Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 1327

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:30:39 AM

Chapter 1327

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The order for the mobilization of the invisible Santa force soon came from the beren military headquarters.

With the argument of Jose, the master of the holy tower, and the help of roono, a level 4 magician in the military headquarters, Belen finally agreed to send more than 2000 Knight troops and 10000 elite slave creatures to the invisible holy tower army.

Of course, these knights were not from the six main battle corps of Belem. Nevertheless, Jos, who received additional support from the Belem Empire, was very relieved.

A large part of the interests in the magic contract signed between him and beren came from beren's compensation to Jos after the end of the plane war.

It costs a lot to hire a fourth level Saint tower magician and his forces.

According to the fact that the Belem Empire has lost many enslavement sites, it is certainly unable to pay Jos immediately.

Although the Belem Empire promised more benefits to Jos after the war, if Jos fell in this plane war, there would be no post-war compensation. (vertical and horizontal starting)

So Jos must always be careful not to become a victim or abandoned son of the Belem empire.

The supplement of these Knight troops and slave creatures also indirectly proves the importance of the Belem Empire to Jos and his troops.

The coming plane of the invisible pagoda force is Mijing Tianlun world. The beren Empire has fought with the Titan Protoss in this world for nearly seven years, leaving hundreds of thousands of corpses on both sides.

The flesh and blood wall composed of the bones of slave creatures and the indigenous Tianlun people helped the Belem Empire firmly block the attack from the Titan Protoss.

In addition to the Knights and magicians of the Belem Empire, the wizard world Legion participating in the war in this world also includes the Knights of the desert kingdom jahana and the fifth legion of the Mamet alliance.

This time, the invisible Santa army led by Jos and the fluorite Legion led by general Selena will join hands to enter the world of MI Jing Tianlun.

The purpose is to exchange defense with the beren troops stationed in this position, so as to respond to the brilliant achievements made by other forces in the wizard world in other battlefields, so as to prepare a blow to these Titan Protoss.

As one of the main battle legions of the Belem Empire, the fluorite Legion is actually powerful. Needless to say, this time, the invisible Santa army led by joss is mainly to make a layer of double insurance.

Therefore, in the upcoming war, the invisible holy tower army plays a more auxiliary role. The protagonist of the World War of MI Jing Tianlun is the fluorite Legion and the fifth legion of the Mamet alliance.

Riding on the back of the bone dragon, standing quietly next to the dark fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke is leading two thousand Belem knights to the direction of the cross plane transmission array.

Michelle is directly responsible for the magician army of the invisible Santa tower, and the newly added beren Knight army is naturally handed over to Locke.

Among the two thousand Beren knights, the strongest one is only a level three sky knight.

Therefore, in the face of the appointment of level 4 magician Jos, these beren Knights did not resent Locke, a semi divine knight, to command them.

In the dangerous plane war, only by following under the command of the strong can we have a chance to live.

Not to mention the strict military system of the Belem Empire, these knights had no idea of violating the orders of their superiors.

"Although the knight army is led by me, you can also put forward any good opinions during the war. I will respect your ideas." Before setting out, Locke said to the former commander of the knight army, the sky Knight Eddie buck.

With long silver hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a straight nose, this heavenly knight from the second line garrison regiment of the Belem empire is somewhat silent in character.

However, when facing Locke's airborne management, Locke was very satisfied with his absolute obedience and serious attitude.

The first to pass through the trans plane space transmission channel to Mijing Tianlun world is the non phase holy tower force with a small total number.

When the mighty slave biological corps and the knight army led by Locke entered, the magician army led by Michelle in the rear slowly entered it.

On a high platform somewhere in the Virunga volcano group, Jos is making a final farewell to his old friend roono.

Luno, who was promoted to level 4 for less than a year, had no spare time to consolidate his realm. After hastily inheriting his mentor's dark holy tower, he devoted himself to the busy affairs of beren's military headquarters.

Although his own realm and future growth will be greatly affected, he who is in the rear wins in safety.

Neither the Belem Empire nor the prince Leon behind roono will easily send such a new level-4 magician with excellent military and internal affairs to the battlefield.

Compared with the powerful combat power of level 4 magicians, the beren Empire, which lost many enslaved planes during the war, needs a talent like roono who can help them solve many difficult problems.

Perhaps it can be said that roono, the "rookie" of the beren military headquarters, who plans strategies in the rear, plays a greater role in the war than roono, the fourth level magician of the dark Santa tower who leads the army in the front line.

Suddenly, with a high position, roono was not as beautiful as outsiders thought.

In particular, after he was promoted to the fourth level, inherited the dark holy tower and successfully joined the ruling class of the Belem Empire, many other old families and large forces in those Empire criticized and criticized roono for his rapid rise.

"If it were not for the support of Prince Leon and the prestige of his mentor in the military headquarters after his retirement, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to win so many rights from those guys." Inside the magic shield, facing that his friends were about to go to the front, roono rarely confided his heart and complained to Jos.

"Those guys" refer to those who are naturally of average ability but still control the great voice of beren's military headquarters.

Even though emperor Belem and level 5 top Knight Safire were gifted and created the prosperity of the Belem Empire, dark and unfair things still happened in some corners of this huge empire.

It is a painful thing to let the spellcasters who are obsessed with magic experiments and truth exploration fall into the vortex of power disputes.

If he had a choice, roono would prefer to fight on the front line like Jos, rather than being trapped in the intrigues of beren's military headquarters.

Even if you are a level-4 magician, the strict military system maintained by the Belem empire for tens of thousands of years can not be shaken by a level-4 magician.

If roono wants to fight in the military headquarters and have more power, he must abide by the set of rules he hates.


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