Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2269

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:08:30 AM

Chapter 2269

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The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The Titan survivors led by Theo the God of light fled the Titan star domain in a hurry, but after arriving in the Norman Federation, they gradually recovered some vitality after so many years of cultivation.

And now, unlike in the past, the composition of the Titan Legion was all elite Titans above level 1.

Now, under the pressure of civilization and survival, many ordinary giants below the first level have to be recruited into the giant Corps.

After receiving the distress signal sent by the God of light, the God of green, who stayed in the base camp of the Titan's remnant, had led a giant legion of about 50000 to support.

There are 30000 Titans above level 1 in this giant legion, which can also be called the only elite left at this time.

When reminded by Theo, the God of light, Locke nodded immediately.

At the same time, he ordered the slave biological corps to prepare for the enemy. At the same time, he turned his direction and withdrew towards the coordinates indicated by Theo, the God of light.

The lightning shrouded Thor gun appeared in Locke's hand. Once this powerful artifact appeared, it attracted the eyes of several Titan gods present.

No way, Locke's Thor gun is too eye-catching, and his artifact obviously has the creation trace of Titan Protoss.

Throughout the entire Titan Protoss, only Hephaestus, the God of fire and craftsman, has the ability to make this artifact for Locke.

And Theo, the careful God of light, found a trace of thunder law from her nephew Zeus from this Thor gun.

Is there any close relationship between the level 4 Knight of the wizard world and the contemporary Titan Protoss? Without waiting for Theo, the God of light, to think carefully, the attack from the third fleet of Tajik made her have to devote more attention to the war in front of her. (vertical and horizontal starting)

This is Locke's first war with scientific and technological civilization. Different from the previous war mode, Locke is not suitable for the moment.

It is undoubtedly the magicians in the wizard world who are most suitable to show their skills in this large-scale war.

When thousands of magicians stand together and attack the enemy in front of them with saturated magic elements, I'm afraid it's just as spectacular.

But in this starry sky, where did the magician army provide fire suppression for Locke and them.

Pure is to use life and flesh to top in the front, so as to strive for time and space close to the third fleet of Tajik planet.

Fortunately, the slave biological forces under Locke are all fearless, especially the cheapest Zerg cannon fodder. Nearly 200000 insect and animal forces almost support the role of meat shield in the front row of the battlefield on their own.

As for the more powerful Saiyan troops and digital Tyrannosaurus Rex, they are more used as small vanguards to wreak havoc after approaching the Tajik fleet.

As the only friendly level-5 strongman on the battlefield at the moment, Theo the God of light, when 300000 slave creatures under Locke successfully disturbed the attack rhythm of the third fleet, the level-5 strongman flew to several a + class space warships.

The light gun in his hand was thrown fiercely. With the divine power of Theo, the artifact long gun penetrated the energy shield of an a + class space warship, leaving a gap of about 30 meters on the ship.

Judging from the size of the a + class warship, which is often two or three kilometers, a gap of 30 meters is not enough, but her attack is the only one of all the creatures present that can break the defense of the a + class space warship on Tajik planet.

With this 30 meter gap, it also provides the possibility of close combat for the slave biological army rushing to the nearby area.

The army of swift and violent insects crossing the border like locusts scrambled to bite and squeeze in from the gap of 30 meters.

Even if hundreds of Tajik soldiers hold electromagnetic guns at the gap, they still can't stop the Zerg that have completely fallen into crazy killing.

Hundreds of Tajik soldiers were quickly slaughtered. In addition to nearly 700 swift insects pouring into the a + class warship from the gap, about 20 middle and low-level Saiyan soldiers and more than a dozen digital Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed in.

Destroying the enemy from the inside is the best way to fight against large space warships on science and technology planets.

It may also be the first time that the space warship on Tajik faced such an opponent. Just more than 700 swift insects and a small group of elite slave creatures exploded everywhere inside the a + class space warship and lost its combat ability for a while.

Class A + space warship represents the peak achievement of the manufacturing level of Tajik planet warship.

The a + class space warship that invests a large amount of Xi crystal as energy has the energy level threatening level 5 creatures in its main gun and the energy level threatening level 4 creatures in its auxiliary gun.

It was such a top warship that it behaved so badly after being invaded.

After a successful attack, thea, who recalled the light gun again, has not had time to continue to attack. The main guns of four a + class space warships and seven S-type space warships have locked her.

Tajik has the first military strength of the Norman Federation, which is not a false name.

The life detection radar developed by this scientific and technological civilization is somewhat similar to the spiritual power locking of the wizard world and the divine power positioning of the Titan Protoss.

Once locked, Theo the God of light could hardly escape the energy pouring from these warships.

Eleven bright lights came from all directions. It was also at this moment that Theo, the God of light, felt the threat of death.

Known as the 'God of light', Theo is naturally the darling of the light element.

Facing the lock of the energy beam of the eleven main guns, Theo, the God of light, immediately turned into a streamer again and crossed the battlefield.

The utilization of rules by level five organisms is far from that of level Four organisms.

This random conversion between the light element and the flesh and blood body not only greatly increased the flight speed of Theo, the God of light, but also minimized the actual damage when she was bombarded by energy.

Moreover, the intelligent God of light, thea, did not show too much panic in the face of the concentrated shooting lock of the main gun of the warship on Tajik planet. After careful consideration, the streamer of the level five Titan God rushed to the area where the ordinary warships on Tajik planet gathered.

The energy beam that can kill creatures above level 4 can not be resisted by ordinary warships.

The flight route of Theo, the God of light, made the ordinary warships of Tajik planet in front of her have to make corresponding avoidance instructions in a hurry.


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