Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3447

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:41:42 AM

Chapter 3447

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In the laboratory, after listening to Locke's introduction, Lilith also showed great interest in the three dangerous places that are said to have the ability to leave the world of despair: the eye of despair, the wheel of despair and lost fantasy.

Unfortunately, it will take 1200 years for the eye to open again. As for the wheel of despair and lost fantasy, Locke knows too little information, and the dangers of these two regions have doubled. Needless to say, the success rate of leaving is still low.

If you have to choose, Locke and others are better than the reliable penetrating eye. As for the wheel of despair and lost fantasy, you can also see it, but you can't expect too much.

"The sage's stone is actually refined from these bones. I just don't know how high the yield is, and how much is the difference between the quality of the goods produced in the hungry wasteland." Lilith bowed her head and mused.

The more months she knew about the world, the more confusion she felt.

However, it is worth affirming that she will live a fuller life for quite a long time.

More than a thousand years?

For Locke, it was an unbearable lonely time, but for casters such as Lilith, it was a fast time that could be spent unconsciously in the process of the experiment.

You know, Lilith spent more than 5000 years alone in the silent starfish domain.

And if the Sea King World War did not break out, maybe Lilith might not be able to get out of the experimental state.

Unlike Lilith's experiment again, Locke chose to go out frequently in the next period of time.

Although the battle with the green maned lizard Kalman lasted only one month, the aftermath of the battle and the outbreak of bone mountain were still captured by many nearby pseudo desperate people and level 4 and 5 survivors. (vertical and horizontal starting)

With this remarkable achievement as the premise, it also eliminates the peeping eyes of many creatures with ulterior motives.

Coupled with the "hard work" of the phantom Riel in the last battle, Locke can finally lay down his heart and explore deeper into the land of despair.

He is not interested in waiting 1200 years to explore deeper into the land of despair. It not only means to find a way to leave the world, but also a way for Locke to spend his boring time.

Of course, this kind of exploration is not to explore alone.

Basically every once in a while, Locke would go back to bone mountain to have a look.

On the one hand, they are worried about the safety of Lilith and others. On the other hand, they also look at the specific research progress of Lilith.

As a knight, Locke can do too little in this environment and encounter.

Although his strength is better than Lilith, whether he can finally leave the world depends on whether Lilith's research on the caster has made progress.

Twenty years later, in a deep valley.

Locke stepped on the boundless bones and continued to walk deep into the valley.

Because the sky of the desperate world is always gray, the lower and gray the environment, the colder the surrounding atmosphere.

At the beginning, Locke was not adapted to the special environment of the desperate world.

But at the moment, Locke has been able to integrate himself into the darkness and this decline.

The destroyer turned Locke is ten meters tall. The special rules of the land of despair and the low magic environment are still transforming Locke's body.

Locke has only been here for more than 20 years, but the degree of passive evolution is comparable to hundreds of years of hard work in the extraterrestrial world.

Locke doesn't know what he will become when he finally leaves the world, but he knows he absolutely doesn't want to be like a gege skeleton or the green maned lizard that died in his hands.

Although the degree of passive evolution of both reached a very deep level in their life level, Locke was not ready to become a 'monster'.

Although, he has taken many unstoppable steps on the road to "monster".



As Locke continued to walk to the depths of the dark valley, the broken bones under his feet were trampled and cracked.

This is an ownerless valley. Although the skeleton continent gathers the most survivors in the desperate world, the population density of this skeleton continent is really not so much.

Every desperate person, or every survivor, has its own territory.

In this decadent, decaying and unchanging world of despair, except for Locke, a newcomer who has just stepped into the world of despair, other old survivors really don't have the mind to wander in this decaying place.

Most of the time, survivors choose to find a suitable place to sleep.

Dormancy is also a way for flesh and blood creatures in the star world to struggle with their passive evolution ability. However, in the desperate world, survivors prefer to escape everything by sleeping rather than watching their life pass bit by bit and squandering their lost freedom in suffering.

"Boom!" A strange sound suddenly came out, which was very prominent in this quiet valley.

Locke, who was blankly moving forward, suddenly gave a body meal. Then he identified the source of the sound, turned into a black shadow and flew to the depths of the valley.

Not long after, Locke came to a slightly flat area deep in the valley.

The view around here is still relatively wide. Looking up, you can vaguely see the gray sky outside the valley.

However, the valley is still silent. It may be because the production rate of sage stone in the bones here is relatively low. Even none of the survivors live here.

The source of the strange sound just now is located in the center of this flat area.

There, a twisted vortex familiar to Locke is forming.

At the first sight of the vortex, Locke couldn't help feeling a little excited.

When he quickly flew near it, an angry scold came from the depths of the vortex.

"Sol, you despicable fellow, no matter where you exile me, you can't wash away the shame of being a traitor of the sun goblins. I will come back to you for revenge in the future!" With the increasingly clear voice full of resentment, a life body with turbulent fire elements all over flew out of the vortex.

This guy may have been fighting with people before. There are certain injuries all over his body. He still has a vanity.

However, compared with its own injury and state, the fire element creature is more angry with the guy who exiled it here.

The temper of the fire element creature has never been very good. Just as the scorching sun goblin entering the desperate world wanted to vent his strength, Locke suddenly appeared in front of him, but he gave it a fright.

"What the hell are you!" The blazing sun goblins couldn't help crying out and turned on Locke, the destroyer. According to the aesthetics of the blazing sun goblins, he didn't look very good.

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