Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2804

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:56:49 AM

Chapter 2804

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The appearance of a flat peach not only attracted Locke's attention, but also attracted the glances of all the other monks on the terrace.

Those celestial and Xuanxian friars who had never seen flat peach looked at Locke with envy and jealousy.

Besides Nezha, Huolong immortal and barefoot immortal, the four great Luo Jinxian level strong men were also quite surprised to pay attention to the situation here.

For the great Luo Jinxian level strong, the Queen Mother's flat peach is also a rare treasure.

And in the war with foreign demons such as the bright Protoss, the value of a flat peach is no less than any top pill.

At critical moments, this thing can even save lives.

Huolong immortal is willing to take out a flat peach as a gift for reconciliation between the two sides, which is enough to prove his sincerity.

At this time, Nezha also handed over the decision to Locke. It seems that Nezha is worried that Locke does not know the value of flat peaches. Nezha also whispered to Locke with divine thoughts and popularized to him what flat peaches are.

The value of this flat peach is much more precious than the apricot that Locke got from Nezha before.

If you don't take advantage of the bastard, Locke is naturally happy to get a flat peach in his hand.

"I also think it's a misunderstanding." Locke replied with a smile and took the flat peach in the face of the real fire dragon.

In terms of wealth, the countless fire dragon immortal disciples of this sect obviously surpass the Xuanshen immortal who is also a casual practitioner.

Speaking of Locke's booty from immortal Xuanshen, except for an inner pill and those spirit ginseng fragments, immortal Xuanshen provided Locke with few other benefits.

This also reflects the awkward position of the scattered cultivation group in the immortal civilization. It is too difficult for the scattered cultivation to get ahead on the premise that most resources are controlled by various sects.

What makes it even more difficult for all friars to practice is that among the hundreds of millions of friars in the immortal region, scattered practice accounts for at least 70%. (vertical and horizontal starting)

When this flat peach was included in the space ring, it seemed to see the flesh pain expression of the fire dragon immortal, and it seemed to want to leave a good impression on these immortal friars. Locke pondered a little, and then took out a silver apple.

This is a strange apple with 90% silver appearance and a faint golden grain on the surface.

Dongnishang is not surprised. She knows that Locke has a silver apple tree.

However, Nezha, Huolong immortal, barefoot immortal and others all looked at the silver apple in Locke's hand at this moment.

"Reciprocity. Since immortal Huolong gave me a flat peach, I'll take this Silver Apple as a gift in return." Locke laughed.

In terms of value, Locke's Silver Apple is naturally far less than the flat peach of Huolong real man.

But everyone has curiosity, and these immortal friars are no exception.

The peach blossom meeting once every 3000 years seems very long, but these great Luo Jinxian friars have also participated in many times.

They naturally know the efficacy of flat peaches, but these friars saw this extraterritorial Silver Apple for the first time.

The flesh pain in the expression was replaced by surprise. Huolong immortal was convinced this time.

Can't help but hug Locke, and his disagreement with Locke dissipated.

"Everyone is happy, everyone is happy!" The barefoot immortal laughed and said that his first impression of Locke, a foreigner, was very good.

At this time, Nezha murmured in a sour tone, "you guy, you really have a lot of good things in your hand."

Silver Apple has little effect on Locke as he enters the later stage of level 5.

In addition, in recent years, the ancient tree of soul and the ancient tree of moon have successively grown in the paradise lost, the life concentration in the paradise lost has been further improved, and the growth of silver apple tree is getting better and better.

A large number of silver apples have been saved. Except that Locke usually gives a small part to his subordinates, the other silver apples are sealed and hung on the tree.

Fruitful, that is, Locke's silver apple tree at this time.

Anyway, those silver apples will not rot and fall when they are ripe. Let them hang there. And the longer the Silver Apple exists, the bigger it will be and the more life power it contains.

Nezha's sour tone really amused Locke.

At this time, he didn't care about the truth that he didn't reveal his wealth. Anyway, Nezha was sitting here. As long as he didn't expose all the situations in the paradise lost, the impact was not great.

Another Silver Apple was taken out by Locke and caught by Nezha in his happy eyes.

Last time, Nezha took several purple alchemy potions made of wormwood honey and a variety of top materials from Locke. This time, it was a silver apple.

Unknowingly, Locke became the target of Nezha's attack on local tyrants.

In addition to Nezha, Princess Iron Fan on the other side looked at Locke with expectation.

Unfortunately, Locke only gave Princess Iron Fan a back of her head and let the girl bite her silver teeth.

Seeing Locke's extravagant spending, the barefoot immortal said with a smile, "it seems that this terrace meeting will be much more lively."

The contradiction has been solved. The barefoot immortal and Huolong immortal naturally quit and returned to their own Futon.

As the futon on the patio is gradually filled, the fair will officially open.

At this time, Nezha introduced to Locke all kinds of friars that had appeared on the terrace, which could be specially introduced by Nezha. At the most time, they were also Xuanxian friars, and they were still the kind of top friars who were extraordinary. Behind them, there were either experts to help or came from famous schools.

Locke's first concern is naturally the other four golden immortals on the terrace.

They are Fuhai Zhenjun, who is dressed in a blue Taoist robe and somewhat not angry, Yinliu tiannv, who is dressed in a white gauze skirt and a silver bell, a green mountain fairy with a walking stick and a brown coir raincoat, and a ghost faced Buddha with a round belly and a peaceful smile.

Among the four great Luo Jinxian level strong men, the strongest one is Fuhai Zhenjun.

Taking Zhenjun as the title also indicates that he is a level 6 strong man in the Tianting system.

The holding of this square city is also the joint efforts of Fuhai Zhenjun and the green mountain fairy. The white jade column on the terrace where Locke and others are at this time is also a magic treasure of the green mountain fairy.

In addition to the four great Luo Jinxian level strong men, two Xuanxian level friars attracted Locke's attention.

They were a joyous gentleman in purple and a bald man with a sledgehammer.

The Hehuan gentleman is a friar of Hehuan sect. It is said that he is also the only son of one of the two vice lords of Hehuan sect.

The bald man with a sledgehammer is a rare "physical cultivation" in the immortal region.

It is said that the skill of physical cultivation originally originated from the witch families in the wasteland world, and there is an unclear relationship with those witch families that have gradually disappeared in the long river of history.


Pay attention to "D I love beans" official account, I have uploaded the map of wizard world, and wonderful outside.

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