Published at 12th of October 2021 10:11:33 AM

Chapter 480: 480

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Zhang Wuji's heart was thumping erratically. "Zhiruo," he said, "Because I was eager to save Yifu, I was being rude to you. I feel endless regret in my heart."

Zhou Zhiruo said, "I heard Xie Laoye [old master Xie] has fallen into Shaolin Temple's hands. Zhang Jiaozhu is an unrivalled hero, I am sure you have already rescued him."

Zhang Wuji blushed and said, "Shaolin Pai's eminent monks possess profound martial art skill. The Ming Cult has lost a battle. My (maternal) Grandfather was unfortunate and has passed away."

"Yin Laoye Zi [old master] was a hero of this age," Zhou Zhiruo said, "What a pity, what a pity!"

She did not show any emotion whether happy or angry. Zhang Wuji could not read her true feelings; he only felt that his words seem like bumping on her flexible nail, always bounce back without generating any interest on her part. However, thinking that compared to how bad he had hurt her by leaving her for Zhao Min in front of multitude of guests, the cold reception he received today was a thousand times, ten thousand times better. Thereupon he said, "Later, when we try to save Yifu, I wish you would lend your hands for old times' sake."

Thinking to this point, he was excited and said, "Zhiruo, I want to ask you a favor."

Zhou Zhiruo's countenance suddenly stiffened. "Zhang Jiaozhu," she said, "Please exercise self-control. At this point, how can you address me like in the former days?" Beckoning to someone behind her she said, "Qingshu, come over here. Tell Zhang Jiaozhu about us."

Zhang Wuji saw a man with face full of spiky beard step forward, cupping his fists and say, "Zhang Jiaozhu, how are you?"

Zhang Wuji recognized the voice as belonging to Song Qingshu; he took a closer look and recognized him as Song Qingshu; only he disguised himself as an older and uglier man to hide his original features. Thus Zhang Wuji also cupped his fists and said, "Turns out it is Song Shige [martial (older) brother]; I am well, thank you."

Song Qingshu showed a faint smile and said, "Actually, I should thank Zhang Jiaozhu. That day when you were about to marry my wife you had a second thought and regret …"

"What?!?" Zhang Wuji was shocked; his voice trembled.

"I have Zhang Jiaozhu to thank for my happy and blissful marriage," Song Qingshu said.

It was as if five thunderbolts had struck Zhang Wuji at once. He stood with a blank expression on his face; his eyes glazed over like he was looking at a vast expanse of whiteness, his ears were buzzing with indistinct noise that he could not hear what people were saying around him. After a long time, he felt someone was tugging his arm.

"Jiaozhu, let us go back!" that person said.

Zhang Wuji calmed himself down and took a sidelong glance. He saw his arm was pulled by Han Lin'er. Han Lin'er's face was full of anxiety, grief and anger.

"Miss Zhou," Han Lin'er said to Zhou Zhiruo, "My Jiaozhu is a righteous hero; just because of a small misunderstanding you married this … this … humph, humph!" Actually, he wanted to scold Song Qingshu, but out of respect to Zhou Zhiruo, he swallowed back the word that was on the tip of his tongue.

Although Zhang Wuji had deep feelings toward Zhao Min, he had always thought that he was engaged with Zhou Zhiruo. That day, because he wanted to rescue Yifu, he had no choice but follow Zhao Min. He thought as a sweet and gentle girl, Zhou Zhiruo would understand and would not blame him as long as he honestly told her the reason. Who would have thought that in her rage she married Song Qingshu? The pain in his heart right now far exceeded the pain on his chest when Zhou Zhiruo stabbed him at the Brightness Peak.

Turning his head, he saw Zhou Zhiruo stretch out her delicate hand, as white as jade, to beckon Song Qingshu. With a very smug expression Song Qingshu walked back to her side, and sat next to her. With a faint smile on the corners of his mouth he said to Zhang Wuji, "When we get married, we did not throw any invitations and thus announced it publicly. Someday, we will invite Sire to enjoy our 'wine of happiness' [orig. xi3jiu3 – wine drunk at a wedding feast]."

Zhang Wuji wanted to say 'thank you' [orig. duo1xie4le5], but his throat was dry; unexpectedly he could not utter these three characters. Han Lin'er pulled his arm and said, "Jiaozhu, don't pay any attention to this kind of person."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Han Dage [big brother Han], when the time comes, you also have to enjoy this 'wine of happiness'."

Han Lin'er spat and hatefully said, "I'd rather drink three jars of horse urine than your bad-luck, dead-people's wine." Zhang Wuji sighed; he pulled Han Lin'er's arm and took him away sadly.

In the meantime, the Beggar Clan's Zhang Bang Longtou was engaged in a fiery argument with a Shaolin monk. The exchange among Zhang Wuji, Zhou Zhiruo, Song Qingshu and Han Lin'er took place at the Emei Pai shelter, on the northwest corner of the field, so it did not attract anybody's attention; the crowd of warriors was busy listening to the dispute between the Beggar Clan and Shaolin Pai.

Zhang Wuji returned to the Ming Cult's shelter and sat down with a troubled mind. He vaguely heard that old Shaolin monk in red kasaya say, "I told you Yuan Zhen Shixiong [martial brother] and Chen Youliang are not in our Temple, but your precious Clan did not believe me. Your precious Clan's Chuan Gong Zhanglao was unfortunate to meet his death, but our Sect's Kong Ru Shishu [martial uncle] had paid it with his own life. What else do you want?"

Zhang Bang Longtou said, "You said Yuan Zhen and Chen Youliang are not here? I don't believe you! You must let us search Shaolin Temple."

That Shaolin monk sneered and said, "Sire, you want to search Shaolin Temple? Don't you think you are a bit too arrogant? The puny Beggar Clan might not necessarily have the ability to do so."

"You are looking down on the Beggar Clan?" Zhang Bang Longtou said angrily. "Fine, I'll ask you for advice first."

The Shaolin monk replied, "For thousands of years, there have been countless heroes and warriors paying a visit to Shaolin. But because of our founder's mercy, Shaolin has never burned anybody."

The argument of these two was getting hotter by the minute; it looked like they were about to fight soon. Kong Zhi was standing quietly on the side; he did not even try to intervene. Suddenly Situ Qianzhong's weird voice was heard again, "The world's heroes are gathered together at Shaolin today. Some of us had to cover a distance of thousands of 'li's. Are we here to watch the Beggar Clan seeking a revenge?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!