Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2530

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:02:16 AM

Chapter 2530

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"Father, when can you catch a horse for me?" Standing on the back of the white bone Tyrannosaurus Rex king, Bev shook Locke's arm and asked.

Because of traveling or fighting all year round, Locke spent little time with his two daughters.

In particular, the eldest daughter Bev, Locke was not only absent in her childhood, but also sent her to the Mamet Alliance for latent training after the end of the Titan space war, so the father and daughter had less time to meet and get along.

Therefore, Locke always responds to the demands of his two daughters.

"Don't you have a pet called the babbler of light? It's an ancient relic of the wizard world given to you by master sarafa." Locke said strangely.

"Oh, soul pets are different from mounts! I want to have a windy mount like my father!" Bev said with her head up.

Nodding, Locke planned to meet his daughter's little wish.

There are many demigods under his command who are suitable to give Bev as a mount. One of them is.

As for level four creatures, Locke has not considered it yet.

When Bev is promoted to level 4 caster, he, as a father, will give her a level 4 mount matching her identity and strength.

Giving too much power to children to rely on in advance can only encourage them. Locke can still understand this.

"How about Teng snake? This guy is very clever and has good potential." Locke said.

"Is that the giant snake with two wings? It's a little aggressive, but it's too ugly. I don't want it!" Bev looked disgusted and shook her head.

Too ugly After listening to bev's bad vomit, Locke was quite unable to laugh or cry.

"How about the flower fairy?" Among the ancient tree survivors that Locke brought back from the ancient tree star domain this time, there is only one fourth level flower elf, but there are several semi God level flower elves. In terms of appearance, the flower elves of the ancient tree remnant are enough to crush ordinary humanoid creatures.

After listening, Bev's eyes lit up, but then the girl shook her head, "although the flower elf is beautiful, it doesn't match my attributes. It would be better if it were an optical creature." (vertical and horizontal starting)

Bev's request really embarrassed Locke's old father.

In the vast star world, where is he going to catch a semi divine light mount for Bev now, and it's still the beautiful one.

Why don't you contact the business alliance kappec?

With the most complete and largest trade circulation channel in the wizard world, capech claims to have all the goods that knights and magicians want.

According to the details of the business alliance, it is easy to complete Locke's order requirements.

Just when Locke was considering when to talk to the fourth level magician Demin of the business alliance, Bev suddenly squatted on the back of the white bone Tyrannosaurus Rex king, patted the back of the big guy and said, "it's a pity that the styrofoam Tyrannosaurus Rex King fell, otherwise it's good to have such a digital beast mount, even if it's different."

Bev's emotion made Locke silent for a time.

The fall of the Tyrannosaurus Rex king had a great impact on the lockers.

After all, it is the old subordinates who have followed Locke since the third stage. Not only Locke, but also Bev, Angelina and other women have a special feeling for this research digital beast.

Also thinking of the fallen styrofoam Tyrannosaurus Rex king, Locke remembered that he had not completed his original promise to styrofoam Tyrannosaurus Rex king.

"How about an angel beast mount? After so many years of development, the digital world should also have a good angel beast." Asked Locke.

"But... Shouldn't the digital world be occupied by the silent tower and the Dragon warlock family on the west coast? Father, are you going to buy an angel beast from both of them?" Bev was surprised.

"No, I'm going to buy the digital world directly from both of them!" Locke shook his head.

Buying the digital world is also Locke's last wish for the Tyrannosaurus Rex king.


To buy a low-level plane rich in resources, Locke has to wait until the end of his trip and return to the western islands to discuss with the silent Santa tower and the Dragon warlock family.

Now he spent a month with his daughter Bev to chamme, the headquarters of the Mamet alliance.

Chammelock is not the first time to visit, and Bev is familiar with it like home.

Once they reached this point, they were taken to the office of master Sara Dharma by a level 4 water system caster of the Mamet alliance.

"Thank you, sister Meilu." Bev said sweetly to the fourth level caster.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. You can go in later. Now master sarafa is listening to the work report of the gmodi Knight of the first Legion." The female spellcaster Locke had never seen replied with a smile.

Mei Meilu is obviously very happy to be called "sister" by Bev, who is thousands of years younger than herself.

She was a new level 4 caster in the Mamet alliance 1500 years ago. It's normal that Locke didn't know her.

In fact, it's not only Mei Meilu, but Bev, who has been studying in the Mamet Alliance for many years, has a good relationship with most knights and magicians above level 4 in the alliance.

Everyone in the Mamet alliance also knows that Bev is a personal disciple of master sarafa. "Little princess of the Mamet alliance" is the title Bev was secretly awarded.

Everyone likes this sensible and sweet little girl.

After waiting outside the door for a long time, gmodi, the first regiment commander of the league, came out of it.

This is a powerful Knight wearing yellow armor and being stirred by the breath of level 5 creatures.

As soon as he went out to see Locke, gmodi was stunned for a moment. Then gmodi, who came back, nodded at Locke and smiled at Bev. Then he left in a big step.

After the gmodi Knight left, before Locke took the initiative to knock on the door, the spiritual voice of master sarafa came from the room, "come in."

Pushing open the door that contains sound insulation and many other magical boundaries, Locke saw master Sara law sitting behind the long table at the first sight, and a mountain of documents were placed on the long table.


Well, let's talk about it here. Xiaodou didn't leave, just asked for leave.

The new change rule is still under consideration, and the change of monthly ticket is indeed the safest choice at present. Because from the feedback in recent months, private reward plus and crowdfunding plus are not as good as the previous monthly ticket plus, either from the number of updates I have made or from the royalties I finally get.

Of course, the old plus change rules are still used this month, and the new plus change rules will be implemented from next month. I will say it as soon as it is confirmed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!