Published at 12th of October 2021 10:21:07 AM

Chapter 87: 87

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That Wu lady said, "You are such a coward. Look, we're trying to avenge your brother here, not mine. Humph, you're not a man at all. Don't you have any courage? Even if that Zhang CuiShan tells you Xie Xun's location, I doubt you'll have the guts to find him. The biggest mistake of my life is getting married to a coward like you." Meng ZhengHong is used to giving in to his wife, and stopped talking. But he still won't follow his wife's plan: catching them using sleeping powder. In her frustration, that night when his husband fell asleep, the Wu lady secretly left.

She wanted to do the deed alone, and embarrass his husband in the process. Unfortunately for her, a helmsman of the Three-River Clan saw everything. Lusted at her beauty, he followed behind secretly. He tried to apply some of the sleeping powder on her. However, Zhang SongXi was following their movement this whole time. At the last second, he came out of hiding and beat up on that helmsman, before chasing him away. Zhang SongXi didn't say his own name, only mentioned that he was a Wu Dang disciple. The Wu lady was both surprised and embarrassed. She quickly went back and told her husband what happened. This way, Wu Dang turned into their savior. That's why the couple came to thank the three Wu Dang brothers. Zhang SongXi didn't want to further embarrass them, and therefore didn't appear until they had left.

Zhang CuiShan said, "It's not difficult to send these people away. But it's much more to master's taste that you turned them into friends."

Zhang SongXi said with a smile, "Ten years apart, and the first thing you do is to flatter me."

That night, the four brothers slept in the same room and chatted. Despite his cleverness, Zhang SongXi could not figure out the origins of the man who kidnapped WuJi either.

The next day, Zhang SongXi met Yin SuSu. The five of them traveled for a whole day before arriving at Wu Dang Mountain that night. As he returned to his childhood home, Zhang CuiShan's first thought was to pay respects to his master. Then meet up with eldest brother, third brother, and seventh brother. Even though his son is missing and his wife is sick, Zhang CuiShan nonetheless felt more happiness and sadness.

Upon reaching the mountaintop, they saw eight horses tied by the front door. These horses don't belong to Wu Dang. Zhang SongXi said, "There must be guests here. Let's not bother them, and use the side door instead." Zhang CuiShan held his wife and walked through the side door. When the priests and servants saw Zhang CuiShan back safely, they were all overjoyed. Zhang CuiShan really wanted to see his master. But the apprentice priest for Zhang SanFeng said that he's still meditating in seclusion. Zhang CuiShan paid his respect in front of Zhang SanFeng's meditation room. Then went to see Yu DaiYan.

The apprentice priest who served Yu DaiYan whispered, "Third Martial Uncle's asleep. Do you want to wake him up?" Zhang CuiShan shook his head, and walked into the room. Only to see Yu DaiYan sleeping soundly, with pale face and sunken cheeks. A righteous hero ten years ago, had turned into a sick man seemingly on his last breath. Zhang CuiShan watched for a while, and tears came down his eyes.

After a long time, he finally walked out, and asked the apprentice priest, "Where's your eldest and seventh martial uncles?" That apprentice priest said, "In the main hall." Zhang CuiShan walked to the back room of the main hall to wait for them. After a long time, they still haven't appeared. Zhang CuiShan finally asked the servant sending the tea, "Who are the guests?" That servant said, "They seem to be in the escort agency business."

Yin LiTing wanted to be with his long lost brother, and soon joined Zhang CuiShan. When Zhang CuiShan asked him about those guests, Yin LiTing said, "All three are top agency leaders. 'Tiger Den Escort Agency' Leader Qi TianBiao from Jin Lian City, 'Rising Sun Escort Agency' Leader Yun He from Tai Yuan City, and the third is 'Sparrow Cloud Escort Agency' Leader Guan JiuJia from the capital city."

Zhang CuiShan said with surprise, "All three of them came? Ten years ago, these are the most renowned escort agencies in the country. And their leaders have the best martial arts among escort leaders. Is that still true today? Why are they here?" Yin LiTing said with a smile, "They probably lost some shipments on one of their escort trips. The person who took their shipments is too powerful. So they came to ask big brother for help. Fifth brother, big brother has been helping more and more people recently. Every time someone has an unsolvable problem in the martial world, he'd ask for big brother's help."

Zhang CuiShan said, "Big brother has a heart of Buddha. He never turns down anyone's request. I wonder if big brother looks older now?" Unable to further suppress his urge to see his big brother, Zhang CuiShan said, "Sixth brother, I'm going behind the screen to take a peek at him, ok?" He walked up and peeked into the main hall.

Only to see Song YuanQiao and Muo ShengGu sitting in two host seats. Song YuanQiao dressed as a priest, with a peaceful expression on his face. He looked similar to ten years ago, except there are some gray hairs on the side, and he looked chubbier. Song YuanQiao is not a priest. But since his master is a priest, and Wu Dang is a place of worship, he tends to wear a priest robe on Wu Dang Mountain. Muo ShengGu had already grown into an adult. Although only twenty-some years old, he had grown a long beard, and looked even older than Zhang CuiShan.

Only to hear Muo ShengGu say loudly, "My big brother is a man of his words. Are you saying that you don't trust his reputation?" Zhang CuiShan thought, "Seventh brother's temper hasn't changed at all. I wonder what he's arguing about?" He turned and looked at the guest seats. Three people sat there, each about fifty years old. One looked very fiery. One is tall and skinny, looking composed. The third one looked terribly sick, his face seemingly a dry root. Only to hear the tall thin man say, "Of course we trust Hero Song's words. But can you tell us when Fifth Hero Zhang would be back?"

Zhang CuiShan thought, "So they came for me. Probably seeking my sworn brother's location." Only to hear Muo ShengGu say, "We seven brothers might not have great abilities, but we are proud of our righteous deeds. We thank our friends in the martial world for giving us the 'Seven Heroes of Wu Dang' title. Although we don't really deserve it…" Zhang CuiShan thought, "After ten years, seventh brother's much better at talking now. When I left, he would take forever answering questions from strangers. Other than third brother and I, everyone else has improved dramatically."

Muo ShengGu continued, "but we have indeed been bestowed this honor. Due to our master's teachings, none of us dared make any mistake. Fifth Brother Zhang is one of my brothers. Among us, he has the best temper. If you keep saying that he killed those people at the 'Dragon Gate Escort Agency', Humph, that's just nonsense." Zhang CuiShan shuddered, "So it's about the Dragon Gate Escort Agency again. Looks like they've heard about me coming back, and came to question me on the matter."

That fiery old man said, "No one questions the reputation of 'The Seven Heroes of Wu Dang'. Seventh Hero Muo, you didn't need to self-praise to tell us of your incredible fame."

Muo ShengGu frowned at his sarcastic remark, said, "What do you really want, Leader Qi? Just go ahead and say it."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!