Published at 12th of October 2021 10:23:02 AM

Chapter 19: 19

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He made up his mind and carried the two buckets up and went up Mount Wudang. He found a cave and lived in it, living on water from springs and fruit from the forest. He started studying [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing].

Many years later, he realised something: "Master DaMo originated from India, even if he knew Chinese it would be very basic. The language of [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing] is very deep and profound. It is definitely not written by foreigners. Probably some ShaoLin monk created this and used the name of Master DaMo. And this monk wrote [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing] inside the Lankavatara sutra."

But this was just his deduction and he felt still somewhat puzzled by it. Jueyuan taught Zhang Junbao [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing] for some time, so he was able to remember fifty, sixty percent of it. More than ten years later, his internal strength reached a very high level, and he started to study Taoist manuscripts and scriptures. He managed to learn a lot from the cultivation of "qi" in these scriptures.

On one particular day, he looked up in the sky and some some clouds and looked down and some the flowing water, Zhang Junbao seemed to have realised something. He went back to his cave and pondered on his discovery seven days and seven nights, finally he understood it completely and comprehended the martial arts theory that "gentleness can overcome fierceness." [Yi Rou Ke Gang]. He laughed to his heart's content.

This laughter produced a top martial arts master. He created a martial arts style based on Taoist theories and [Jiu Yang Zhen Jing]. He founded the famous and glorious Wudang School.

Later when he roamed about, he saw three peaks reaching up into the sky. He changed his name to Sanfeng and became China's martial arts mysterious master namely, Zhang Sanfeng.

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