Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3478

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:40:59 AM

Chapter 3478

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"This is the third advance Fleet Command of the Republic of evandale!"

"What's the situation there? Have you found anything unusual?"

"Report to Sir, no abnormality found!"

"Well, it's a strange world."

"The magic power of this world is so thin, and where do these bones come from?"


"Sir, we have been attacked by native creatures in the world! Their strength has reached the 'magic star' level, and the seventh, eighth and ninth detachment have been destroyed successively!"

"Hold on! Our support will arrive soon!"


"Strange world, strange creatures."

"The power of these creatures is so amazing, but their illusory consciousness does not match. Is this really the end of the illusory ancestor called by the great sage?"

"Sir, are we going to move on?"

"No, stop! The loss of the fleet is more than half. I want to contact several other advance fleets entering the world first."


"Report, the fleet is under attack! It's a group of black scale creatures. They don't seem to be native creatures in the world. It's a complete Legion!"

"Turn on the ship's maximum power immediately! Block them and call home star support!"




The eye is a milky white world, without any pictures and images, only bursts of voices with obscure intonation.

This is a language that makes people feel a little dizzy. Fortunately, due to the long time and Locke's own spiritual tenacity, these obscure tones did not affect Locke too much.

Locke can understand what these voices are saying, but he doesn't know what happened because there is no real-time picture.

It seems that an alien Legion entering the desperate world is fighting with the survivors of the desperate world.

It seems to be a war between the two civilizations.

"What you just heard happened here more than 300 centuries ago." The voice of the phantom Riel suddenly reached locker.

Also with the voice of the phantom Riel falling, the Milky world in front suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance. In a moment, the brilliance disappeared, and what appeared in front of Locke and others was a strange space full of glass and crystal stones.

"More than 300 eras?!" Locke was surprised.

If an era is 10000 years, more than 300 eras are 3 million years.

The southern sage atlas, known as the "living fossil" in the wizard world, is only more than 300000 years old.

The ancient giant Ao of the Hai nationality has lived longer, but it is at best an old turtle that has lived for 500000 years.

Including those saints in the immortal region, according to the fact that they have only been sainted for more than tens of thousands of years, their life expectancy can not exceed one million years.

In other words, with Locke's current strength and level of contact, the super life he can influence or get acquainted with has only radiated for nearly a million years.

You can't reach it further. In the future Who knows if he can live a million years.

Suddenly a relic more than three million years ago appeared here. No wonder Locke was so surprised at this time.

"Where is this?" Locke touched a columnar glass crystal in front of him and asked.

At first, he entered the light door with Lilith and phantom Riel at the same time, but after entering the light door, Locke obviously felt that he and the two women were separated for a period of time.

Just as Locke was at a loss, the previous chaotic voices came.

When these voices gradually disappeared, the phantom Riel and Lilith returned to themselves again.

Although Locke knew little about the mysteries of the fairyland, he still felt that the phantom Riel should have done something for him.

Otherwise, he doesn't believe that other creatures challenging the lost illusion will experience the scene as soon as they enter it.

A voice more than three million years ago.

It was also at this time that Locke suddenly recalled what he had experienced when he was in the ruins of the civilization of the dead country in the silent starfish domain.

At that time, a picture that I don't know how many million years ago was released.

I don't know whether the timeline of the existence of the civilization of the country of death is ahead or the timeline of this dreamland at that time.

"This should be the interior of a ship of the third fleet of the Republic of evandale, probably the flagship." Replied the phantom Riel.

Although she didn't see the picture that happened more than three million years ago, Riel got more information than Locke by virtue of her perception of magic and magic power.

A different civilization dominated by magic power, and the other party's civilization strength seems to be extremely strong!

After all, not every civilization has the strength to send a fleet to explore the desperate world.

The "magic star" in the mouth of the former fleet commander should be comparable to the level of level 4 biological combat power in the star world.

The other party seems to have destroyed many survivors of the desperate world, but finally encountered a group of black scale creatures.

Locke boldly guessed that since this advance fleet had the ability to break into the desperate world and wreaked havoc in the desperate world for a period of time at the beginning, even the lowest had the strength of the top desperate.

And this is only one of the advance fleets. Who knows how many advance fleets this powerful magic civilization has invested in the desperate world, and what are their subsequent armed forces?

Why did they enter the world of despair, and where did the black scale creatures who fought against them come from?

All these problems seem to point directly to the core of the desperate world.

"This is the interior of a ship? Why is it different from the scientific and technological civilization warships we used to contact?" He took a few steps forward and touched some raised glass crystal columns in front of him. Locke could not connect the scene with a warship and spaceship anyway.

"It may be a long time of dissipation, which makes the original normal ship weathered into this glass material."

"Or the ships of the Republic of evandale are made of special materials." Lilith also touched the glass crystal columns and said.

Lilith, whose mental power is sharper than Locke, found that there is a strange element with higher concentration than other elements in addition to normal energy elements.

The power of this strange element should be the so-called "magic power".

"The boundless star world has given birth to many bright and powerful civilizations. The power system and civilization achievements of this evandale Republic have never been heard of in our wizard world before." Lilith sighed.

Indeed, with the vigorous development of the caster system in the wizard world in recent hundreds of thousands of years, many branches have emerged and evolved.

However, there are no illusionists or illusionist related classes among these spell casting classes.

Magic is a kind of extreme power. Even some creatures think that magic does not have much lethality.

But who could have thought that there would be a strange civilization in the star world that would develop magic and magic power to the extreme.


There is something at home today. There is only one watch. Please forgive me. Xiaodou will be more tomorrow

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