.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today. Please forgive me."

Lin Hanxing's mood is really good. It's rare that he didn't continue to teach.

At the moment of releasing her hand, the angry high light female backhand will slap Lin Hanxing in the face.


This time, Lin Hanxing didn't even hesitate. He raised his foot and kicked the other side to the ground.




Those shoes are at least seven inch high heels!

Just now that foot, kick of fierce and steady, even silk hesitant all don't have of.

Those who look at it are stupid!

Sitting in the car, Fang mengran clearly saw this scene and gave a sneer.

Although she had only a few contacts with Lin Xiaojiu, she had a general understanding of her character.

What she says must mean what she says.

That is to say, if Gao guangnv had been a little smart just now, she would not have suffered later.

Lin Xiaojiu has a cold temper.

Especially that kind of cold is permeated in the bone, not easy to be seen through, so it is more terrible.

In her eyes, there is no hierarchy of powerful people. She does things according to whether she is happy or unhappy. Because of this, others can never find any rules to deal with it!

Only those who can make Lin Xiaojiu look down upon can use the stratagem.

If she looked down upon her, she would be too tired to even start.

"Security is coming..."

Gao guangnv covers her stomach and tears fall down.

At this time, she didn't know that her face had been elaborately painted for an hour and a half, and it was ruined like this!

Because of today's signature meeting of zhannan Heng, the shopping mall specially transferred all the backbone of its two security companies in the afternoon, and played a spirit of 120000, for fear that something unexpected might happen.

They anticipated thousands of possible situations, but they didn't expect that accidents would happen first

Could it be a parking lot?

Soon, several security guards came.

They wanted to help the one sitting on the ground up first, but the other side's breach was to scold, which annoyed them.

"This car Who parked the car here? "

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