Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3020

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:52:17 AM

Chapter 3020

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Nezha's tone changed, which made Locke smile bitterly.

He didn't explain too much, but nodded at the elf goddess Elune.

The elf goddess Elune did not arrive at Rockstar harbor alone, because the war against the world of water is about to start. At that time, in addition to the fourth level elf goddess appearing on the battlefield, there should also be a considerable number of ELF legions.

At this time, about 300000 elves with different strength gathered in Locke's Starport, which far exceeded Locke's initial requirements.

This also proves the spirit's respect for Locke.

The spirit God is undoubtedly a qualified slave creature. Locke didn't even say a word to her, but the spirit God knows a lot of meaning.

She first smiled at the strong men in the immortal domain, especially Nezha standing next to Locke, which made the spirit God pay attention for a long time.

Then the spirit God left directly. Together with the spirit God, there were dozens of strong ancient war trees and the dense army of the spirit family.

It is not a small scene for 300000 elves and dozens of strong ancient war trees to enter the wizard world through the navel of the plane.

Fortunately, before that, Locke had informed the wizard alliance, which did not cause some jokes and inexplicable hostility.

"Do you have a war to fight in the wizard world?" Nezha is so strange.

Her speech style changed so fast that even Locke couldn't keep up with her thinking for a moment.

The wizarding world rarely induces a large-scale battlefield in the wizarding world, because it may cause immeasurable losses to its mother plane.

The reason why Locke transferred the ectopic army into the wizard world this time is only because the space crack is located in the deep East China Sea of the wizard world.

The real battlefield will not happen in the wizard world, which is the consensus of every strong wizard world.

No matter how powerful the water world is, the strong men above level 6 in the wizard world will at least ensure that this is a unilateral invasion battlefield.

Of course, everything is not necessarily absolute.

In the pre war meetings of the wizard world giants such as Locke, Belem emperor seiffel, Queen white gauze and sarafa, they even prepared for the worst, that is, to evaluate the strength of the imaginary enemy as the peak state similar to that before the wizard world was promoted to a large world.

Although this possibility is very small, the casters in the wizard world have never been a group of blind or arrogant people.

Once the water world they are going to face does have extraordinary strength, it will be time to share the cake with more large and medium-sized forces in the wizard world.

Even when necessary, Douglas, the first man in the wizard world, will contribute to this.

First of all, this space crack is located deep in the East China Sea of the wizard world. No matter how critical Douglas's personal experiment is, he is bound to solve unexpected problems at the first time.

Secondly, the water world does have the strength that several wizard world giants can't deal with at this stage, so the other party must have some top resources and even world-class secrets.

Even Douglas's existence can't ignore the world-class secret treasure.

Because even if Douglas can't use it, it will become the supreme treasure of the town of the wizard world.

No one thinks that their civilization has too few world-class treasures.

Although Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun spent a lot of money to help Locke upgrade his Thor gun to the level of world-class secret treasure, who knows that even level 7 strong people like Yuqing sage are distressed for their lost top materials.

Facing Nezha's inquiry, Locke replied bluntly, "good."

Nezha and others, as messengers of civilization in the immortal region, it is inevitable to visit the wizard world.

It's better to nod your head directly than to cover up and cause disagreement between the two sides at this time.

Nezha was stunned by Locke's frank answer.

As one of the two core disciples who are currently the most elite and most valued in hermeneutics, in addition to her strong strength and amazing potential, Nezha's intelligence and EQ are not much worse.

When he was young, his arrogance and ignorance of heaven and earth made Nezha pay the price with his own flesh and blood.

With the help of master Taiyi, she seems to have the lofty and intelligent of lotus.

A fool who only knows training and fighting can't be the leader of the mission of Xianyu civilization.

Just like the wizard world will send Locke as the leader of the mission to the immortal region, rather than other knights, their words and deeds represent the ethnic groups and civilization behind them, which can't be careless at all.

Nezha asked casually, which seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

However, if you have to read it in depth. She is afraid that she has the purpose of exploring the deeper secrets of the wizard world and the formal environment of the wizard world at present.

Nezha naturally felt that his inquiry was a little abrupt, but what warmed her more was that Locke told himself the answer.

If Locke ended up with a coy and tangled tone or posture, I'm afraid Nezha is roasting on the fire now.

Since then, the wizard world has shown great curiosity and attention to the upcoming war in the wizard world, which is not what a qualified diplomat and mission leader should do.

However, considering that Nezha did this for the first time, he thought he would be more mature and sophisticated in the future.

An inexplicable unhappiness and hidden crisis caused by Elune, the God of elves, was exposed in the simple words of Locke and Nezha.

Because Nezha knew her "impoliteness", she no longer paid attention to the affairs of Elune, the elf God, and she also did not continue to ask about the upcoming war in the wizard world.

Similarly, Locke did not say much about these two aspects, because neither of them is suitable for today's occasion.

Of course, if the occasion becomes appropriate one day, Locke doesn't mind sharing with his friends what he is facing or about to do.

This is also the distress of the superior.

Although Locke is one of the current giants in the wizard world, he also has things he can't do or say casually.

From the situation reflected here, in terms of freedom, Locke is not as good as the atmosphere with Nezha when he was just a level 5 peak Knight

"Well, these big guys are yours? I heard you introduce them. They are bigger than a mountain. They are called Space Fortress!" Nezha's jumping nature of thinking is really not comparable to Locke.

When she made another exclamation and inquiry, it not only attracted the attention of the strong in the immortal region, but also made Locke have to go forward and introduce the magical things of the star harbor to her one by one.

Of course, only those things that do not involve the core secrets of Locke and the wizard world.

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